New Member
Can't it be both?Are you trying to be annoying or is it just a natural gift?
I just think it's lame when people go after a person's screenname, especially if they can't even bother to actually read it.
Can't it be both?Are you trying to be annoying or is it just a natural gift?
Are you trying to be annoying or is it just a natural gift?
Where does my screen name indicate that? I don't see anything about being smarter than anybody.
Enjoy the game today worrld, your Sox are good but not great, and certainly not champions.
BigD, deep down, you know the yankees are better than the Dodgers, right?
never said they were great
and I don't think they are good enough to win a title
but then again, I had them winning 84 games and finishing third or fourth
yankees arent champions either
and they arent better than the Sox
Well will just have to see IF they make they playoffs to find out. My team is locked in, so, that should say something right there.
Complaints about the N.L, and N.L West, in 3..............2................
Anyone besides me playing the guy who has Peyton Manning this week in FF?
Hello 0-1
Dodgers would be leading all but one or two divisions in baseball right now, they arent a product of a bad division, they are beatin everyone
cept the team that isnt as good as the yankees
I don't do football, but that was pretty much my thought driving in today.
Interesting that a team thats 9 out & virtually eliminated is better than the one thats got a lock on the Div...
Who doesn't love a fat guy running the bases. Panda pounds a triple.
How is 2 1/2 out with 3 weeks to go "virtually eliminated"?
Wonderful math skills