Active Member
Remember....I was trying to create the team that cleaves seems interested in having. But true....I have my doubts that Detroit even reaches $160mil in salary....unless they make another cost cutting trade before hand. If you are looking at a current total of over $150mil in salaries (including arbitration 'guesses'), then about another $10mil, to be spent, seems about right. I have no problem with that total. Kudos to Illitch for putting the Tiger's salary total right up there with NY, LA's and Phillies (and Seattle's????)
When and where did i ever want choo when we had fielder.....i wanted lopez and nathan once free agency started......
Why would YOU have a problem? You talk like your last name is illitch...
But we will see how cutting payroll works if we start i said, i hope im wrong and if this team wins the division with the lineup they have....ill be the first to eat crow....
I just dont see how people cried over the fielder contract....and keep worrying about the payroll....but yet act like giving miggy a 300 million dollar contract is no big deal....i love miggy, but people were complaining about fielder being signed thinking once he ages he will get real bad....but yet hes been more durable than miggy....why wont giving a mid 30's star 300 million sort of be dumb? Wont that handcuff this team worse than the fielder contract?