As with a must win, your best players need to be your best players, and tonight Jimmy, Pavel, and Hank saw to it that this one wasn't going to slip away. I still can't get over how the addition of Danny DeKeyser has turned that defense around. Our d has become one that is much more conscious about their responsibilities in all 3 zones much more often than before the stork flew him into the fold. In looking to those games prior to when Danny was added, you could find flaws that led to dismal events nearly every game, whether we won or lost. In addition, that 3rd line has been quite impressive, and has become one that can be trusted on a regular basis to go beyond expectations in their responsibilities. We certainly are fortunate to have such competent personnel at the minor league levels to develop so many of these players, especially beyond many of the usual technical aspects of the game, in improving their instincts of being able to read the plays so well. These guys, in my opinion, have matured in such a short time beyond many people's wildest dreams.