Anyone who thinks Brady's throw to Welker wasn't high, wide and to the wrong shoulder, must have missed the play.
Yes reseat, I read the thread title. It's astonishment at a Welker thread asking folks not to discuss Welker when nobody was discussing Welker that brings my query.
So he he had to turn his body and leave his feet.
The ball would have hit him in the face if both hands hadn't gotten in the way. Some of you guys are hilarious. But I'll leave you Pats fans alone to discuss it amongst yourselves now.![]()
She should have kept her mouth shut but she was right. That's a drop if I did it in Boys Club ball when I was 13 and I would have heard about it from my coach, too. Anyone who doesn't think that was a drop has never been a receiver at any level.
So he he had to turn his body and leave his feet.
The ball would have hit him in the face if both hands hadn't gotten in the way. Some of you guys are hilarious. But I'll leave you Pats fans alone to discuss it amongst yourselves now.![]()
Apparently we all missed it? I don't know did you miss it?
Provide the code so I can decipher your point.
Point was or is, we all seem to agree Brady was more at fault than anyone else. You stated the pass was high, behind and to the wrong shoulder and I agree. Code is if there is one, or at least what I was getting at, how does anyone else especially a fan of another team see it differently? I just don't get it.
Sorry I worded the response poorly.
I lied. I'm not leaving yet. I have no idea what being a Pats fan has to do with evaluating a simple pass play in the Super Bowl, but I'll leave that alone. I'm wondering, for you Welker apologists, have any of you ever played receiver at any level ? Seriously. On a play that far downfield the QB's job is to put the ball where the receiver can catch it and the DBs can't. Period. That was done. A WRs job is to catch anything he can get his hands on. The ball hit Welker in both hands... not 1 hand... not his fingertips. It hit him in the palms of both hands and would have hit him in the face had his hands not gotten in the way. It was not thrown hard either. It was not a perfect pass but it was a very catchable one and Welker simply dropped it.
Got it. I think it's mostly on Brady because it was a tough catch but it didn't need to be. That fan said it would have hit Welker in the face???...he needs to get his eyes examined or actually watch the video.
I lied. I'm not leaving yet. I have no idea what being a Pats fan has to do with evaluating a simple pass play in the Super Bowl, but I'll leave that alone. I'm wondering, for you Welker apologists, have any of you ever played receiver at any level ? Seriously. On a play that far downfield the QB's job is to put the ball where the receiver can catch it and the DBs can't. Period. That was done. A WRs job is to catch anything he can get his hands on. The ball hit Welker in both hands... not 1 hand... not his fingertips. It hit him in the palms of both hands and would have hit him in the face had his hands not gotten in the way. It was not thrown hard either. It was not a perfect pass but it was a very catchable one and Welker simply dropped it.
Right, most of his comments make me think he never saw the play. I guess he was the hero of his High School football team and he somehow feels that makes him more qualified then any other poster. I played Soccer, Hockey and Lacrosse in HS I know damn well when Lucic makes a bad pass, that does not make my opinion any better or more educated then yours.
Even in high school any of our receivers would have been benched for dropping that ball. If you get one hand on it, it's a ball you should catch. If you get both, you can't blame anyone but yourself.
Where is he supposed to put that ball exactly? Welker is not capable of fighting for a ball. There was one window to put that ball into and Brady put it there. He gave Welker the best opportunity there was to make a catch. Welker, like he has done his entire career, dropped it.