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Cam Newton - Laughing At Female Reporter

Yo Tee

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So because I'm not on the job, sexist remarks should hold less heft? Sexist is sexist is sexist. Just as Cam is an idiot, but no need to act like he's trying to take away her right to vote.

Exactly. Sexist is sexist. So why should people just sweep this under the rug? He made a sexist remark, whether he answered the question or not. Why couldn't he just answer the question and leave it at that? Like I said, the guy isn't sexist. He's just a moron.


Polite as fuck.
Jul 2, 2013
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It's not your place to say if it's a big deal or not though.
I don't think it's a big deal. I think the world is overreacting. If anything, she's showing him that yes, some women can talk about route running and know a thing or two about football.


Jul 15, 2014
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Or maybe think before you speak. What was the point of saying what he said? It's not like this is the first question that he's been asked by a damn woman. He's a freaking idiot. Use some common sense!

I had the same reaction. I've seen Kim Jones from the NFL network ask him questions before and he simply answered. Maybe he just doesn't like this woman. He's lucky it wasn't Jones, she would have addressed it immediately and it wouldn't have been pleasant. Do these two have a history?

Yo Tee

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I had the same reaction. I've seen Kim Jones from the NFL network ask him questions before and he simply answered. Maybe he just doesn't like this woman. He's lucky it wasn't Jones, she would have addressed it immediately and it wouldn't have been pleasant. Do these two have a history?

Well she's the Panthers beat writer. She's always in the press conferences and every other time she's asked a question, he's just answered it. This one time, for some reason, he felt the need to say something else. Like I said, he's not a sexist by any means. The dude is a moron and chose the wrong wording if he was trying to joke around.


Polite as fuck.
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Exactly. Sexist is sexist. So why should people just sweep this under the rug? He made a sexist remark, whether he answered the question or not. Why couldn't he just answer the question and leave it at that? Like I said, the guy isn't sexist. He's just a moron.
Yeah, then I don't understand why you made the comment that, "But the difference is you were [sic]trying to do your job while getting those comments. This reporter was just trying to do her job".
(also, I'm assuming you meant "weren't" trying to do your job)


Jul 15, 2014
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Well she's the Panthers beat writer. She's always in the press conferences and every other time she's asked a question, he's just answered it. This one time, for some reason, he felt the need to say something else. Like I said, he's not a sexist by any means. The dude is a moron and chose the wrong wording if he was trying to joke around.

That makes sense then. He hadn't been playing well coming back off the injury the first couple of weeks and she probably wrote something he didn't like.

Old Lion

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I don't think it's a big deal. I think the world is overreacting. If anything, she's showing him that yes, some women can talk about route running and know a thing or two about football.

It is not allowed in a business environment. You can be disciplined or fired. In a bar, anything goes.

Yo Tee

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Yeah, then I don't understand why you made the comment that, "But the difference is you were [sic]trying to do your job while getting those comments. This reporter was just trying to do her job".
(also, I'm assuming you meant "weren't" trying to do your job)

Getting sexist remarks from someone you work with while trying to do a job is a little different than getting sexist remarks from some random person. You can walk away and never see that stranger again. You have to see that person you work with all the time.

Yo Tee

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I see you've come full circle on this during the course of the thread.


In my original statement, I didn't mean he was smart because he's a college graduate. I meant that he should have common sense. Now talking about with other people, common sense is not given along with a college degree haha.

black francis

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It's not your place to say if it's a big deal or not though. If she got offended, she got offended and he should apologize for that, especially if he didn't mean to offend her.

if he didn't mean to offend her, then its her problem for getting offended.

she might want to look into some thicker skin


Polite as fuck.
Jul 2, 2013
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It is not allowed in a business environment. You can be disciplined or fired. In a bar, anything goes.
That seems silly to me. So I can say the N word in a bar and it's fine, but just because there's a threat of being fired, i shouldn't say it at work? I would hope integrity and common decency would be the prevailing factor, but I guess I see what you're saying. (not really :D )

Also, I guess that's part of the problem for me... football isn't creating world peace or solving the debt crisis so stop taking it so seriously.


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Seriously. I get it all the time. I'll be watching a game and some guy will inevitably say something like, "Oh, you're not really a football fan. Name 3 players on the team aside from Ben or Antonio!" Then I bat my eyelashes and say, "hmmm...alright, I think I can, but if I can't I'll buy you a drink. If I can, you have to buy a round for me and my friends." Can't tell you how many free rounds I've gotten with that! lol!
I'd challenge you on that...and drop a "sugar tits" in there while at just for you Moxie :D

Old Lion

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain
Apr 18, 2013
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That seems silly to me. So I can say the N word in a bar and it's fine, but just because there's a threat of being fired, i shouldn't say it at work? I would hope integrity and common decency would be the prevailing factor, but I guess I see what you're saying. (not really :D )

Also, I guess that's part of the problem for me... football isn't creating world peace or solving the debt crisis so stop taking it so seriously.

Thats understandable, but Goodell takes NFL business no different then any other CEO or owner. Its up to them to determine what is acceptable and what is not when official football business is being conducted.


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It's not your place to say if it's a big deal or not though. If she got offended, she got offended and he should apologize for that, especially if he didn't mean to offend her.

I think any of us can have an opinion on whether it's a big deal or not...what we don't have a say in is how she should feel about the comments.

The reality is, there are some job roles that women are now in that they were not in 20 yrs ago.

Two week ago we had a large delivery at the office and the UPS driver was female...unconsciously, I asked if she needed any help getting the freight in...I wouldn't have asked that question if it was a guy.

She politely turned my request down and said she could handle it, and she did. But this whole thing with Cam has me thinking...was it sexist of me to offer her help to do her job?


Polite as fuck.
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Getting sexist remarks from someone you work with while trying to do a job is a little different than getting sexist remarks from some random person. You can walk away and never see that stranger again. You have to see that person you work with all the time.
To me it seems like people are always looking for a reason to be offended. What he said was dumb, especially in public, but to get all up in arms over it seems so silly. There are so many other things to go to war over.

Personally, I like when men think I don't know shit about sports. The smugness & superiority I feel when I show them otherwise is delicious!