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Cousins Doesn't Deserve A Longterm Contract


US ARMY retired /mod.
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He made bad decisions all game. Decision that rookies make. Game situations had eluded KC all year. Whether it was game #1 against dallas or tonight. He constantly forces throws and creates turnovers. This is why I can't see paying him over 20M per season.
give me a replacement dean , a name and not some mystery BS


Jul 14, 2013
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give me a replacement dean , a name and not some mystery BS

I don't like this. You don't have to have somebody better in order to replace him. Ideally you do but figuring out wether to keep kirk has 100% to do with wether he's good enough and 0% to do with wether he's the best thing we've had in 30 years or who will replace him next year.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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I don't like this. You don't have to have somebody better in order to replace him. Ideally you do but figuring out wether to keep kirk has 100% to do with wether he's good enough and 0% to do with wether he's the best thing we've had in 30 years or who will replace him next year.

no where in that statement does it say better it says give me a name a replacement


US ARMY retired /mod.
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But why does he have to name one if it doesn't matter. I mean I could name qbs all day.
i am saying you want KC gone so who do you line up and i asked him

Darrell Green Fan

The Voice of Reason
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OK I'll admit STFU was a bit strong. But I am so tired of this overreaction. Of course Dad's request to come up with a better option is completely valid for those crying that we should let Kirk go. Again if the plan is to let him walk you need to supply another plan or I might just have to say STFU again. :)

Darrell Green Fan

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The answer that you just gave me is in part what you're seeing from some in the fan base and elsewhere. Let me explain; I honestly don't believe that there is ANY desire to go back to the J. Campbell, John Beck Train wreck days but more a belief that with a properly run front office, competent Coaches and UPGRADES just like the ones that you pointed to this team can compete and possibly win a SB.

Given that, I will not attempt to speak for the knee jerk, throw the bums out crowd, but rather for those like myself, who have historical references about what average, above average and excellent players look like. For those folks, what I believe you get is a very natural, very logical, very progressive look at our team where yesterday's upgrades leads to today's upgrades and from there tomorrow's upgrades.

In the moment, competitive seems to be a major step forward for those who, as you rightly pointed out were once the Campbells and Becks, but where do you go from there if the goal is winning it all? I say go from competitive to near locks to making playoff appearances and from there on to SB glory. How this is done depends on a particular perspective. For the stay the course with a pretty good QB, then the obvious fix has to do with upgrading elsewhere, but, what if... you could go from pretty good to very good at QB as well like other championship level teams seem to do?

To me the argument has never been about Kirk per se, but, GMSM who either believes that he can not get better at QB.....OR.....that he can! I just happen to believe that, drafting/acquiring players who compete for starting jobs, takes us from competitive to champions. In that regard I was, if you remember, the first to call for Bruce Allen's replacement. SM is still an open question for me, he's done some good work and for the record getting rid of Cousins is NOT the way forward. That said, having Colt McCoy and drafting Nate Sudfield....I repeat Nate Sudfield!! in line doesn't serve us well in determining whether or not Cousins can go IMHO, from pretty good to very good.

Nice work Stymie, what a well presented post.


Jul 14, 2013
State College, PA
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OK I'll admit STFU was a bit strong. But I am so tired of this overreaction. Of course Dad's request to come up with a better option is completely valid for those crying that we should let Kirk go. Again if the plan is to let him walk you need to supply another plan or I might just have to say STFU again. :)

I disagree with that. I think the decision to keep kirk has everything to do with wether we think he's good enough. If he is then we pay him and keep him. If he isn't, we let him go and it doesn't matter how we plan on replacing him wether it's romo tyrod hoyer or a 1st round pick.

Darrell Green Fan

The Voice of Reason
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I disagree with that. I think the decision to keep kirk has everything to do with wether we think he's good enough. If he is then we pay him and keep him. If he isn't, we let him go and it doesn't matter how we plan on replacing him wether it's romo tyrod hoyer or a 1st round pick.

Well then we will never agree. If the belief is Kirk will never be good enough, the same Kirk who has thrown for 9,000 yards in 2 years, and the plan is to walk away from him and go with Hoyer, Romo or Nate Freaking Sudfeld well I think it's valid to criticize that plan.


Jul 14, 2013
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Well then we will never agree. If the belief is Kirk will never be good enough, the same Kirk who has thrown for 9,000 yards in 2 years, and the plan is to go with Hoyer, Romo or Nate Freaking Sudfeld well I think it's valid to criticize that plan.

You're not understanding me. For one I never said kirk was or wasn't good enough. But lets say hypothetically we agreed he wasn't - why does it matter who replaces him? I don't want one of hoyer romo or sudfeld but if it was decided kirk wasn't good enough then taking one of those guys for less till we find our guy is what you have to do.


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You're not understanding me. For one I never said kirk was or wasn't good enough. But lets say hypothetically we agreed he wasn't - why does it matter who replaces him? I don't want one of hoyer romo or sudfeld but if it was decided kirk wasn't good enough then taking one of those guys for less till we find our guy is what you have to do.

