Well-Known Member
It honestly would not matter who he rooted for, he's that obnoxious. Everyone just wants whoever he wants to win to lose. There's good natured banter and then there's crossing that line. This guy is one of those ones that doesn't even remember there was a line.
I was in a training class once for work. I will never forget this one guy.
A little background one of those stupid classes where you have to give an intro. The guy gave me hell for being from Pittsburgh about our sports teams (his was mainly the Steelers) but the whole class he went on and on about Ohio State Football everytime he had a chance to talk. Also the one day he was texting and talking during the breaks to his one friend about getting tickets to the one Buckeye game.
It is those types of fans that ruin it for the rest of the fanbase. And they are the ones that give hell to anyone but are the real a-holes who are obnoxious. So that guy in your office deserves what he gets. I would be laughing at him also.