Stance: Goofy

Kyle Rittenhouse’s sis slams him for 'not supporting family to avoid eviction'
KYLE Rittenhouse has turned his back on his family, who are struggling financially and days away from being evicted, his sister has claimed. Faith Rittenhouse is pleading with “generous stran…

Neat tidbits:
Faith Rittenhouse is pleading with "generous strangers" for help raising $3,000 so that her family can remain in their apartment.
"Just under 4 years ago, our lives were shattered when my brother was involved in a tragic shooting incident," the grieving sister said.
"We've had difficulty obtaining and maintaining employment due to the fact many people still believe my mother drove Kyle or was somehow involved in his decision to go to Kenosha.
"To make matters worse, I lost my job due to frequent hospitalizations due to medical issues, I have been unable to work over the last four months making it extremely difficult to provide.
"We've exhausted every resource available to us, but we're still coming up short. The reality is that we have nowhere else to run, and time is running out."
Sounds like someone needs a dose of good old fashioned socialism with Universal Basic Income, housing as a right, food security assistance and health care covering mental and physical ailments. But she can't have it. No one can because imbeciles like her family vote only on the gun issue and pay attention to literally nothing else until it affects them directly.