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Cousins' value


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Being able to run is not the same as relying on it.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlQYIFDJLr8]kordell stewart jets 80 yards on Panthers - YouTube[/ame][YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE]

how about this one ?


US ARMY retired /mod.
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now all 3 qbs i have shown videos for that are on my list are known as qbs who ran a lot and relied on it to make plays just like RG3

so stop the foolishness . i just showed you 3 guys on my list who at the beginning of their careers were every bit the threat to run as RG3 and who played at least a decade or more in the nfl

and any long term football fan knows about slash and RC and they relied on running just as staubach did early in his career

so did steve young


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Jul 18, 2013
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How is RG3 a "run first QB" when he throws it over 20 times and has designed runs (either hand off or keeps it) 10 times?


US ARMY retired /mod.
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How is RG3 a "run first QB" when he throws it over 20 times and has designed runs (either hand off or keeps it) 10 times?

GK this guy is really hoping that we do make Rg3 a pocket passer and he really doesnt want him to run the pistol formation or the read option play . . it helps opposing defenses defend him if he doesnt have that running threat

that is what all these "RG3 's health concern " threads are designed to do .

what opposing fans havent grasped or who want to put their "finger in our eye " is that we are going to run our offense period and no amount of chatter will change it

we are not taking away a major part of a guys game away

why else would you come out and say a RC or steve young or slash were pass 1st qbs when the evidence points out otherwise ? those guys RAN the ball and defenses HAD to defend it whether they were pass 1st or not

teams couldnt sell out on the pass rush and often had to have "spies " on defense to keep their running in check

now either this guy is to young to know those players i have mentioned or he doesnt want to admit he is wrong

now i brought video evidence to the debate and he hasnt brought anything else to the table except some BS that cant be backed up .

now if you have a stat that shows running qbs are more prone to injury then put up or shut up


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I didn't say he is. But one designed run all season is a risk you shouldn't take. Within the next 5 years he can be the best in the NFL as a passer. He doesn't need to be put at risk with designed runs. Let him use his athleticism as the play allows, but when you call runs for him you're fucking up. Every single time.


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GK this guy is really hoping that we do make Rg3 a pocket passer and he really doesnt want him to run the pistol formation or the read option play . . it helps opposing defenses defend him if he doesnt have that running threat

that is what all these "RG3 's health concern " threads are designed to do .

what opposing fans havent grasped or who want to put their "finger in our eye " is that we are going to run our offense period and no amount of chatter will change it

we are not taking away a major part of a guys game away

why else would you come out and say a RC or steve young or slash were pass 1st qbs when the evidence points out otherwise ? those guys RAN the ball and defenses HAD to defend it whether they were pass 1st or not

teams couldnt sell out on the pass rush and often had to have "spies " on defense to keep their running in check

now either this guy is to young to know those players i have mentioned or he doesnt want to admit he is wrong

now i brought video evidence to the debate and he hasnt brought anything else to the table except some BS that cant be backed up .

now if you have a stat that shows running qbs are more prone to injury then put up or shut up

Because showing someone is capable of running has anything to do with how reliant on it they were.


ESPN Cast Off
Jul 2, 2013
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I didn't say he is. But one designed run all season is a risk you shouldn't take. Within the next 5 years he can be the best in the NFL as a passer. He doesn't need to be put at risk with designed runs. Let him use his athleticism as the play allows, but when you call runs for him you're fucking up. Every single time.

You make no sense what so ever. A designed run is too risky, but keeping a QB in the pocket with the one of the worst RTs in the NFL isn't. You haven't a clue about RG3 or our team, yet you come on here and act like you are some expert that has done extensive study on this subject.

You know what I think it is? I think you are whistling past the grave yard. Dad is on track. Your team has Brady and Mallett. There is an old saying, when you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Well, in your case, when you have a one dimensional pocket QB, then you can only hope that the league doesn't evolve into the need for a mobile, multidimensional QB.

Do you realize how idiotic you sound by stating the Skins should negate a major part of the capabilities that makes RG3 so great. Not that he couldn't be a very good pocket passer, but he has the potential to be a game changing QB with his multiple threats. Again, show us empirical evidence that mobile QBs get hurt more than pocket QBs. If you can't, please just STFU.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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Because showing someone is capable of running has anything to do with how reliant on it they were.

RC and stewart were clearly reliant on the run as was steve young esp. early in there careers if you dont KNOW that or cant SEE that then one of 2 things is going on here

either you dont have the football knowledge or history on these guys to have this conversation or

you are just blowing smoke to stir the pot .

and i dont see how you would think any NFL team would strip a guy of a great portion of his game on purpose

now stop dodging , bring the stats that state pocket passers are safer then mobile ones ?


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Jul 8, 2013
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Did you guys watch the ESPN Sunday Conversation with RG3 last night? I thought it was good that RG3 specifically mentioned the Ngata hit vs. the Ravens & the Seahawks game as reminders that he would constantly use these reminders to tell himself to do a better job of protecting himself. To me - & many others - this is is the key to his long term health.

