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Not Mebert's Alt
Apr 20, 2013
Salt Lake City
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I think the whole NFC West is better then the Lions right now. 49ers, Rams, Cards, Seahawks. That's just a tough division right now....I'll Rank the Lions around 8 in the NFC....I hate saying it but the realist in me can't put us much higher.....

1 Seahawks
2 49ers
3 Panthers
4 Packers
5 Saints
6 Eagles
7 Cards
8 Falcons
9 Lions. Heck I thought I had them at 8 maybe they are 9th.

Oops forgot the Rams.....What the hell, I'll put the Lions above the Rams cause I'm drinking some kool-aid today.:whistle:

What did the Falcons add that move them from a 4-12 team to better then the Lions? Also the Panthers got raided in free Agency and I think will slip this year.


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Apr 18, 2013
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What did the Falcons add that move them from a 4-12 team to better then the Lions? Also the Panthers got raided in free Agency and I think will slip this year.

Key players got injured for the Falcons, If they return healthy Atlanta is a pretty good team. I'm pretty sure they had a draft just the same as the Lions.


Gang Member
Apr 18, 2013
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The great thing about the NFL is the ebb and flow from year to year. Good teams fall and bad teams rise. No reason to believe that this year will be any different.


Green St. Elite
Hoopla Pickems Staff
Apr 17, 2013
South Bend, IN
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No, its just that the eternal optimists dont like it when the realists dont jump on board with the unbridled enthusiasm of those who think we are a legit contender.
I hope you don't really believe that I'm optimistic about ERRYTHING the Lions do? If so, you've got me pegged wrong. I know we have/had our deficiencies. But there are things to get excited about with this team. And it's not wrong to have those feelings. I just don't understand why anything positive/exciting/optimistic spoken about the Lions gets met with such backlash? It's ok to have concerns about the Lions, but fuckin a, enjoy your team as well(not directed solely at u meow). And I don't wanna hear the lame ass excuse about "the positives don't need to be re-hashed" bc the same ol negative shit doesn't either, yet they are. I can't tell u how many damn times I've heard from MikeD about the amount of drops we had last year. We get, we know it, stop bringing it up like its new info.

As for this "legit contender" notion, what constitutes being a "legit contender"? Bc I definitely think we can make the playoffs. It won't be an easy road, especially in our division. I don't see us winning it, but I can see a WC berth. And anything can happen in the playoffs. Are our odds the best, nope. But making the playoffs makes those teams capable of winning the SB. So yes, I think we're a contender. However, we have much to prove and improve upon for the playoffs to happen.

We have a new coaching staff. How about we see what they can do before automatically writing this team off eh?


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Apr 18, 2013
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Brandon "Effing Inge!!!!!!"........Oops wrong thread.

Old Lion

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain
Apr 18, 2013
Emerald City, OZ
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Key players got injured for the Falcons, If they return healthy Atlanta is a pretty good team. I'm pretty sure they had a draft just the same as the Lions.

Falcons may have the worst O-Line in football. I do see some improvement at the expense of a depleted Panthers team (who had everything fall right for them last year) but the Saints are still far and away the best in the South and probably the only playoff team in that division this year.


The One And Only!!!
Apr 21, 2013
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It seems to me that the Falcons were falling on their collective face before the injuries started happing. They just weren't very good last season. Also, pretty much everyone thinks they are a realist.


Apr 17, 2013
Land of Confusion
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(not directed solely at u meow). And I don't wanna hear the lame ass excuse about "the positives don't need to be re-hashed" bc the same ol negative shit doesn't either, yet they are.

I have read a lot aboot some clown show in Allen Park recently

On a good note. I hear he wiped some slates clean.

I couldn't resist


FantasyFootball Pessimist
Jun 9, 2013
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I'll ask everyone this question, where exactly do you currently think the Lions rank in the NFC?

I would say that the Seahawks, 49ers, Panthers, Saints, and Packers are all better football teams at this point. I would say that Philly is also ahead of us and will be much better in their second year in that Chip Kelly offense. That's six teams right there.

I made this prediction before last season and I am sticking with it. Lions will reach the NFC championship game this year. They really just needed better coaching. More discipline. The Lions front 7 on D should challenge for best in the NFL. I like Slay more than most on this board, he should make big strides in year 2. Quin and Mathis are very solid too. Don't know much at all about the FA safety they brought in but he is a vet and knows the defense at least. Very happy we drafted Van Noy too. Defense was 6th against the rush until the debacle in Philly. Adding Van Noy who is all around solid across the board, nice move.

Only thing that worries me is all the damn drops by the receivers, that shit kills drives and they always seem to drop passes at crucial moments in the game too.


FantasyFootball Pessimist
Jun 9, 2013
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What did the Falcons add that move them from a 4-12 team to better then the Lions? Also the Panthers got raided in free Agency and I think will slip this year.

Lt and Julio Jones. Too bad Roddy White is old and the defense is butt cheese.

Old Lion

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain
Apr 18, 2013
Emerald City, OZ
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And no one really knows if JJ will be the same after the injury. Those types of foot injuries get worse over time until you become completely immobile.

Dr. Evil-er

Mayhew for President 2016
Apr 18, 2013
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I hope you don't really believe that I'm optimistic about ERRYTHING the Lions do? If so, you've got me pegged wrong.

Not in any way, shape, or form at all was I saying or implying that. My bad if it came off that way. I was addressing only the following comment in a broad sense.....

