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Conference Pride


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Jul 2, 2013
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So, one SEC guys speaks for us all. :L

The SEC dominance is 7 straight NCs, dominating the NFL draft, dominating the recruiting, having 5 teams in the top 10 at the end of the year, starting off this year with 1/3 of the top 25, dominating baseball, (unfortunately, not dominating hoops, although with Ky and UF we got something going for the conference, but we definitely need to do better in hoops), and dominating a lot of secondary sports like swimming, golf, tennis, track and field, etc. And then the SECN. Those are all signs of the SEC dominance that either arose from the Team SEC concept, or caused it. In all most posts, I always acknowledge the cyclical nature of college football. But, 1 year of no NC doesn't swing the cycle.

As to the Bowls, the dominance didn't happen in a year, it doesn't end in a year. Moverover, the SEC still had the best bowl record IIRC. What, and 5 teams in the top 10, or something like that.

My thoughts on it, who was tired of all the B1G BS in the 90s and early 00s.

Teams win titles, not conferences, so I can understand why UGA fans suck off Bama, LSU and UF, simply b/c UGA never contends for NC's. You say SEC domination, but it's really maybe 3 or 4 teams out of 14 that matter. Over half of your conference sucks. Top heavy, excellent, no doubt, but in reality, over half of the teams in the SEC fucking suck. Anyway, with that being said, I don't give two shits if other schools in the Big 12 are winning. This Team SEC mindset that teabagging the shit out of each other b/c it makes my team look better if our conference bros are winning is stupid. If Bama or LSU goes undefeated, the rest of the SEC members could suck and it wouldn't matter, those teams are playing for a NC. If Texas goes undefeated any year, they're playing in the playoff, guaranteed. I don't need to cheer for TTECH, Okie jr, TCU, etc at all; fuck them and especially FUCK THOSE BASTARDS FROM NORMAN; it will be a cold day in hell before you ever see me cheering for those fucktards. I still remember back in '06 after UF won the BCS title, pathetic and ghey UGA fans were on ESPN congratulating UF for winning the BCS title b/c, "It makes the SEC conference look better". Since then, I laugh at the notion those two are supposedly bitter rivals.

Fans of Bama, LSU, UF and AU don't need to look pathetic like UGA fans or other SEC fans and get on their knees; their teams get it done. My Bama alumni fans are the coolest, most arrogant peeps I know and I love hanging out with them and they don't give two shits about the other SEC schools. They only care about the Tide.


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Aug 18, 2014
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Yeah, but see how well it has worked for us. You anti-conference guys would puke if you watched some of the SECN promos where all these well known athletes talk about being part of a team AND conference. Barkley even said if there were SEC colors, he would wear them. I'm glad you guys don't get it ... SEC domination will continue.

Could it be that the SECN has a vested interest in fostering a kumbaya atmosphere and having as many fans of as many schools as possible buy into it? :L

Also, thanks for letting us in on the true secret. I had no idea Alabama was doing so well because Vanderbilt and Kentucky fans were cheering them on. Here I was thinking that it had to do with the quality of athletes on the team and having a great coach.


Sic 'em Dawgs ... woof!
Apr 16, 2013
Cary, NC
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I understood at the end of that season they were no longer a DYNASTY since the dynasty was dictated by top 5 finishes which has yet to be repeated and will probably never be repeated.
I've always admired FSU for that run. Especially because of the difficulty of the schedule. But, who made the definition of "dynasty" Top 5 finishes? Do you equate a "dynasty" with "dominance" because that is what you are writing.

Now you claim continued dominance. What is that dominance indicated by? What are your metrics of dominance? Championships, Big bowl wins, or something else. Since you claim I am not understanding what the SEC guys see as dominance explain it to me.
I didn't claim continued dominance. I simply pointed out the fallacy of your statement that not winning 1 NC didn't necessarily end what I and many others perceive as the dominant conference. After the NC loss, the SEC still had 3 of the top 5 and 4 of the top 10 teams, were 7-3 in bowl games with the best win percentage, lead all conferences in the NFL draft, and had 7 of the top 10 recruiting classes. Then there is the whole SECN, which is a big win in a number of ways. While I don't believe in pre-season polls, having 8 of the top 24 would indicate that those purportedly in the know are anticipating continued dominance (although I am going to enjoy watching the PAC this year ... I think we are going to see some really good football from that conference). I might be forgetting a few things, but that works for me.


Sic 'em Dawgs ... woof!
Apr 16, 2013
Cary, NC
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Could it be that the SECN has a vested interest in fostering a kumbaya atmosphere and having as many fans of as many schools as possible buy into it? :L

Also, thanks for letting us in on the true secret. I had no idea Alabama was doing so well because Vanderbilt and Kentucky fans were cheering them on. Here I was thinking that it had to do with the quality of athletes on the team and having a great coach.
You are welcome. Glad I could assist. Of course the SECN has a vested interest ... I just said that non-SEC people would throw up if they saw some of the promotions. You must not have been here when a previous thread by Brasky threw up all over the place for a SECN ad that was far less sickening to non-SEC people as the new ones are. I will try to find it ...


