Lord Shitlord aka El cibernauta
cant see it happening if Gillis is still GM. He stated in his end of season press conference that he will always put forth an entertaining team full of skill this goes against everything Tippet is as a coach. Can he even coach any other way?
no he didnt!
He said he wants to have an entertaining team but he is resigned to fact that they need to get bigger to compete with the larger grinding teams that have knocked them out of the playoffs
... a defense first team ("its not neccessarily principally something I agree in but its something we are going to do" were his EXACT words)
what coach likes to grind out games ???
Vigneault (OMG!!! lol)
but i doubt he'd be back since its now clear he wanted to start Schneider games 3 and 4 while Gillis wanted Luongo in net
so ... we're looking at a defense first coach imo