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Coffee Talk: 7 Words You Can't Say to Jack Johnson

Bloody Brian Burke

#1 CFL Fan!
Jun 28, 2014
West Toronto, BC
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These people are wild, man. You cannot tell me as members of the press solely dedicated to covering politics that for, at the very least, the past two years you have watched Biden project every single telltale sign of slowing down and aging progressively but we’re caught TOTALLY OFF GUARD by a 90 minute debate performance where he flubbed a few facts and mumbled a couple of times.

And people wonder why nobody trusts or likes the media anymore.



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On that note, why isn't the release of the latest Epstein files and Trump all over them with the sex trafficking of minors basically be ignored by mainstream media?!?
Because Trump will say mean things about them on the Internet and they can’t have that


Scotchy Scotch Scotch!
May 9, 2010
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These people are wild, man. You cannot tell me as members of the press solely dedicated to covering politics that for, at the very least, the past two years you have watched Biden project every single telltale sign of slowing down and aging progressively but we’re caught TOTALLY OFF GUARD by a 90 minute debate performance where he flubbed a few facts and mumbled a couple of times.

And people wonder why nobody trusts or likes the media anymore.

On that note, why isn't the release of the latest Epstein files and Trump all over them with the sex trafficking of minors basically be ignored by mainstream media?!?

cause Everyone knows Trump did really bad things and that he is immune and his supporters do not care anyway, and I also think that the people that can do anything against him are terrified of when he becomes president again and his retribution.

I went to a farm market last weekend and for some reason there was a CRA stand.

my wife just got a great raise at work.... and we received the first paycheque from it today. she bumped into a higher tax bracket that saw her raise portion reduced to 30% of the actual raise in our pockets...... We are checking to see if this was some form of mistake but I believe its accurate.

I am becoming incredibly disillusioned with government, taxes, and media. I know I seem like a raving lunatic on sports but I am a pretty level headed person which keeps me from becoming a rightwing nut like maga and the freedumb people in Canada. I often ask myself how can you follow Trump and then I see days like these and for the less selfaware people I now understand why they go to that bad side. I actually get it... I dont like it and will never but my eyes are a little more open now and I need to find a better way to fight whats happening because what we are doing now is not working


Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy bacon
Apr 19, 2010
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Because Trump will say mean things about them on the Internet and they can’t have that

I think that certainly plays a part...Could it also be that there are prominent Dems that don't want their names to be released?!?

Bloody Brian Burke

#1 CFL Fan!
Jun 28, 2014
West Toronto, BC
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my wife just got a great raise at work.... and we received the first paycheque from it today. she bumped into a higher tax bracket that saw her raise portion reduced to 30% of the actual raise in our pockets...... We are checking to see if this was some form of mistake but I believe it’s accurate.

I am becoming incredibly disillusioned with government, taxes, and media. I know I seem like a raving lunatic on sports but I am a pretty level headed person which keeps me from becoming a rightwing nut like maga and the freedumb people in Canada. I often ask myself how can you follow Trump and then I see days like these and for the less selfaware people I now understand why they go to that bad side. I actually get it... I dont like it and will never but my eyes are a little more open now and I need to find a better way to fight whats happening because what we are doing now is not working
My wife had the same reaction when she entered the highest pay bracket in her union lol.

She’s pretty much as liberal as it gets but as we’ve been buying a million dollars worth of baby shit etc I can start to see the “hey wait a minute” happening. It’s kind of hard to ignore when you’re doing the groceries and other household expenses daily, and that’s a big reason why when people trumpet the economy doing well it’s really falling on deaf ears. Who’s it doing well for right now? RoBelUs execs and Galen Weston?


It’s Raining Falafel
Apr 19, 2010
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On that note, why isn't the release of the latest Epstein files and Trump all over them with the sex trafficking of minors basically be ignored by mainstream media?!?
There are billions of reasons why the Corporate Media won't touch it.

But even if they did, the cult would start wearing t-shirts espousing the virtues of pedophilia by Monday.

I saw one guy I know on Facebook say "What if Bill Clinton is in those Epstein files? What then Libs?" and every one of the 30 or so responses before he deleted the post was "Lock him the fuck up".


Unreliable Narrator.
Apr 21, 2010
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cause Everyone knows Trump did really bad things and that he is immune and his supporters do not care anyway, and I also think that the people that can do anything against him are terrified of when he becomes president again and his retribution.


Lord Shitlord aka El cibernauta
Apr 20, 2010
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That is a terrible take, especially the second line. I will say the last 3rd of his career (maybe last half) I did not find him funny very often. Smart, thought provoking, and interesting often....but not funny. Sometimes just preachy.
dont know about the full last 3rd of his career ... i saw him live in that timeframe and he was hilarious ... but there were definitely some of his comedy specials that were not much to laugh at ... thats coming from me with no axe to grind

/ you however ...



Unreliable Narrator.
Apr 21, 2010
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$ 754.60
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dont know about the full last 3rd of his career ... i saw him live in that timeframe and he was hilarious ... but there were definitely some of his comedy specials that were not much to laugh at ... thats coming from me with no axe to grind

/ you however ...

That sonofabitch! He's a hack! Shut the fuck up Rufus!


It’s Raining Falafel
Apr 19, 2010
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I guess enough people are becoming aware of what Project 2025 is and it is (rightfully) polling very poorly so Trump is denying knowing what it is, but knows enough to know he doesn't agree with some of it.

Just like he didn't know the ped0 who he was frequently photographed with and called a "great guy".