Sic 'em Dawgs ... woof!
Apr 16, 2013
Cary, NC
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Teams win titles, not conferences, so I can understand why UGA fans suck off Bama, LSU and UF, simply b/c UGA never contends for NC's. You say SEC domination, but it's really maybe 3 or 4 teams out of 14 that matter. Over half of your conference sucks. Top heavy, excellent, no doubt, but in reality, over half of the teams in the SEC fucking suck. Anyway, with that being said, I don't give two shits if other schools in the Big 12 are winning. This Team SEC mindset that teabagging the shit out of each other b/c it makes my team look better if our conference bros are winning is stupid. If Bama or LSU goes undefeated, the rest of the SEC members could suck and it wouldn't matter, those teams are playing for a NC. If Texas goes undefeated any year, they're playing in the playoff, guaranteed. I don't need to cheer for TTECH, Okie jr, TCU, etc at all; fuck them and especially FUCK THOSE BASTARDS FROM NORMAN; it will be a cold day in hell before you ever see me cheering for those fucktards. I still remember back in '06 after UF won the BCS title, pathetic and ghey UGA fans were on ESPN congratulating UF for winning the BCS title b/c, "It makes the SEC conference look better". Since then, I laugh at the notion those two are supposedly bitter rivals.

Fans of Bama, LSU, UF and AU don't need to look pathetic like UGA fans or other SEC fans and get on their knees; their teams get it done. My Bama alumni fans are the coolest, most arrogant peeps I know and I love hanging out with them and they don't give two shits about the other SEC schools. They only care about the Tide.
LOL! Texas is about has hapless as UGa ... you guys do more with less more often than UGa does. No wonder this appears to have hit a nerve. By the way, the thread is about "conference pride" hence the conference discussion.

As to 3 or 4 teams, that is the interesting part of the SEC run ... 5 different teams won BCS titles ... we are dominated by one team like the BigXII is by Oklahoma ... see what I did there? And, they typically have about 6-8 teams in the top 25 at the end of the years, including my Dawgs in most years, so once again it isn't just a few teams like you say. And, yes, my Dawgs don't have a NC since 81, but I recall the big badass UT going something like 40 years between titles. Once again, so similar in their futility.
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Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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From what I see the fans most likely to have this 'conference pride' you speak of are those whose team finishes between just out of contention to bottom dweller and is a form of nut swinging that makes them feel better about not having their team worth crowing about.

We might poke at Bama fans about team SEC, but it's usually auburn fans on down that really bang that drum and it comes up most often when people are banging on their team. A lot easier to say 'yeah, well SEC' than talking about their teams short comings.

And yes, after Auburn did something last year you didn't see nearly the team SEC out of them you did the prior two years so I know there's something to that.

Team Pac? Naw, I know my team has sucked and hasn't deserved any talk about elite programs in a long time. No need to deny it by hanging on to other teams coattails. We leave that to folks down south. :whistle:


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Are you talking about UCLA? USC? or the Arizona Schools?:pound:

Funny you should bring up schools with strong histories of academic excellence. :whistle: Ok, maybe not as much the zona schools, but still none of them have kids cheating in school to stay eligible that I've heard about. You?


Aug 14, 2011
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I fully know what I wrote.

I understood at the end of that season they were no longer a DYNASTY since the dynasty was dictated by top 5 finishes which has yet to be repeated and will probably never be repeated.

Now you claim continued dominance. What is that dominance indicated by? What are your metrics of dominance? Championships, Big bowl wins, or something else. Since you claim I am not understanding what the SEC guys see as dominance explain it to me.

Don't want to get in the middle of yalls feud, but I disagree on this topic. I'll use my own team for example...Alabama's dynasty didn't end just because they lost 3 games in 2010. It started in 2008 and is still rolling imo. This past Sugar Bowl loss didn't end it either in my opinion, unless we come out and suck it up this year, and the next....etc.

Like Bama, the SEC as a whole still had a great year despite not winning the national title. I think you need to see consecutive years where a team or conference doesn't seem to bounce back, before you can declare the run or dynasty to be over.

Like LawDawg has said, just look at how well the conference did last year, better than anyone. Heck, if the barn had a QB that could throw an accurate pass every now and then the NC might've looked different.


Sic 'em Dawgs ... woof!
Apr 16, 2013
Cary, NC
Hoopla Cash
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I've written this before, and I wish I'd kept it. Here is why I am an SEC fan:

1. Born and bred UF Gator as my dad went to undergrad and law school there. I went to Vandy undergrad, and UGa law school. So, I start with 3 of the 14 schools that I follow. Now, I talk trash to the UF posters here, and go on about the UGa v. UF thing, but I can't root against UF unless they are playing UGa when I've been to about 100 of their games and spent my Falls during my youth in Gainesville.

