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Bulls Cavs


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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And Cleveland has won 14 of their last 16. With no D?



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Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
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And Cleveland has won 14 of their last 16. With no D?


theyve played pretty darn good D over the last month or so....it looked pretty crappy tonight though- they definitely were not at the top of their game. I get that it was the all star break and they just played an emotional game last night at home before going on the road tonight-- but i was hoping they would bring a little more energy since getting home court against the Bulls could be important.


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Apr 17, 2013
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who cares if he was going to Memphis or Oklahoma City or Cleveland or China? Who cares if he sold his house? Who cares if he knew it was going to happen?

what you dont seem to understand is that those things do not matter one iota. they are irrelvant to the story.

these are the facts

-Miller was amnestied

-JAmes was his friend

-James thought he could still help the team

-James thought Arison did it to save money

-James thought they did a crappy job reloading that subsequent year

those are the cold hard blackletter facts. Anything else is just rationalization and explanation that goes no where and makes you look nuts in the face of literally - dozens of reputable media outlets reporting the exact same thing.

Here is another thing you are waaayyyy off on.
James is/was his teamate.

Friend? Not in any form or sense of the word.
Mikes friends on the Heat were Battier . Jones and of course UD.
He did nothing social with LeBron.
Two totally different people.
Mike is from South Dakota. He's a down to earth good ole country boy.
James headed to South Beach with Wade and Beasley.
Mike headed home.

What's even funnier is the reporters said James disliked Beasley, when in reality they were thick as thieves.

And the who cares is you going by the 'reports' of reporters who will run with any story because they need one.

Why on earth would I publicly come on here and state where he was going when it was against all reports unless I knew it was true?
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Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
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Here is another thing you are waaayyyy off on.
James is/was his teamate.

Friend? Not in any form or sense of the word.
Mikes friends on the Heat were Battier . Jones and of course UD.
He did nothing social with LeBron.
Two totally different people.
Mike is from South Dakota. He's a down to earth good ole country boy.
James headed to South Beach with Wade and Beasley.
Mike headed home.

What's even funnier is the reporters said James disliked Beasley, when in reality they were thick as thieves.

what your saying has no basis in reality man.

When I see that Mike Miller takes half the salary to come to Cleveland- and leaves millions of dollars on the table- and then claims he did it because he is great friends with James- and James says the same exact thing- I mean- i just dont know what to say other than you are operating in some kind of universe th rest of us arent.

i dont even understand what your argument was to be honest---- how is it even relevant that he sold his house or was going to memphis instead of oklahoma city?

how does that even matter?

does it change LeBrons mind and all of a sudden he is not upset about Miller leaving and Arison pinching pennies because a guy went to Memphis instead of Golden State or LA?

does it matter if he sold his house because he THOUGHT it was going to happen? Everyone out there knew there was a chance Miller would get amnestied.

Riley felt that he could do that- and it would not matter- that it was in the best interest of the team to do so- and go in a different direction

hey- thats fine- good for Riley--- if he would have built a team that won it all despite that move then LeBron is probably still there even though he got pissed off about it

but again- when your dealing with LeBron- you make those moves at your own risk. And it ended up being a factor in leaving the team- and now the Heat are desperately clinging to the 8th spot in the East. When you preach "family" maybe you should run something like that by the guy who you preached "family" too- before you end up offending the guy

I cant even say it was rationale for LeBron to be offended- but that does not change the fact that he was displeased about the move- and that he had added displeasure when the Heat made piss poor moves to replace the guy.


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Aug 1, 2013
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u know a player is great when he plays like shit and looks uninterested and still ends up with 28. LeBron played like a dumbass for most of the night


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Jul 17, 2014
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i mean....I like living in Cleveland- im from here though

let me tell ya- i have paid attention to Cleveland sports for the better part of 2 decades now

correct me if i am wrong here-----



but.....it does not often happen that a player leaves half the value of a contract on the table to sign a deal in Cleveland for millions less....

yes...yes...i know what you are going to say---- that Cleveland is on the rise...E4th, warehouse district, rock hall,

but......forgive me if I think the biggest reason the guy decided to come to Cleveland is to play with his friend LeBron and contend for a title.

