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Cavs are winning the title


Fly, Eagles Fly
Sep 2, 2014
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$ 150.00
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The Voltron lineup closed out the game last night for the Warriors:

Curry, Thompson, Igoudala, Green, Durant.

That's just filthy. And because of their depth, none of those guys were gassed at the end. A few played 40 minutes but all had some bench rest before that fateful 11-0 run to end the game.


Sports Hooplah Local Reporter
May 10, 2013
City of Angels
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$ 523.17
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1. Lbj hasn't even come close to slowing down the hot player
2. Trisian has been a non factor
3. Brown was done after game one and even then he just let the talent win the game for him
4. Nobody can guard Klay since Kerr came and jr should be a bench player
5. Kevin love went 0 for 9 with many wide open shots
6. True but he can't score with Klay and Durant as well
7. Green and Klay can guard lebron
8. GS bench is vastly superior to the cabs and that's not even debatable
9. We will never know but GS is just so much more talented it didn't even matter
10. Dramon learned his lesson and even if he does get suspended GS is still a much better team

I hope you were joking with this list and if not it might be the worst list ever created
I should have added your moms purity to the list. I get that they lost three straight and now you are strolling in to talk shit after the fact. But i dont think anyone does not respect a man who is willing to go out on a limb against the collective, have the balls to do it and double down on it. In conclusion, shut your bitch ass up. But no seriously, Cavs are still winning this series. Im calling in a few favors today.

Great Dayne

I was right even if you believe I was wrong
Sep 1, 2013
11th Dimension
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I should have added your moms purity to the list. I get that they lost three straight and now you are strolling in to talk shit after the fact. But i dont think anyone does not respect a man who is willing to go out on a limb against the collective, have the balls to do it and double down on it. In conclusion, shut your bitch ass up. But no seriously, Cavs are still winning this series. Im calling in a few favors today.

There's a difference between having balls and just being stupid. I would've responded in the same way before this series had I seen this thread. I will not give respect to a person who makes outrageous claims just to "go out on a limb vs the collective."

In conclusion, the OP was just about dead wrong on every single thing listed and you're in denial and whining like a baby back bitch. Eat the crow and shut your mouth boy.

My guess is the post was created as a troll post and nothing more because nobody on this planet could honestly believe the crap that you typed. In that case this was an excellent troll post so congrats.


Sports Hooplah Local Reporter
May 10, 2013
City of Angels
Hoopla Cash
$ 523.17
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There's a difference between having balls and just being stupid. I would've responded in the same way before this series had I seen this thread. I will not give respect to a person who makes outrageous claims just to "go out on a limb vs the collective."

In conclusion, the OP was just about dead wrong on every single thing listed and you're in denial and whining like a baby back bitch. Eat the crow and shut your mouth boy.

My guess is the post was created as a troll post and nothing more because nobody on this planet could honestly believe the crap that you typed. In that case this was an excellent troll post so congrats.

First of all, if it was a troll it doesn't matter because you dont speak to your daddy like that. I dont give a fuck about your respect. You came to my fucking thread, and in hot lmao. And you look like a bitch coming in here hot after the third game going, "look look you where wrong!!" Big fucking deal. Wouldnt be the first, wont be the last. Little late dont you think? How in the fuck is it me whining? How the fuck am i in denial? About what? You fucking idiot lol. I couldnt even give a fuck, you should be happy i even respond to you whoever the fuck you are. (lol @ baby back bitch though, dafuq? :doobs:)

Anyway, I called in a favor last game. Im happy with the results. And btw, the series isnt over shit for brains.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2015
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First of all, if it was a troll it doesn't matter because you dont speak to your daddy like that. I dont give a fuck about your respect. You came to my fucking thread, and in hot lmao. And you look like a bitch coming in here hot after the third game going, "look look you where wrong!!" Big fucking deal. Wouldnt be the first, wont be the last. Little late dont you think? How in the fuck is it me whining? How the fuck am i in denial? About what? You fucking idiot lol. I couldnt even give a fuck, you should be happy i even respond to you whoever the fuck you are. (lol @ baby back bitch though, dafuq? :doobs:)

Anyway, I called in a favor last game. Im happy with the results. And btw, the series isnt over shit for brains.



