Well-Known Member
you must know something me, MLB, and the rest of the world dont know...what he took.
you have a weird relationship with inference.
where did i say i knew what he took?
you must know something me, MLB, and the rest of the world dont know...what he took.
well you're sure easy to dismiss the plausible deniability he has. that in itself is where you "knew what he took". you flat out refuse to accept the very real possibility he took something legal, at the have a weird relationship with inference.
where did i say i knew what he took?
so, theoretically...yes, he very well could have tested positive for a very benign OTC item now banned.
braun ruined a mans career.Theoretically, you're right. He could have tested positive for Mark McGwire's super-duper muscle milk shake.
Theoretically, it is also possible that the guy who collected Braun's hot piss opened the container and tainted the sample because he's anti-Semitic.
Of course, people not from Boston or Milwaukee are going to be less inclined to believe those stories.
well you're sure easy to dismiss the plausible deniability he has. that in itself is where you "knew what he took". you flat out refuse to accept the very real possibility he took something legal, at the time.
i accept the plausibility he took something illegal.
problem is, we dont know...
i dont think you know what inference means...
braun ruined a mans career.
does this mean i won? :PSo, where did you hang your David Oritz fathead?
The more I thi
Ortiz SLG% went up almost 100 points between his last year with the Twins and his first in Boston.
Regarding Brantley, it's certainly possible that he's using and, based on the fact that I still think the majority of players are using, I may even say probable.
If someone came on here speculating that Brantley was juicing, I surely wouldn't be talking about products from GNC. Particularly if Brantley had actually pissed hot in the past.
totally agreedTried, anyway. That's why I think he's the biggest POS of all the MLB juicers. I put him right up there with Armstrong.
my 'groe!Personally, I think Ortiz probably used something at sometime in the past. What I don't believe is the increase in production going to Boston is anything more than remote circumstantial evidence of that (to me him being buddies with ManRam is much more damning). Players develop, find their swing, go to ballparks that are conducive to their swing, etc.
I have no idea of is whether he is currently using or has used since the more stringent testing has been in place.
my 'groe!
whasts happenin?
Personally, I think Ortiz probably used something at sometime in the past. What I don't believe is the increase in production going to Boston is anything more than remote circumstantial evidence of that (to me him being buddies with ManRam is much more damning). Players develop, find their swing, go to ballparks that are conducive to their swing, etc.
I have no idea of is whether he is currently using or has used since the more stringent testing has been in place.
Nada. Just waiting for opening day. And lamenting my shitty fantasy draft last night.
thats intimidating alrightI didn't draft a pitcher until the 9th round, but accorrding to some dumbasss chart JETS posted, I still have a top 5 pitching staff.
I'm calling my Team Rocko Strongo so i can intimidate my opponents. Yam immediately gaylisted me.
does this mean i won? :p
it appears so.
It means I no longer have the inclination to debate David Ortiz's possible steroid usage with a guy who is such an Ortiz fan that he thinks he'll a 1st ballot HOFer.
If your ego requires a win/loss outcome, I suggest a poll to see what Sports SportsHoopla thinks.
In 2003, I think David Ortiz tested positive for:
1) steroids
2) GNC's super duper weight gain protein bars, or the like
well rather than continue to debate logically you asked me if i had a david ortiz fathead.
we call that deflection.
and i said i believe he is a first ballot HOFer. is my opinion...wrong?
weirdIf you think he's more of a first ballot HOFer than Piazza and Bagwell, then yes, it's a wrong opinion.