I know.....i know....who wouldnt give up millions to end their career in Believeland? you dont have to tell me about the lures of Lake Erie- i know them well.

maybe the weather is not quite stellar here during the basketball season that runs from November to May (otherwise known as Winter here).....

maybe he enjoys the cold after spending 3 years in the sunshine of Miami.....i mean that could be possible right?

or...could there be a more viable explanation? the one that both he AND lebron extolled to the media on many occasions- that they are good friends- and wanted to play together again- and that lebron was upset when he was amnestied from the heat....

like i said- if your explanation has more to do with the Call of the Cleve.....i can definitely buy that....

cant you guys?


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Jul 17, 2014
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u know a player is great when he plays like shit and looks uninterested and still ends up with 28. LeBron played like a dumbass for most of the night

the turnovers are getting ridiculous though man.....its like a nightly occurence now he has 5 turnovers....hes averaginig 5.2 a game this month and was at 4.4 last month....

he needs to work on cleaning that up- h always blames it on getting to know his new teammates - but at some point he needs to work the shit out.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
$ 31.28
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Hbomb u are twisting things around like a girlymon


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
$ 31.28
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These posts are so long. Novelish


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
$ 31.28
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Quote: Hambombs
Yes they aren't that good at it in general

You say this in reference to the Cavs D. I think I'm wasting my time talking to you. You are a girlymon


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
$ 31.28
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But then you say they won by playing D? That's the point nimrod

Clevelands won 14 of 16 and not played tenacious D at all.

But it's coming. Which is my point.... It's about to get more physical and better defense


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
$ 31.28
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Hambombs is either a woman or he's a complete retard. I'm done with u dude.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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i mean....I like living in Cleveland- im from here though

let me tell ya- i have paid attention to Cleveland sports for the better part of 2 decades now

correct me if i am wrong here-----



but.....it does not often happen that a player leaves half the value of a contract on the table to sign a deal in Cleveland for millions less....

yes...yes...i know what you are going to say---- that Cleveland is on the rise...E4th, warehouse district, rock hall,

but......forgive me if I think the biggest reason the guy decided to come to Cleveland is to play with his friend LeBron and contend for a title.

I know.....i know....who wouldnt give up millions to end their career in Believeland? you dont have to tell me about the lures of Lake Erie- i know them well.

maybe the weather is not quite stellar here during the basketball season that runs from November to May (otherwise known as Winter here).....

maybe he enjoys the cold after spending 3 years in the sunshine of Miami.....i mean that could be possible right?

or...could there be a more viable explanation? the one that both he AND lebron extolled to the media on many occasions- that they are good friends- and wanted to play together again- and that lebron was upset when he was amnestied from the heat....

like i said- if your explanation has more to do with the Call of the Cleve.....i can definitely buy that....

cant you guys?

Mike did want to PLAY with James this season and contend for a title, but that has nothing to do with James being upset about not playing with him last season.
IF the Cavs roster had a couple year younger Battier, Lewis and RAY ALLEN last July, then James wouldn't have recruited Mike.

And as far as his options, yes, he did take less, but he didn't want to sign for 3 years in Denver.
He has a player option after this season. Not that he has any league value at this point, but he can go anywhere he wants next year.
If his role continues to be what it is now, you will see how much or little he and James care about playing with each other which is really not at all since Mike doesn't play,


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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And Wiggy, Arison is a billionaire who knew how much income that James generated for him, as well as what the franchise was valued at with and without James.

Based on that alone, you really think the money he would have had to pay Miller would have been any type of deterrent if he in ANY WAY thought or felt James would have been upset about it?


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
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And Wiggy, Arison is a billionaire who knew how much income that James generated for him, as well as what the franchise was valued at with and without James.

Based on that alone, you really think the money he would have had to pay Miller would have been any type of deterrent if he in ANY WAY thought or felt James would have been upset about it?[/QUOTE

I dont know

sometimes ego can get in the way of being rationale and few people have an ego like a billionaire or a Pay Riley- or LeBron for that matter.

Like I said- i am sorry that i simply cannot buy what you are selling when there is just a mountain load of evidence that directly contradicts it from sources that are beyond reproach- including the parties themselves.

thanks for the Korver thing though- i figured thats who it would be....im actually relieved Love was not named.. he needs the rest. Im glad all LeBron is doing is playing in the game too

and Kyrie can definitely use the rest as well- that kid has only missed two games and played hard through a hurt knee for a lot of December- and hes played a ton of minutes.

Kyrie is 2nd in the league in minutes played per game- and the only guy above him is Butler who has missed 2 more games-

hes young but that takes a toll