As a follow up to my own post ..... I like this board and the people on it. I like the idea that there can be differnt opinions and we can all agree to disagree. I just don't want to sound like I'm going to war with anyone. Maybe I need to explain my view a little better. I thibnk that WINS are the most important thing to a fan. It's WINS that gets your team into the playoffs. But WINS are not an individual accomplishment. They may show up in a pitchers W-L record but in fact they are a composite of 3 different elements. Pitching, Offense and Defense. In any game that is played it's the combination of these 3 components that determins whether you'll walk away a winner or a loser for that game. Our pitching component is stellar. Our SP and Bully is one of the best in all of baseball. The other two suffered in 2011. Injuries, off years whatever. It was off. The reflection of that being 'off 'shows up in a pitcher's W-L record. With a decent offense last year and no injuries we most likely make the play-offs and the pitchers records are significantly better in the W-L columns ... without changing the level of thier contribution at all.
No worries SF11. We're all "friends/family" here (even though I don't know any of you fuckers, lol).....tzill just happens to be the curmudgeonly older brother

I think when you add in San Francisco's weather, the ballparks dimensions (offensive players seem to only care about HR's, not triples or doubles anymore), and the ballparks reputation as an offensive black hole, that you have to overpay for good hitters. When you use the above three again for pitchers, you may be able to find more bargains.
I think/hope Melky will be above average in LF, Pagan will be above average in CF and Schierholtz will be great in RF. Our IF defense should also be bolstered with Freddy back at 2B and Buster back at C (hopefully both of them for at least 100 games at the position). Add in everyday Crawdaddy at SS and Belt in at 1B at times and that's a pretty damn good defense.
Bottom line is, unless someone is going to grossly overpay for Timmay or Matty, I think the Giants should just keep them*. Just my humble opinion.
*Unless either one of them is unsignable due to wanting too much money or too many years on the contract. Then by all means, the FO must do what you gotta do.
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