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Bulls Cavs


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You mean that same mouth who twice lied about the Love tweet and basically everything else about his FA reasoning?

EVERYONE who knows Mike, knows that he knew and the team knew what was coming and when.
It was the reason Mike sold his house the previous season.
I was with him at one of his charity events THE NIGHT it happened. The ONLY thing he cared about was the Cavs NOT claiming him off waivers.

Riley had secured and surrounded LeBron with Allen, Battier, Jones, and Lewis.
Miller would have played as much then as he does now.

you saw him at a charity event? dude, im sorry- shit- that changes everything! why didnt you say so?


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maybe you are Riley's nephew and know what really happened-

but I can put "mike miller lebron unhappy amnestied" in my google search bar- and find no less than a dozen stories about it from reputable sources that directly contradict what you said.

When it comes to trusting the Sporting News, or SI, or CBS Sports, specifically-Windhorst of ESPN (not espn in general)- or you- i mean, its not a hard decision. I hope that does not offend you- its not meant to. It means that you are probably not in the best place to make an objective call and naturally lack the access that guys who get paid to do that job have.

You mean the 'same guys' who reported for days that Mike was going to Ok City, when I that same night said he was going to Memphis once he convinced the Cavs to pass on him by saying he needed back surgery?

There is a thread here somewhere from that night. I guarantee it. Go back and read it.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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Hey if Bron is tweeting shit in year 1 so be it.

He doesn't have a coach really to say it. LBJ wants cohesion now and that's hard to do


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You mean that same mouth who twice lied about the Love tweet and basically everything else about his FA reasoning?

EVERYONE who knows Mike, knows that he knew and the team knew what was coming and when.
It was the reason Mike sold his house the previous season.
I was with him at one of his charity events THE NIGHT it happened. The ONLY thing he cared about was the Cavs NOT claiming him off waivers.

Riley had secured and surrounded LeBron with Allen, Battier, Jones, and Lewis.
Miller would have played as much then as he does now.

theres no rationalization or explanation that changes the truth. I cannot believe that you truly believe LeBron was not upset about that move. That is pretty much universally accepted to anyone that works or covers the league as a given.

Sometimes you are too close or too much of a fan to make a rationale decision. It happens. I think thats where you are here man.

like i said- do a simple google search. I have not heard from anyone- even local Heat reporters say what you are saying- if you can show me one decent source that does so I would at least agree that you have a ledge to stand on (however slim). Otherwise you just look really irrational with that kind of commenting.

Just find me one article- i dont care if its some podunk paper out of fort lauderdale.

thats from the Sun Sentinel of all places

Dwyane Wade took time to rest his balky knees last season, LeBron James, on numerous occasions, lamented the Miami Heat's decision to save against the luxury tax with the 2013 offseason release of swingman Mike Miller.

Now reunited with James with the Cleveland Cavaliers, Miller offered insight into the degree of that ire, with James leaving the Heat in free agency in July to return to the Cavaliers.
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Apr 17, 2013
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One of his new teammates in Cleveland however, Mike Miller - a man with whom LeBron fostered a close relationship with during their time together at the Miami Heat - has added another layer of intrigue to the story today.

Speaking to Cleveland.com the veteran identified the Heat's 2013 decision to amnesty his contract as an example of LeBron's growing displeasure with the Miami front office's handling of affairs - an issue that was raised on several occasions this summer to explain James decision to jump ship.

"LeBron thought it was an unnecessary change," explained Miller when discussing the move which saved the Heat $17 million in salary and luxury tax but left them without a key role player and close personal friend of James.

"I'm not saying I would have been the difference-maker. San Antonio was unbelievable last year and there are a lot of things that go into a season, but it was difficult for LeBron.

"It was difficult for all of us. It was difficult for me. I had to uproot my family and move again. It was tough. I think he (LeBron) was disappointed because he understands legacies and he understands what he wants to do in life. That's what makes him special."

A close bond

When you look at what LeBron has had to say on Miller this past week, describing him as the closest teammate he has had in his career, it is hardly surprising that Miller's amnesty prior to the 2013-14 season after three years with the franchise left something of a sour taste.

Total nonsense.
Like I previously stated, they knew they were moving, HENCE selling your house a year in advance.
Google that. It was a public auction.

Anyway, what he did do was uproot his family THIS sumner by choosing Cleveland.
He had never sold his mansion in Memphis so it was absolutely no big deal for them to go back there after the amnesty.
Matter of fact, his inner circle still all live in Memphis.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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Turn it to ESPN and watch these 2 kids on Illinois that played with Jabari Parker in high school. 4 straight HS championships



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Rose is gonna get hammered in the playoffs tho.

