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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
Still fantastic at my small local airport, but at the larger airports like JFK it's unclear (pun intended) whether it's quicker or slower sometimes. I have Global Entry, so I use the Clear with TSA line which is definitely much faster, but the benefit of "regular" Clear is not so obvious. The combination of the increased utilization over the last couple of years by business and frequent travelers and the Summer free trials (which I will be using for my kids next month) just backs up the lines so much. From everything you read this is going to be a busy Summer travel season, so anything to help with lines is worth it for me. I suspect Clear is going to get a lot of negative press this Summer and I think the Airlines are going to as well because the lines are going to be crazy and people will miss flights and see a lot of delays.