Well Liked Member
Well agree to an extent miamivice...but truth be told mariano riveras dont grow on trees either. He is a bit of an exception to your rule though because yes its much easier to find a guy to get three outs than pitch seven to eight innings.
I agree with you.. but fact is.. lots of closers come out of nowhere... the average closer lasts 2-4 yrs.. guys like rivera are once in a generation.. most closers are just some guy that got hot and had his stuff working at the right time... Look at the cards closer.. he was a nobody before this year.. with 4 total saves and 13 blown saves in 6 years... just got hot at the right time and got batters out when needed.. You dont have to spend top dollar for a closer... you just need good scouts and pitching coaches that can identify potential. Teams like the cards and rays do it every year.