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David Lee


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I wonder if the new Sac owner had as big of a hard on for Lee as Lacob does. If so, this is more of a future salary cap trade, but I'd try to trade David Lee for Jason Thompson and John Salmons. Salmons' contract is up at the end of the year, but Thompson still has 4 years left at around 6mil, which saves the team about 9 mil a year.

Next year with Bogut($14mil) and Salmons($8mil) coming off the books the Warriors should have enough to offer a player a near max deal. They could try to resign Bogut after signing a max player too.


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I wonder if the new Sac owner had as big of a hard on for Lee as Lacob does. If so, this is more of a future salary cap trade, but I'd try to trade David Lee for Jason Thompson and John Salmons. Salmons' contract is up at the end of the year, but Thompson still has 4 years left at around 6mil, which saves the team about 9 mil a year.

Next year with Bogut($14mil) and Salmons($8mil) coming off the books the Warriors should have enough to offer a player a near max deal. They could try to resign Bogut after signing a max player too.

Interesting proposal, if it gives the Warriors enough cap space to add a big FA then I think I would do that deal. I like Thompson, he is only 27, but I don't think Sac does this. I think they are trying to create cap space right now. I know most Warrior fans know how terrible Lee's defense is and the playoff success has seemed to make him expendable, but I'm still on the fence trading him to simply get rid of his deal.


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Interesting proposal, if it gives the Warriors enough cap space to add a big FA then I think I would do that deal. I like Thompson, he is only 27, but I don't think Sac does this. I think they are trying to create cap space right now. I know most Warrior fans know how terrible Lee's defense is and the playoff success has seemed to make him expendable, but I'm still on the fence trading him to simply get rid of his deal.

Thompson can fill the role that this team needs Lee to play. I read that they need to ship Thornton out to make some cap space, though. Hard-on or no, I don't think the deal works for Sac. It would definitely help the Warriors in the next four years without hindering this season much. I like it, kicks. Here's hoping the new love for Lee exceeds the old, reasonably-priced love for Thompson. A Lee-Cousins front court looks good on paper, but if DeMarcus keeps taking some of the shots he took in his first three years, it could be disastrous. I think Cousins is more than capable of protecting the rim. I just don't know how often he wants to take on that role. He might do best as a PF with a Dalembert-type front court mate. That would relegate Thompson to the bench, but on his salary, 20-25 minutes per night isn't bad at all.

How about Jason Thompson/Cousins/Thornton for Lee/Klay/Bogut? ;) I know it seems like I'm trying to unload Klay and Bogut at every turn. I would be very happy with this roster if it remained the same this year. I just worry about Bogut's injuries and Lee's contract. Klay is the only "expendable" piece that would convince teams to take them on. Thornton and Douglas might be a little redundant, but Marcus has more of a track record of taking games over (especially against the Dubs), and could be the next Jamal Crawford. Either way, I really enjoy the outside-the-box thinking. There was a time when blockbuster trades between division rivals was laughed off before discussion. This is fun.


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I think with every FA pretty much choosing to go elsewhere, even with the Kings offering more money, they'd jump at a chance to acquire an All-Star PF(I'm not a Lee fan, but he deserved it for what he did in the first half of the season). I don't know how the Lee/Cousins front court would do, but that's what the coaches are for. Cousins has shown he doesn't have chemistry with whoever they put next to him, so they might as well put him next to an All-Star and see how that goes.

Also, I would've put Thornton instead of Salmons, but I think Thornton is the better/more productive player of the two and provides a lot more value. I also read that they were trying to dump Salmons' salary.