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Bulls Cavs


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Hambombs is either a woman or he's a complete retard. I'm done with u dude.

What in the hell did i say? You said no teams play defense during the season lol. I'm not the one saying that. You also said curry and Paul are soft, warriors play no D, west coast D isn't good, durant can't do anything besides shoot. You just say stuff that ain't true lol


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They actually been really good on defense for a good while now.

I hesitate to call Tristan Thompson a "stopper" yet- but he definitely has turned up his game this year on the defensive end. The fact that he can conserve energy and come off the bench has let him really get after it on that end and theres no doubt he is an above average defender now.

Shumpert is definitely an above average perimeter defender from what i have seen. He too is no longer starting like he did on NY- and he can really go all out on D when he comes in.

Mozgov has been the biggest difference maker though. Hes a legit 7 footer with strength and he can defend the rim. I love Varejao- and he can take a charge, show on the pick and roll and plays like crazy- but hes not a legit 7 footer that has some strength like Mozgov.

ive used this analogy before and will again- but only because i really beleive its true- Mozgov was like adding a legit closer to the Cavs. In baseball- when you lose your closer to injury- it makes everyone move up a spot- set up to close- middle to set up etc.....

Mozgov let everyone go into their correct roles. It let Love go to PF- it let Thompson go to the bench, it let Kyrie gamble a little moreo n the outside, it gave LeBron some protection.....


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DJ always ran his mouth how Kyrie was so injury prone and should be nicknamed "Mr. Glass"

I said that one of the reasons he was held out of games was because the Cavs sucked and the team wanted to protect their future- and that their was no incentive in playing- actually the opposite was true in that they were trying to get more ping pong balls in the hopper. Why play a 21 year old kid when he is not 100% when the alternative is he gets healthy and you lose a few more games to get a better pick in a yearyour not making the playoffs anyway?

I thought once there was incentive for him to play - and that he developed a little more physically he would be fine- he wasnt fragile per se when he came in- but he was 19 and looked like a 19 year old and was playing against men

fast forward to this year

2nd in the league in minutes- has only missed 2 games.

yet another case of where i wasright and DJ was wrong.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
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Originally Posted by SJ76 View Post
Hambombs is either a woman or he's a complete retard. I'm done with u dude.
What in the hell did i say? You said no teams play defense during the season lol. I'm not the one saying that. You also said curry and Paul are soft, warriors play no D, west coast D isn't good, durant can't do anything besides shoot. You just say stuff that ain't true lol

I said defense is more legit in the 2nd half of the season. Intensity picks up. More physical too. I never said there's absolutely no D being played. U said Cleveland isn't playkng any D. My goodness boy what the fuck is wrong with u?? U just want to argue? Or assume bs like a woman?

Yes I said curry and cp3 are soft. Not tough players.
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I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
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Lord have mercy


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I said defense is more legit in the 2nd half of the season. Intensity picks up. I never said there's absolutely no D being played. U said Cleveland isn't playkng any D. My goodness boy what the fuck is wrong with u?? U just want to argue? Or assume bs like a woman?

Yes I said curry and cp3 are soft. Not tough players.

I'm pretty sure are damn competitive players. And I said they played no D tonight bud. Lol. It's just a conversation no need to get mad!


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
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Originally Posted by SJ76 View Post
Hamb did you see Clevelands Defense Tonight?

Yes they aren't that good at it in general

I don't fight retards. :L


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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I told people here the last few years that he has really declined on that end

He's getting older. He's where Kobe was at about the same age. He can still be an elite defender, he just can't be an elite defender for 35+ minutes anymore.


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As for the defense/no defense, it's not that NO defense is played in games prior to the all star break, it's that the defense picks up considerably and the defensive effort becomes much more consistent after the all star break and throughout the playoffs.

It's and 82 game regular season and defense takes a lot more energy than offense. Because of this, intense defense is played in spurts before the all star break. After the all star break, is when final seedings are determined, so the defensive intensity picks up. Being 2 or 3 games behind the team in front of you is a much bigger deal in late February and March than it is in December or January.

In the playoffs, you're facing the same team for as many as 7 games. This gives teams much more of an opportunity to adjust their defense and zero in on specific schemes to defend that teams style. That's a lot harder to do during the regular season when you might be facing the slow it down, power game that a team like Memphis plays on one night and then the up and down, 3 point shooting style of the Warriors the following night.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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As for the defense/no defense, it's not that NO defense is played in games
prior to the all star break, it's that the defense picks up considerably and the
defensive effort becomes much more consistent after the all star break and
throughout the playoffs.
Amen thank you Jesus! :lol:

Trojan, would you say that NBA team defense in the 1st half of the season is lazy compared to what it was in the 80's/90s? Or am I dreaming?

I was a little tipsy last night.. haha Bulls won, Illinois won in OT


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Apr 19, 2013
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Yes lately. They've been decent

D got better once they made a trade fir 7foot giant. he really made cavs better. problem they will face is irving and live are not good on defense. Also they arent really deep at some positions


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Amen thank you Jesus! :lol:

Trojan, would you say that NBA team defense in the 1st half of the season is lazy compared to what it was in the 80's/90s? Or am I dreaming?

I was a little tipsy last night.. haha Bulls won, Illinois won in OT

I think that defense has always been lazy in the first half of the season. The difference in the 80's/90's is that defenses were allowed to be more physical, so, while defense may have been a little more intense in the first half of the season than it is now, it turned into a bloodbath in the 2nd half of the season and playoffs.

Later in the season and throughout the playoffs, teams instituted "no layups" rules, so anyone driving the lane, did so at their own peril. Guys used to get absolutely clobbered in the paint back then.

Can you imagine what the leagues reaction would be today if we had a play like McHale clotheslining Rambis, Magic clobbering Isaiah (who was his best friend at the time) or any number of things that used to happen to MJ?:lol: