New Member
You seem to forget we have all seen what you look like in real life. You aren't playing tough guy to anyone in the real world.
and sake says a ching chong potato
You seem to forget we have all seen what you look like in real life. You aren't playing tough guy to anyone in the real world.
I don't need to grovel so I can post. I am not some punk ass kid whose daddy wasn't there to smack some sense into him. I understand rules.
it doesnt.....i could care less...but hitlers attitude pissed me off
ive been here longer so you suck
If you want SNRF, I can run these boards
I am a joo and have the nose to prove it
Your screenname should have been MusclesMarinara
They have one fucking rule, maybe two not letting whack jobs like you spew your racist bullshit.
Just sit in the fucking corner and take your punishment like a man, bitch.
Nah, just consider him to be on a very short leash outside of this thread. You guys are all friends & I don't feel like booting a man that just lost his barbeque.
What if they contend all year mainly because of this guys?
It's a formula I would never expect a non Yankees fan to embrace, but the track record is getting insane now.
You seem to forget we have all seen what you look like in real life. You aren't playing tough guy to anyone in the real world.
I remember back in the day I had a very difficult time distinguishing the DAHC/Sake trolls from the Buccs trolls.
I hate these fucking guys. Ban em all. Leave VP an sake cause he cracks me up and VP, we all need a good jew
I don't need to grovel so I can post. I am not some punk ass kid whose daddy wasn't there to smack some sense into him. I understand rules.
I hate these fucking guys. Ban em all. Leave VP an sake cause he cracks me up and VP, we all need a good jew
Wait, you're saying your dad beat you? Your dad's a well known media figure. I wonder how much this story would be worth to TMZ. . .
Why the fuck aren't you on your Ron Burgundy ID right now Cereal!
I hate these fucking guys. Ban em all. Leave VP an sake cause he cracks me up and VP, we all need a good jew
listen man of many names....you have no room to talk..leonitas