I have no doubt that the Skins will scale down the designed runs for RG3 but not eliminate them altogether & anyone who maintains that those plays were the reasons for his injuries is pretty much clueless. His main injury was sustained when he was in the pocket & subsequently scrambled. If RG3 uses a little more common sense & keeps his ego in check he should be fine (as much as you would expect for a QB in the NFL). I feel confident that he has learned a lot in this area & will adapt accordingly.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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Did you guys watch the ESPN Sunday Conversation with RG3 last night? I thought it was good that RG3 specifically mentioned the Ngata hit vs. the Ravens & the Seahawks game as reminders that he would constantly use these reminders to tell himself to do a better job of protecting himself. To me - & many others - this is is the key to his long term health.

I have no doubt that the Skins will scale down the designed runs for RG3 but not eliminate them altogether & anyone who maintains that those plays were the reasons for his injuries is pretty much clueless. His main injury was sustained when he was in the pocket & subsequently scrambled. If RG3 uses a little more common sense & keeps his ego in check he should be fine (as much as you would expect for a QB in the NFL). I feel confident that he has learned a lot in this area & will adapt accordingly.

JDM has been shown that numerous times . not once was RG3 hurt on a designed run , not once . everytime he was injured it was a result of being flushed from the pocket and being forced to move .

this is what makes JDM's statements foolish and it shows that his real motive is to not have to defend the whole RG3 package


ESPN Cast Off
Jul 2, 2013
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I don't know how much more we can limit his runs. He was only running 5-6 times a game. I think the difference is he is going to be much smarter about using the sideline and the slide to protect himself. He is bright and he knows he was responsible for his own health out there. He also realizes that this isn't the NCAA. They are much bigger and faster in the NFL.


ESPN Cast Off
Jul 2, 2013
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JDM has been shown that numerous times . not once was RG3 hurt on a designed run , not once . everytime he was injured it was a result of being flushed from the pocket and being forced to move .

this is what makes JDM's statements foolish and it shows that his real motive is to not have to defend the whole RG3 package

JDM talks out of his ass. He states opinions as facts yet he can't back them up when questioned. You notice how he never responds when asked where he is getting his "facts" from? In this regard, he is worse than a troll. I have no problem with those with opposing views that want to come on here and debate, but don't act like you are the end all with the information then disappear when you are questioned.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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"why else would you come out and say a RC or steve young or slash were pass 1st qbs when the evidence points out otherwise ? those guys RAN the ball and defenses HAD to defend it whether they were pass 1st or not "

Now JDM did you not comprehend this ?" those guys RAN the ball and defenses HAD to defend it whether they were pass 1st or not "

your whole debate is shot down in flames . those guys i listed were running qbs who had long careers

now come up with some stats proving pocket passers are in fact safer this is the 3rd time you have been asked to produce and you still havent


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Jul 6, 2013
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Would love to see Gruden back coaching.... just said he'd give up a first rounder for Cousins.


ESPN Cast Off
Jul 2, 2013
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Yeah, maybe he could go back to the.......Raiders! And then he could give us their 1st for cousins. I'd be happy.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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Because showing someone is capable of running has anything to do with how reliant on it they were.

Would love to see Gruden back coaching.... just said he'd give up a first rounder for Cousins.

b-man would love you warpath :laugh3:

but it kind of shoots down the debate that KC wont draw a 1st rounder

oops my multi quote skills are in its infancy


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I didn't say he is. But one designed run all season is a risk you shouldn't take. Within the next 5 years he can be the best in the NFL as a passer. He doesn't need to be put at risk with designed runs. Let him use his athleticism as the play allows, but when you call runs for him you're fucking up. Every single time.

Let me make sure that I understand certain things as it relates to your opinion. Let's say the Redskins take your advice - do you believe that this would address most/all of the issue & protect RG3 from injury for the most part? How do you factor in his willingness to change - run out of bounds, slide more often, avoid confronting tacklers, etc?

I am just trying to determine if you are looking at this issue from all sides. The idea that just making him a pocket passer will protect him for the most part is extremely naive IMO. Tons of pocket passers get injured all of the time. Will be interested in seeing your reply.


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Jul 10, 2013
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I didn't say he is. But one designed run all season is a risk you shouldn't take. Within the next 5 years he can be the best in the NFL as a passer. He doesn't need to be put at risk with designed runs. Let him use his athleticism as the play allows, but when you call runs for him you're fucking up. Every single time.
Afraid I have to agree with you.


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Jul 10, 2013
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You make no sense what so ever. A designed run is too risky, but keeping a QB in the pocket with the one of the worst RTs in the NFL isn't. You haven't a clue about RG3 or our team, yet you come on here and act like you are some expert that has done extensive study on this subject.

You know what I think it is? I think you are whistling past the grave yard. Dad is on track. Your team has Brady and Mallett. There is an old saying, when you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Well, in your case, when you have a one dimensional pocket QB, then you can only hope that the league doesn't evolve into the need for a mobile, multidimensional QB.

Do you realize how idiotic you sound by stating the Skins should negate a major part of the capabilities that makes RG3 so great. Not that he couldn't be a very good pocket passer, but he has the potential to be a game changing QB with his multiple threats. Again, show us empirical evidence that mobile QBs get hurt more than pocket QBs. If you can't, please just STFU.
I'd have to agree with you, too.