That's what I try to tell all you people's. It's gonna get way more physical. No one plays D now until April in the NBA. Defense wins championships

I'm pretty sure they play defense now lol


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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Game winning shot was sweet tho :lol:

D Rose is finding his groove now


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Jul 17, 2014
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Total nonsense.
Like I previously stated, they knew they were moving, HENCE selling your house a year in advance.
Google that. It was a public auction.

Anyway, what he did do was uproot his family THIS sumner by choosing Cleveland.
He had never sold his mansion in Memphis so it was absolutely no big deal for them to go back there after the amnesty.
Matter of fact, his inner circle still all live in Memphis.

what does it matter if he KNEW he was moving? Why is that even relevant? The whole league knew their was a chance hed get amnestied- I KNEW that in Cleveland that Miami might amnesty him because of their bloated cap

that does not change the fact that Arison pulled the move to save money and that LeBron was angry about the move.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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Hambombs yah they play D now. But it's lazy D. It picks up closer to the playoffs.

No worries bro. I'll teach yah ;)


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Jul 17, 2014
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Game winning shot was sweet tho :lol:

D Rose is finding his groove now

Dunleavy being back definitely helps you guys....having that outside threat is big for opening up the lane even if hes not shooting great on a particular night- you still have to respect the threat.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
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Total nonsense.
Like I previously stated, they knew they were moving, HENCE selling your house a year in advance.
Google that. It was a public auction.

Anyway, what he did do was uproot his family THIS sumner by choosing Cleveland.
He had never sold his mansion in Memphis so it was absolutely no big deal for them to go back there after the amnesty.
Matter of fact, his inner circle still all live in Memphis.


you are right. LeBron did not care they let Miller go- every single news outlet that reported pretty much the exact same thing is wrong- Mike Miller is lying- and you are the only person that was right.

do you know how crazy you sound repeating this nonsense?


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2011
Sevs or quick chek
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Hambombs yah they play D now. But it's lazy D. It picks up closer to the playoffs.

No worries bro. I'll teach yah ;)

I'm pretty sure teams show up now. You have to fight for the seeding


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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theres no rationalization or explanation that changes the truth. I cannot believe that you truly believe LeBron was not upset about that move. That is pretty much universally accepted to anyone that works or covers the league as a given.

Sometimes you are too close or too much of a fan to make a rationale decision. It happens. I think thats where you are here man.

like i said- do a simple google search. I have not heard from anyone- even local Heat reporters say what you are saying- if you can show me one decent source that does so I would at least agree that you have a ledge to stand on (however slim). Otherwise you just look really irrational with that kind of commenting.

Just find me one article- i dont care if its some podunk paper out of fort lauderdale.

Fuck your Google searche on the topic, I don't need them.
And as far as reporters, the only one that I know who is a true friend to Mike is Ethan Skolnik.
He hangs with him as a friend, not a reporter.
It has zero to do with fanship.

Did you google the house sale?
Did you Google all the Miller to Ok City reports?

If Jams gave 2 craps, why didn't he go to Riley/Arison beforehand and express his concern?

It's an easy 2 word answer. Ray Allen.


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say what you will about Gilbert- he will never let spending money lead the Cavs to making a decision that is not in the interest of the basketball side and LeBron knows that.


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you are right. LeBron did not care they let Miller go- every single news outlet that reported pretty much the exact same thing is wrong- Mike Miller is lying- and you are the only person that was right.

do you know how crazy you sound repeating this nonsense?

Find ONE news outlet that said Mike was going to Memphis, then read my posts from that night saying they were all wrong, because he had told me Memphis.

You can debate all you want, but you can't change fact.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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Hamb did you see Clevelands Defense Tonight?


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Jul 17, 2014
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Find ONE news outlet that said Mike was going to Memphis, then read my posts from that night saying they were all wrong, because he had told me Memphis.

You can debate all you want, but you can't change fact.

who cares if he was going to Memphis or Oklahoma City or Cleveland or China? Who cares if he sold his house? Who cares if he knew it was going to happen?

what you dont seem to understand is that those things do not matter one iota. they are irrelvant to the story.

these are the facts

-Miller was amnestied

-JAmes was his friend

-James thought he could still help the team

-James thought Arison did it to save money

-James thought they did a crappy job reloading that subsequent year

those are the cold hard blackletter facts. Anything else is just rationalization and explanation that goes no where and makes you look nuts in the face of literally - dozens of reputable media outlets reporting the exact same thing.