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Cardinals@Rams, Post-Game Analysis: Rams Lose 6-12


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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After watching our defense play at an elite level and our offense come together and play competitively for two games, Rams fans were in the hope-filled mood last evening when we faced the team with the best record in the NFL and a very stout defense in their own right, the Arizona Cardinals. The game started off in an expected fashion with a Rams’ FG and 3-point lead and a defense that had a 9-quarter shut-out streak running doing their normal smashmouth job. We held the Cardinals offense to no touchdowns going into the second quarter and our offense was maintaining its competitiveness.

Then, many Rams fans soon deciphered that sinking feeling all Rams fans know all too well when the offense began sputtering with shortened drives and three-and-outs and then rookie Tre Mason fumbled and gave the ball to the Cardinals who had a short field to begin a drive. Soon, the 9-quarter shut-out streak was gone as the Cards kicked a tying FG and the offense began all manner of screw-ups that we Rams fans also have witnessed many times before. That sinking feeling turned out to be true again as we went two quarters without scoring a single point and the Cardinals D began nearly insurmountable. At one point in the third quarter we had a total offensive production of just 6 yards. The Cards continued to kick FGs and before we knew it, we were down 12-3 in the fourth quarter with all hope gone as we watched our offense disintegrate into performances that reflected the last ten years of incompetence, ineptitude, and insignificance.

On Offense. The Positives. Not much here. After our initial drive that produced a first quarter FG, we didn’t score another offensive point until the fourth quarter. Hill finished the game going 20 for 39 for 229 yards and 1 INT. Tre Mason had 13 carries for a pedestrian 33 yards and a one huge fumble. Stedman Bailey was high man amongst the receivers going 5 catches for 74 yards.

On Offense. The Negatives. Plenty here. Offensively we were 0-1 in the redzone because we were hardly ever near it throughout the game. Our third-down efficiency was a meager 4/15. Hill threw one pick last night but most of the time he was throwing floating ducks of passes that were often under or overthrown. OC Shottenheimer called one of the worst games of his tenure where he did little to stem the onslaught from a very good Cardinals defense that blitzed as much or more than we did. It took him forever to utilize screen plays to offset the blitz. And this man has a fundamental cognitive flaw. When he is one-yard away from a score, he cannot run the ball. He has an obsession to throw the ball and it failed again and again last night. Rookie Tre Mason had a huge fumble in the beginning of the second quarter that simply froze our offense. We didn’t score another offensive point after that miscue until late in the fourth quarter. Our offensive line could not handle three down lineman where Devin Joseph got routinely manhandled by Calais Campbell and Rucker at DT. Neither could they handle the many blitzes and delayed blitzes that the Cardinals brought right down to the very last snap of the game. We had three fumbles last evening: One by Austin, one by Mason and one by Wells where he muffed the snap and the ball barely got to Hill who eventually threw an incomplete pass. In a word: we returned to our inept performances of the last ten years and we all looked at Hill as the not-so-good back-up many of us had forgotten about from the previous games. Our offensive line was a disaster at times and the play-calling by Shottenheimer lacked any hint of a winning game plan.

On Defense. The Positives. The usual produced last evening. The thumpers came out to play. Long, Barron, McDonald, Olgetree, Gaines, McLeod, Laurinaitus, and Jenkins put brought the heavy lumber and placed the clamps on the Cardinals offense and we knocked out Stanton in the third quarter. Donald registered another sack and Jenkins and McDonald were high men in tackles with 8, Gaines had 7, followed by Laurinaitus with 6. We snagged one fumble as well.

On Defense. The Negatives. Even though Jenkins had a good night tackling, he got beat three times for big pass plays. Brockers and Langford were neutralized many times being held and Quinn was being held a lot last evening as well. We still have this huge hole right behind Laurinaitus that teams are exploiting because we play our defensive backfield off of receivers most times10 yards on the corners and often 20 yards deep with the safeties. I am not sure who started this but it is like we are playing a 100-yard prevent defense all the time.