2. I am from the south, so I have friends and family that went to every SEC school. On my dad's side we have grads from Bama, Auburn, Ole Miss and LSU. I lived in KC for about 3 years, so have a lot of Missouri friends. TAMU is probably the only SEC team where I don't have multiple friends who went there. And, now - I'm 55 - I have friends who have kids at all these schools. Of course I am not going to pull against them. We give each other friendly shit, but at the end of the day, I want my friends to be happy so I want their teams to win, unless they are playing UGa or Vandy.

3. I don't get the whole idea of "hating" another team. Maybe it is my advanced age, but I have better things to do in life - except when I am wasting time here - than to expend energy on hating another team. So when I hear people here say, I hate TT, or UT or OU, my response is get a life. You really hate a sports team?

4. Finally, I truly believe that if my conference is perceived as a powerful conference it will inure to the benefit of my time. It all started when Auburn got left out in 03, I think it was. And almost happened again when the UM v. OSU rematch looked like it might happen. I think we have seen the SEC get the benefit of the doubt enough the past 5 years to see that this makes sense.

So, yeah, unless they are playing UGa or Vandy, I am pulling for the SEC teams.


Doh! mer
Aug 20, 2014
Northern California
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Funny you should bring up schools with strong histories of academic excellence. :whistle: Ok, maybe not as much the zona schools, but still none of them have kids cheating in school to stay eligible that I've heard about. You?
Makes me ill to even think about it. :L:L:L:L


Doh! mer
Aug 20, 2014
Northern California
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I know, it's really sad and I was just having a little fun.
I work in the higher ed biz. I know that students cheat. That's just a reality of the world. And if it is just students cheating, Notre Dame has shown that they will deal with the individuals. But this sounds like it runs a lot deeper. In which case, irrespective of the negative implications to the records of athletic programs, I hope they excise the cancer(s) and get the friggin' problem fixed.


John: 8:36
Apr 16, 2013
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Where is smiles?

Boy he would have had a good time the last week eh?

The Crimson King

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So, one SEC guys speaks for us all. :L

The SEC dominance is 7 straight NCs, dominating the NFL draft, dominating the recruiting, having 5 teams in the top 10 at the end of the year, starting off this year with 1/3 of the top 25, dominating baseball, (unfortunately, not dominating hoops, although with Ky and UF we got something going for the conference, but we definitely need to do better in hoops), and dominating a lot of secondary sports like swimming, golf, tennis, track and field, etc. And then the SECN. Those are all signs of the SEC dominance that either arose from the Team SEC concept, or caused it. In all most posts, I always acknowledge the cyclical nature of college football. But, 1 year of no NC doesn't swing the cycle.

As to the Bowls, the dominance didn't happen in a year, it doesn't end in a year. Moverover, the SEC still had the best bowl record IIRC. What, and 5 teams in the top 10, or something like that.

My thoughts on it, who was tired of all the B1G BS in the 90s and early 00s.

hell yeah, swimming...........and diving :dance:

The Crimson King

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Don't want to get in the middle of yalls feud, but I disagree on this topic. I'll use my own team for example...Alabama's dynasty didn't end just because they lost 3 games in 2010. It started in 2008 and is still rolling imo. This past Sugar Bowl loss didn't end it either in my opinion, unless we come out and suck it up this year, and the next....etc.

Like Bama, the SEC as a whole still had a great year despite not winning the national title. I think you need to see consecutive years where a team or conference doesn't seem to bounce back, before you can declare the run or dynasty to be over.

Like LawDawg has said, just look at how well the conference did last year, better than anyone. Heck, if the barn had a QB that could throw an accurate pass every now and then the NC might've looked different.

Beginning of the end :nod:


Resident Inhabitant and nerve striker
Apr 8, 2011
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Don't want to get in the middle of yalls feud, but I disagree on this topic. I'll use my own team for example...Alabama's dynasty didn't end just because they lost 3 games in 2010. It started in 2008 and is still rolling imo. This past Sugar Bowl loss didn't end it either in my opinion, unless we come out and suck it up this year, and the next....etc.

Like Bama, the SEC as a whole still had a great year despite not winning the national title. I think you need to see consecutive years where a team or conference doesn't seem to bounce back, before you can declare the run or dynasty to be over.

Like LawDawg has said, just look at how well the conference did last year, better than anyone. Heck, if the barn had a QB that could throw an accurate pass every now and then the NC might've looked different.

Err...the whole SEC IS KING argument was based on the last 7 NC's before Florida State won....was it not?

Yeah. I thought so too.

So, that being the basis of the claim...and now the basis no longer exists, I guess you guise had a good run eh?


The ACC dynasty has begun. Deal with it.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Err...the whole SEC IS KING argument was based on the last 7 NC's before Florida State won....was it not?

Yep, it was that one and only thing.