The problem with this logic is that if you are taking some one who you KNOW cant get it done over some one who has already performed well for you, you are basically going right back into the we are looking for a QB and thus will expend those resources in the search mode. We dont resign Kirk, and QB automatically becomes the top draft need AGAIN. Over D-line, Safety or any other position. I have long said Kirk will likely never be elite. And yes he has had some bad games, yesterday being one of them. But then again our run game did nothing yesterday. And while the defense technically held NY to 13 points, thats not a great performance over a team that is averaging 19.4 points per game any way.

But then again, IM sticking by my statement from last night. At this point I hope they let him hit FA and walk. Because I dont think half the fan base will ever warm up to him and you simply cant commit $20 or more a year to a QB that the Front office is lukewarm at best on. So let him walk... maybe we will get a 7th round Comp pick out of it in the end.


Jul 14, 2013
State College, PA
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The problem with this logic is that if you are taking some one who you KNOW cant get it done over some one who has already performed well for you, you are basically going right back into the we are looking for a QB and thus will expend those resources in the search mode. We dont resign Kirk, and QB automatically becomes the top draft need AGAIN. Over D-line, Safety or any other position. I have long said Kirk will likely never be elite. And yes he has had some bad games, yesterday being one of them. But then again our run game did nothing yesterday. And while the defense technically held NY to 13 points, thats not a great performance over a team that is averaging 19.4 points per game any way.

But then again, IM sticking by my statement from last night. At this point I hope they let him hit FA and walk. Because I dont think half the fan base will ever warm up to him and you simply cant commit $20 or more a year to a QB that the Front office is lukewarm at best on. So let him walk... maybe we will get a 7th round Comp pick out of it in the end.

I think you can go about searching for a QB more responsibly than you have in the past. But yes if Kirk isnt good enough you have to find somebody who is and that's not easy.

Darrell Green Fan

The Voice of Reason
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I get what ehb is saying, but that is still a plan. A plan to fail for the next few years while we attempt to start over. Again. And hope to beat the odds in 2 years in the draft. This is in fact a plan and a plan I have been critical of.

What is the biggest difference between this team and the one that won 5 games 2 years ago? The play of the QB. We had the same crap defense, a better running game but worse pass protection (although obviously Griffin made it appear worse). The Redskins know this and even if I disagree that you can win with a middle of the road QB with a great team I understand that SM has this belief. And KC has shown to be much better than middle of the road.


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I think you can go about searching for a QB more responsibly than you have in the past. But yes if Kirk isnt good enough you have to find somebody who is and that's not easy.

So the real issue comes down to whats good enough. As I have said before, I think the prevailing thought is, good enough starts and ends with elite as far as this fan base is concerned. So aside from walking away from Kirk and drafting yet another QB in the first round, how else do you think we find an elite QB??? Brady, Romo, Wilson and Prescott were all luck for the most part, as most had been deemed NOT franchise material at the time of their drafting.


Jul 14, 2013
State College, PA
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So the real issue comes down to whats good enough. As I have said before, I think the prevailing thought is, good enough starts and ends with elite as far as this fan base is concerned. So aside from walking away from Kirk and drafting yet another QB in the first round, how else do you think we find an elite QB??? Brady, Romo, Wilson and Prescott were all luck for the most part, as most had been deemed NOT franchise material at the time of their drafting.

I think it's tough to have that conversation because everybody has different definitions for elite and different definitions for franchise qb and different thoughts on what qualifies as actually being good enough. But you're exactly right. We need to decide what's good enough and if Kirk is good enough.


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we can always draft watson if sm and scouts like him


ESPN Cast Off
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I don't like this. You don't have to have somebody better in order to replace him. Ideally you do but figuring out wether to keep kirk has 100% to do with wether he's good enough and 0% to do with wether he's the best thing we've had in 30 years or who will replace him next year.
Huh? You don't need a better replacement? ehb5, you are an intelligent poster, but this makes no sense whatsoever. How is this team improved if we trot out a worse QB but we save $10M/year?


Jul 14, 2013
State College, PA
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I get what ehb is saying, but that is still a plan. A plan to fail for the next few years while we attempt to start over. Again. And hope to beat the odds in 2 years in the draft. This is in fact a plan and a plan I have been critical of.

What is the biggest difference between this team and the one that won 5 games 2 years ago? The play of the QB. We had the same crap defense, a better running game but worse pass protection (although obviously Griffin made it appear worse). The Redskins know this and even if I disagree that you can win with a middle of the road QB with a great team I understand that SM has this belief. And KC has shown to be much better than middle of the road.

Or its a plan that gives us a chance to get a QB who is good enough rather than accepting one that is not good enough (again - this is all given a hypothetical world where we have decided kirk is not good enough). I think it's pretty impossible to criticize a plan that is the only alternative to "not good enough" but maybe that's just me.

As for wether kirk is good enough, what do you define a s middle of the road? And where do you see kirk in the qb heirarchy?


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Here are the issues that I see you guys going back and forth over.

1. Stay with Kirk and pay him (some say over pay) for his services

2. Let him walk and some say start over with whomever's or spend picks to move up in search of "That guy"

Am I correct in this assertion?