Mar 12, 2015
In your head...forever
Hoopla Cash
$ 196,499.66
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Hahahaha, Great Dayne just got treated like a cracked out prostitute. Got bitch slapped, pimp style.


Did you err ?
Aug 16, 2014
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So the NBA is going to step in again to hand the Cavs the title ?
Just like last season ?

The Q

Hoop’s Villain, Reality’s Hero
Aug 16, 2015
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Fun fact: The Warriors are now 0-4 trying to close out the Cavs with Kyrie and Love.

Great Dayne

I was right even if you believe I was wrong
Sep 1, 2013
11th Dimension
Hoopla Cash
$ 200.00
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First of all, if it was a troll it doesn't matter because you dont speak to your daddy like that. I dont give a fuck about your respect. You came to my fucking thread, and in hot lmao. And you look like a bitch coming in here hot after the third game going, "look look you where wrong!!" Big fucking deal. Wouldnt be the first, wont be the last. Little late dont you think? How in the fuck is it me whining? How the fuck am i in denial? About what? You fucking idiot lol. I couldnt even give a fuck, you should be happy i even respond to you whoever the fuck you are. (lol @ baby back bitch though, dafuq? :doobs:)

Anyway, I called in a favor last game. Im happy with the results. And btw, the series isnt over shit for brains.

What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I've ever heard. At no point in your rambling incoherent response were you even close to anything that can be considered a rational thought. Everyone on these boards is now dumber for having read your OP and responses. May God have mercy on your soul.

No reason to swear and become so mad. The only person you should be mad at is yourself with the most ignorant OP in the history of these message boards. With you confirming it wasn't a troll post that just means you're incredibly stupid or a child.

You embarrassed yourself your list of 10 illogical points that were proven wrong already so you have nothing to say that make those statements true.

If you still think the Cavs are winning this series you're easily the dumbest person on these boards. Keep posting please, I enjoy your nonsensical rambling and illogical points that are all dead wrong.

The next favor you should call for is to have a brain transplant. Nobody on this earth believes you called for a favor for the last game or any game ever.

Great Dayne

I was right even if you believe I was wrong
Sep 1, 2013
11th Dimension
Hoopla Cash
$ 200.00
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Hahahaha, Great Dayne just got treated like a cracked out prostitute. Got bitch slapped, pimp style.

Only a moron such as yourself would believe that the clown that just rambled on and said the F word like a child 8 times actually came anywhere close to substantiating his claims or disproving mine. Go back to your shanty while you watch Jay and Silent Bob. That's what I'll call you two from now on Jay and Silent Bob.


Mar 12, 2015
In your head...forever
Hoopla Cash
$ 196,499.66
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Only a moron such as yourself would believe that the clown that just rambled on and said the F word like a child 8 times actually came anywhere close to substantiating his claims or disproving mine. Go back to your shanty while you watch Jay and Silent Bob. That's what I'll call you two from now on Jay and Silent Bob.

hahahahaha, now you got triggered for being called out. You got straight up owned and you know it. Total beat down and your stupidity was highlighted for everyone to see.

Great Dayne

I was right even if you believe I was wrong
Sep 1, 2013
11th Dimension
Hoopla Cash
$ 200.00
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hahahahaha, now you got triggered for being called out. You got straight up owned and you know it. Total beat down and your stupidity was highlighted for everyone to see.