On Special Teams. The Positves. One guy. Johnny Hekker was booing punts last evening and routinely got us out of deep holes. The STs played very disciplined football for the most part and Zuerlein was 2 for 2 in FGs as well. There was just one penalty on the STs.

On Special Teams. The Negatives. One penalty. Not much else here.

With that disappointing loss, we are officially eliminated from any chance from post-season play. Our losing seasons continue as the best we can do now is 8 and 8. We have the Geeants at home in 10 days and we finish in Seattle. Realistically, we could go 6-10 and 7-9 depending on how the Rams respond from this loss. I suppose we are now back to waiting until next year just like the previous decade with this team.


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Jul 3, 2013
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Aren't we ALWAYS waiting for next year?

Man this is getting old.


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Honestly though, we all shouldn't be surprised at all.

Aside from a few seasons, Fisher's teams have always been 7-9 or 8-8.

We might as well just pencil the Rams in for that record next year as well if they keep Fisher around cause that is the kind of coach he is. His track record speaks for itself.

It seems he's great at getting the most out of below average to average players, but when he has guys on the cusp of ProBowl status, he somehow does know how to get over that hump.



Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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Yea I agree Angelakerams. We are always waiting for next year. Fisher has been a consistent coach in the regard you suggest and the best we have had in the last ten years for sure. All we can do at this juncture is hope he sees the light and rebuilds this offense but that might be asking too much. Sometimes he is too loyal for the good of the team. Sometimes.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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Do we ever throw the ball downfield to Tavon? Seems strange cuz he's pretty darn fast.

Keep ur head up fellas. We are getting better.

We just need to bring back Bradford :lol:


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Jul 12, 2013
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Spot on Retro. Always love to read your post game analysis.

You know the Rams are probably one of biggest teases I've ever come across in sports one week they play like world champs then next week they look like lost puppies. But in all honesty they just aren't ready. From coaching decisions on who's in the active line up, play calling, bonehead players making the same mistakes over and over, this team just can't seem to get out of it's own way.

Perfect example;
Score is 9 to 3, Cards have the ball and their 3rd string QB just got into the game. It's 3rd and 7, the QB calls a last second time out because the Defense comes out with an exotic blitz package that confuses the young QB. So after the timeout the rams come back and show an all out blitz before the snap and the cards call the perfect play (quick slant) to counter the blitz and they easily get a first down.

It's part of why the Rams aren't ready to move on to the next level. If it's not the coaches calling bonehead plays its the players making bonehead mistakes.

BTW why is Wells and Joseph still fucking playing??? You know they are rated the two worse C / RG in the league???! Drives me nuts, Fisher drives me nuts. Why he's not giving these younger guys playing time is beyond me.


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Jul 12, 2013
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Do we ever throw the ball downfield to Tavon? Seems strange cuz he's pretty darn fast.

Keep ur head up fellas. We are getting better.

We just need to bring back Bradford :lol:

You laugh but when healthy he's a hellva lot better than Davis or Hill.

But tbh i'm over the whole bradford experiment we need to move on


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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Thanks jacobarch. Your assessment of the Rams is correct. When given the opportunity to take the next step, they almost instantaneously revert back to a losing default mentality and choose the effed-up choice versus taking a risk and doing something that teams of that ilk routinely do.

Classic example was last night at the end. The Cards came with a blitz but if it were reversed, we would went into prevent and the Cards would have got the first down. Your example is relevant as well. Again when given the choice to do the winning thing we choose the losing thing. Five yards out against San Diego and Shottenheimer calls a pass play resulting in an INT and the end of the game instead of a winning score comes to mind.
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Jul 12, 2013
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Thanks jacobarch. Your assessment of the Rams is correct. When given the opportunity to take the next step, they almost instaneously revert back to a losing default mentality and choose the effed-up choice versus taking a risk and doing something that teams of that ilk routinely do.

Classic example was last night at the end. The Cards came with a blitz but if it were reversed, we would went into prevent and the Cards would have got the first down. Your example is relevant as well. Again when given the choice to do the winning thing we choose the losing thing. Five yards out against San Diego and Shottenheimer calls a pass play resulting in an INT and the end of the game instead of a winning score comes to mind.



Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Do we ever throw the ball downfield to Tavon? Seems strange cuz he's pretty darn fast.

Keep ur head up fellas. We are getting better.

We just need to bring back Bradford :lol:

Honestly we were a few inches away from winning that game by a point. (On an errie similar play that looked much like the last play on Fisher's Superbowl too)

Remember that near TD which gave us 1st and goal prior to us settling for our first field goal?

If that play went in rather than stalling at the goal we get 7 instead of 3.

A TD there would of had us kicking a field goal at the end of the game. The score would have been 10-12 Cardinals at that point. Then we kick the field goal on 4th down instead turning the ball over on downs with a minute or so left. A made FG in that scenario wins it for us 13-12 vs the a team who currently owns the best record in the NFL.

Not bad when you look at it from a different perspective.

I cite this scenarios only to point out just how close we actually were to a win vs this very good team.

It tells me we are on the right track and will be much better with another year for these youngins. Add a true Starting QB & No. #1 WR for much of the season and we all should have reason to believe we are set for some good playoff runs starting next year. :nod:


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I don't know how loud it came across on tv last night but the dome looked like it had a lot of people and most of them were making noise all night. I have to say it's a shame that the defense played really well for the most part only for the offense not to hold up their end of the bargain. I really wish we had gone for it on 4th and goal on the 1 in the 4th quarter. Going for the field goal there really ticked me and most of the fans in my section off. I figured what did we really have to lose at that point? While I was an advocate of Davis going out and having Hill back in there, he was pathetic last night. Now that we're officially eliminated, I wouldn't care if Davis got a second chance at starting for the final two games.

One this is for certain. We need to find a starting QB and OC pronto. Our defense (and fan base for that matter) deserves much better than what we witnessed with this offense last night.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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True UVA. Guys like C. Long and Laurinaitus who have been through losing seasons there entire career deserve to have an offense that doesn't let them down.


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Apr 18, 2013
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Thanks retro like always. I really don't want to get into all the game but I do have a few points that stand out.

First this was a winnable game, as was the Cowboys game, 49ers game, 1st Cardinals game and especially the Chargers game. That is 11-3 by my math. Reasons vary but it comes down to inexperience at QB, young team with no experience on how to win and a OC that is completely over his head. I believe that the win part is getting closer but the QB situation and OC disaster is a different problem. Both can be fixed, one is if a QB is drafted and if Bradford stays healthy for a season. The second OC problem can only be fixed by Fisher and I don't know if he is willing to do it. If he doesn't, the same will happen, Bradford or not.

Second, is there is an old saying, go with your strength. The Rams are on the 1 and your #1 pick is at left tackle along with a OG you just spent a boat load of money to stay with you. That is a 100% no brainer run over left tackle, TD. Early in the game, the OC did the same thing except he ran over the right side, that is not strength, that is stupid against the #6 defense against the run.

Third, in the past 4 weeks, Williams has rolled blitzes constantly, last night he did not. He was not aggressive with any of the defensive backfield and he slanted the Dline most of the time to the wide side. The Cardinals picked it up and the result is time for the quarterback and 100+ rushing for the backs. I don't understand the change. The defense played well but because of the prevent look, it didn't help them and they were on the field mush to long. Even on the slant retro brought up, the technique is inside shoulder press. The slant never works under these circumstances.

Finally, the Rams have made a constant effort to get Austin involved (which they should) and ran the counter (wait for it) once for 7 yards. They also used it for the fake a dive which also worked a few times. There has to be a wheel play on that which has Austin continue to a pass pattern. Never saw it. It is also easily to see that Bailey is a solid #2 and maybe the #1 on this team. Why is he not seeing the ball once a series? The Rams went 3 and out 4 straight times, no screens, no draws, no Austin, no Bailey. That is coaching pure and simple. If you don't do what works, you will not win and we haven't 5 times we should have.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Ive been saying it for weeks now, but some people just say I'm being negative. To a point I am, but I'm trying to bring a few of you back down to earth.