Be careful with that optimism. It's frowned upon in this area.

I have for some time championed the "realist" opinion and the right for those who don't love everything the Lions are as a team or have done as a franchise to freely speak their minds. They should be able to do so without being torn apart and labeled as always negative or haters. Or my personal favorite, trolls. To those who've ever offered that to a fellow poster who loves the team enough to be on a message board about them I can only assume you were accidentally dropped on your head often as a baby cause that is idiotic.

I think most of the board doesn't even understand what the word "reality" means. Because 11 wins and 21 losses in the last two years says a lot, and that is reality. While the offseason is always a time for optimism there were a whole helluva lot of problems with this team last year. For everyone to believe they have all been solved and addressed is unrealistic IMO. For some reason those posters are haters, negative, and trolls if they dare to point that out.

I whole heatedly disagree with the opinion recently offered that "optimism" opinions are met with the same vitriol responses that come back to anyone who dares to say they disagree or are unhappy with something about the team. It's been that way for some time on here now and I disagree with that.

Dr. Evil-er

Mayhew for President 2016
Apr 18, 2013
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I have read a lot aboot some clown show in Allen Park recently

On a good note. I hear he wiped some slates clean.

I couldn't resist

Fair enough. My signature has been changed and since the moves that have been made are done and that isn't going to change I will do my best to refrain from making those comments.

I make no promises however when it comes to the Suh situation. I can not see any scenario where that works itself out with a result that won't infuriate me.


Green St. Elite
Hoopla Pickems Staff
Apr 17, 2013
South Bend, IN
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I whole heatedly disagree with the opinion recently offered that "optimism" opinions are met with the same vitriol responses that come back to anyone who dares to say they disagree or are unhappy with something about the team. It's been that way for some time on here now and I disagree with that.
And I have to respectfully disagree with this. U say the vitriol met by people who disagree with ones giving optimistic opinions is harsh, and I say it's very similar the other way around.

I don't feel I need to continue to emphasize my stance with the Lions, but I will. I see good things and I see bad as well. I however feel there's nothing wrong with being excited or optimistic about new signees, draftees, staff, hot dog prices, etc. There are many times where these optimistic opinions get a lot of passive/aggressive disagreements shot back. Or just dumbass jokes. I'm sure decades of losing can change a person's attitude, but age has nothing to do with attitude. I've been a Lions fan for over 20 years, so I've gone through alotnof losing as well. Hell, everyone on this board has gone through the damn Millen years. Nobody has lost like that. But still through all of that, I remain a positive person but still find issues with the team and front office.

However, I firmly believe that positive thoughts and optimism isn't met with the same attitude overall on the board. The pessimism seems easier to follow. And that's cool if that's the direction people wanna go, everyone has the freedom to think the way they wish.

Dr. Evil-er

Mayhew for President 2016
Apr 18, 2013
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I however feel there's nothing wrong with being excited or optimistic about new signees, draftees, staff, hot dog prices, etc.

I've never said differently. For me the negatives of this offseason outweigh the positives by a considerable margin. Now I will wait and see if my judgement was too harsh based on what this team and it's new players offer on the field. Up til August everything is just opinions, after that reality takes hold and we will see exactly what the offseason has brought us.

U say the vitriol met by people who disagree with ones giving optimistic opinions is harsh

Absolutely and without a doubt IMO. And I will add to that I think the impression some may have that it's a two way street comes from the fact that after being blasted for sooooooo long for any dissenting opinion those who are labeled as always negative, haters, and trolls finally had enough and just started firing back in the same manner they were treated for years.

Not sure why but I've managed to escape those type of responses despite being perhaps the most discontent fan on this board. Others haven't been so lucky and are just hitting back.


Former 5x UFC Champion
Apr 18, 2013
that way
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I've never said differently. For me the negatives of this offseason outweigh the positives by a considerable margin. Now I will wait and see if my judgement was too harsh based on what this team and it's new players offer on the field. Up til August everything is just opinions, after that reality takes hold and we will see exactly what the offseason has brought us.

Absolutely and without a doubt IMO. And I will add to that I think the impression some may have that it's a two way street comes from the fact that after being blasted for sooooooo long for any dissenting opinion those who are labeled as always negative, haters, and trolls finally had enough and just started firing back in the same manner they were treated for years.

Not sure why but I've managed to escape those type of responses despite being perhaps the most discontent fan on this board. Others haven't been so lucky and are just hitting back.

You haters have started firing back after years? Are you fucking kidding? You fuckers have been running your mouths and shitting on anyone who likes anything about the Lions for at least 6 or 7 years. Don't play that victim card bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
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You fuckers have been running your mouths and shitting on anyone who likes anything about the Lions for at least 6 or 7 years. Don't play that victim card bullshit.

Detroit is 29-67 over the past 6 years (36-76 the past 7). I'm guessing those running their mouth about the Lions are right much more than they are wrong. It is sad, but true.


Gang Member
Apr 18, 2013
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Detroit is 29-67 over the past 6 years (36-76 the past 7). I'm guessing those running their mouth about the Lions are right much more than they are wrong. It is sad, but true.

Haha hard to argue


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Apr 18, 2013
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I went from being a asshole to being a fucker.....It only took 6-7 years.:suds:

Maybe in another 6 or 7 years I can be a optimist, but that actually requires change with the product on the field not guys on a message board.