Let me recap what happened:

-OP makes a top 10 list to show reasons why the Cavs are going to win the title
-Each point was incorrect and I pointed it out
-OP gets mad and says fuck a dozen times and makes no sense
- You jump on his bandwagon like a little dumb kid
-I destroy both you and him easily
-you're in denial and make more shit up like you always do just like your bets that are either wrong or you're too chicken shit to make bets on here

You will always be a little bitch that's to chicken shit to make bets to substantiate your claims of being a great sports better. We've looked at your bets in the past on SportsHoopla and it exposed you as a terrible loser and a fraud. No to further make things worse you attempt to jump into arguments that have nothing to do with you to make others look bad but in the end you end up looking foolish. You're a clown and your posting rights should be revoked for being a coward and a moron. Now go back to the hole you crawled out of and never return.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2015
Hoopla Cash
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hahahahaha, now you got triggered for being called out. You got straight up owned and you know it. Total beat down and your stupidity was highlighted for everyone to see.



Mar 12, 2015
In your head...forever
Hoopla Cash
$ 196,499.66
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
Let me recap what happened:

-OP makes a top 10 list to show reasons why the Cavs are going to win the title
-Each point was incorrect and I pointed it out
-OP gets mad and says fuck a dozen times and makes no sense
- You jump on his bandwagon like a little dumb kid
-I destroy both you and him easily
-you're in denial and make more shit up like you always do just like your bets that are either wrong or you're too chicken shit to make bets on here

You will always be a little bitch that's to chicken shit to make bets to substantiate your claims of being a great sports better. We've looked at your bets in the past on SportsHoopla and it exposed you as a terrible loser and a fraud. No to further make things worse you attempt to jump into arguments that have nothing to do with you to make others look bad but in the end you end up looking foolish. You're a clown and your posting rights should be revoked for being a coward and a moron. Now go back to the hole you crawled out of and never return.

How did you destroy me? I made a point that you got sand kicked in your face.

My bets are wrong? I"m on the front page of "Most vCash" bitch so suck on that. Fat stacks up in yo face. hahaha

Triggered lil bitch questioning my posting rights? I"ve got 4x the Likes you have and that is due to my quality posts, informative sports handicapping and superior contacts in the world of international soccer. Go back to your lame posting style and quit getting all high and mighty just because your feelings are hurt that all these people triggered you vaginal leakage. You should have the stupidity open hand slapped off your face for even thinking that you've never made a false prediction on the HOOP. I mean, your stacks is low, no vCash yo, just so ya know


Sports Hooplah Local Reporter
May 10, 2013
City of Angels
Hoopla Cash
$ 523.17
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I Am pleased with this thread.


Great Dayne

I was right even if you believe I was wrong
Sep 1, 2013
11th Dimension
Hoopla Cash
$ 200.00
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Great Dwayne dominating little bitches up in here. All ten of the ops points wrong. All he can do now is eat crow.

Stick a fork in l broke and this pathetic thread

Yawn next please


Sports Hooplah Local Reporter
May 10, 2013
City of Angels
Hoopla Cash
$ 523.17
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Congrats to the GSW. Well played!
Great Dwayne dominating little bitches up in here. All ten of the ops points wrong. All he can do now is eat crow.

Stick a fork in l broke and this pathetic thread

Yawn next please
You spelled your own name wrong. Sends chills down my spine.


Mar 12, 2015
In your head...forever
Hoopla Cash
$ 196,499.66
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
Great Dwayne dominating little bitches up in here. All ten of the ops points wrong. All he can do now is eat crow.

Stick a fork in l broke and this pathetic thread

Yawn next please

So after the fact you come running in here? hahahahahaha, what a moron.


Great Dayne

I was right even if you believe I was wrong
Sep 1, 2013
11th Dimension
Hoopla Cash
$ 200.00
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Fav. Team #3
Congrats to the GSW. Well played!

You spelled your own name wrong. Sends chills down my spine.

Lol you're getting all excited over my cell phone auto correct. Watching you and handicrappers attempt to defend your moronic OP is like watching dumb and dumber.