Against Denver, we did nothing offensively we had 5 flipping FG's and 1 TD, then against SD we didn't play well offensively, then against Oakland everyone got excited,because we put up 50 points, but we didn't really play all that well that game offensively, the defense put us in great field position the entire game, and we had a couple of big plays against a team that is not very good, then against Washington, the same thing, great field position supplied by the defense, but we didn't really do much offensively.

Everybody was heaping praise on Hill, sorry, at least when Davis was in there we were scoring points "offensively", sure he gave up some pick 6's, but those came at times when our Defense wasn't playing well and we were playing from behind, even good QB's struggle in those situations.

We have talent, but until this team actually does something, this team will just continue to have "potential"
We are better than in years past, going 7-9 beats the hell out of watching your team go 1-15 or 2-14, I at least enjoy watching them play now, even if we screw ourselves repeatedly.

I guess I'm just more realistic about this team than some of you on here


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Apr 23, 2013
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You laugh but when healthy he's a hellva lot better than Davis or Hill.

But tbh i'm over the whole bradford experiment we need to move on

I like Davis, not saying he's great or maybe not even good, but I have seen absolutely nothing from Bradford since he has been here!

Evidently you do, I don't!


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Dec 8, 2013
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Do we ever throw the ball downfield to Tavon? Seems strange cuz he's pretty darn fast.

Keep ur head up fellas. We are getting better.

We just need to bring back Bradford :lol:

No way we lose that game if Bradford was in there.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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No, even if Bradford was in there, Smed and Blue are right, we would have lost that game. Shottenheimer's misuse/nonuse of the talent he has in the situations that the game presented just killed us. Perhaps Bradford would have made some throws that Hill did not and maybe not. Both Shottenheimer and Williams did not use their talent and the strengths well enough to win that game and they both have done this several times this year.


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Apr 20, 2013
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Retro and others are correct when they say Schottenheimer called a lousy game. Its 4th and 1 and he calls a pass play with Shaun Hill at QB... Who, as was stated in the review, was tossing float ducks all game. The last play, resulted in an interception. Re-watch the play and you'll see that Shaun Hill stepped up in the pocket and put all his strength into the pass and the ball didn't go 50 yards. While I won't say we would have won the game with Austin Davis at QB, because Schottenheimer would still be calling the game, but Davis is younger and has a stronger arm... And he is mobile which Shaun Hill was not. We'd had a better chance if Davis was starting. It doesn't matter to me who starts the rest of the season but I'd go with Davis to see how he responds since being benched.

Enough of the Davis/Hill feud. Brian Schottenheimer needs to be Hanged, Drawn and Quartered.


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Nice analysis as always Retro, simply put we had no business losing this game. We were playing for our playoff life at home none the less, but we lost to a 3rd string Qb because unlike our coaching staff the Cards coaching staff put their players in the best position to succeed. Swept by the Cards then talked bad about by their coach, I hope this serves at learning experience for the coaching staff and players.


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Dec 8, 2013
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Retro and others are correct when they say Schottenheimer called a lousy game. Its 4th and 1 and he calls a pass play with Shaun Hill at QB... Who, as was stated in the review, was tossing float ducks all game. The last play, resulted in an interception. Re-watch the play and you'll see that Shaun Hill stepped up in the pocket and put all his strength into the pass and the ball didn't go 50 yards. While I won't say we would have won the game with Austin Davis at QB, because Schottenheimer would still be calling the game, but Davis is younger and has a stronger arm... And he is mobile which Shaun Hill was not. We'd had a better chance if Davis was starting. It doesn't matter to me who starts the rest of the season but I'd go with Davis to see how he responds since being benched.

Enough of the Davis/Hill feud. Brian Schottenheimer needs to be Hanged, Drawn and Quartered.

So you would have called a run play?? They stuffed us the entire game. Mason had 33yds the entire game. Don't think a run would have worked there. Hill/ Davis both are back ups period.