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Briere Suspended 3 games


Jun 22, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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Wow. Very surprised. I thought maybe a fine or maybe 1 game at the most. Didnt expect 3 at all. He should fight it to get it reduced


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Apr 22, 2010
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This gets 3 but Avery's Paul Bunyan impersonation goes unnoticed?


Jun 22, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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Islanders/Flyers rematch in 3 games. Maybe thats why he gets 3? Sucks tho because Danny is playing so good right now


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May 15, 2010
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not all that surprised really.. it was a pretty viscous play.. he was provoked, yes.. the linesman should've tossed nielson from the faceoff, absolutely.. but he was in the situation, he should know not to swipe at someone's head with his stick.. 3 games is fair IMO..

i think the linesman should be suspended though too.. guys get tossed for not putting their stick down in time, how is skating into the other center-man, standing over him, and talking trash, not worthy of a tossing from the faceoff? i hope he was at least talked to.. in a game that already has heated tempers, allowing a guy to talk trash and try to intimidate another player, is asking for trouble.. we gotta remember hockey players are mostly retarded and naturally violent..

in the end, i'm not surprised at any part of it after nielson didnt get tossed.. briere is a hockey player so i expect him to do something dumb and violent.. and his actions were worthy of a punishment.. a 3 game punishment came down.. not a surprise.. good thing the rest of the team started playing the past couple games or these would be 3 losses


Why you heff to be mad?
Jun 25, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
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as much as i love danny briere, he gets what he deserves unfortunately. i know emotions are running high, but if you are going to make a statement, give the guy a punch to the face not a crosscheck to the face with your stick. and this isnt the first time, briere has had a history of cheap shots. it might be a subconscious reaction for him since hes the smallest guy on the ice most nights, but its something hes going to need to get rid of in his game and start keeping those cheap shots under control. flyers will be fine without him as long as everyone keeps scoring like they have been.


Lets do this!
Jun 28, 2010
Staten Island NY
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This is a fair suspension because it gives the Rangers 10% chance to win instead of 0%


Flyers Fan
May 16, 2010
Hainesport, New Jersey
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Fair suspension. NOt his first. Where is Trent Hunter's game or two though? Two intent to injure penalties in one game, and they only suspend for one of them?


Arrive. Raise Hell. Leave.
Jun 20, 2010
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Fair suspension. NOt his first. Where is Trent Hunter's game or two though? Two intent to injure penalties in one game, and they only suspend for one of them?

Trent Hunter will get his comeuppance on Saturday. I'd have no issue at all if we sent Shelley/Carcillo out there will the sole intent to erase him.

h X c Chris

May 1, 2010
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Flyers are clicking on all cylinders right now, i'm not worried at all.


Junior Mint
Apr 24, 2010
Staunton, VA
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Flyers are clicking on all cylinders right now, i'm not worried at all.

I know what you mean but I don't even think it's at that point yet, even if it's getting there. This team will be a lot better once we start getting the goals that are expected out of guys like Richie, JvR and Zherdev.

That said, our top line of Leino, Hartnell and whoever plays center appears to dominate on a nightly basis. I bet Giroux puts up 35+ goals and 45+ assists this season. His point per game production so far is no fluke and it should continue throughout the season. That will be a massive improvement over what he gave us last season. He's just an amazing talent and now he's dominating just as he did in the playoffs. I'm glad that all of that has carried over.

Add in the fact that our defense is finally scoring, our power play is back on track and Bob is performing about as well as you could possibly expect him to, it's just a great time to be a fan. Hopefully we get Meszaros and Leighton back soon, if anything just for the purpose of depth. However, Bartulis is a very capable sixth defenseman in my opinion. I find it hard to believe that Leighton could step in and play better than Bob has, but he could definitely render Boucher obsolete.

As for the topic at hand, the three game suspension for Briere is excessive. There are players who have done much worse and received either no suspension or fewer games. We better manage to come away with two wins against the Rags and Isles or I am not going to be happy. Danny has been a high percentage of our offense this season and these are two critical division games that he's going to be out for. He probably wasn't even missed tonight, but he will be now.


Future Flyer Cup-Winner
May 16, 2010
Eagan, MN
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As for the topic at hand, the three game suspension for Briere is excessive. There are players who have done much worse and received either no suspension or fewer games. We better manage to come away with two wins against the Rags and Isles or I am not going to be happy. Danny has been a high percentage of our offense this season and these are two critical division games that he's going to be out for. He probably wasn't even missed tonight, but he will be now.

I disagree that it was excessive. While other players have certainly gotten less for more, that's more because the NHL's suspension system is like my time machine - it just doesn't work.

Briere took an unprovoked shot at a guys face with his stick. Yeah, there was jawing going on beforehand, but it doesn't matter what the guy says to you, you don't do anything that has unnecessary risk of causing injury. It was a really dumb move by Briere, and while it sucks for the team, that's something they have to overcome.


Lets do this!
Jun 28, 2010
Staten Island NY
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It shows that if you want to step into a Flyers face you will get smacked down...sends a message to everyone else. Bring it on beatches!


Junior Mint
Apr 24, 2010
Staunton, VA
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I disagree that it was excessive. While other players have certainly gotten less for more, that's more because the NHL's suspension system is like my time machine - it just doesn't work.

Briere took an unprovoked shot at a guys face with his stick. Yeah, there was jawing going on beforehand, but it doesn't matter what the guy says to you, you don't do anything that has unnecessary risk of causing injury. It was a really dumb move by Briere, and while it sucks for the team, that's something they have to overcome.

According to Briere, he was just protecting himself and he did not at all aim for his face. This was not an unprovoked move as Briere clearly stated (and I agree with him) and his stick hit the guy in the helmet, which is nothing more than high sticking. There was no injury on the play. Briere was shocked that he got three games and I am shocked as well.

There are illegal plays made in the Nhl that have resulted in serious injury that did not require even a suspension, let alone one of this many games. If it's just a matter of the Nhl not being consistent with these calls, then that is still unacceptable. They stretched this to three games solely because the third game is a rematch against the Isles, which is ridiculous. The Islanders were the team that was down by five goals, completely frustrated and looking to start shit, not our guys.


Future Flyer Cup-Winner
May 16, 2010
Eagan, MN
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According to Briere, he was just protecting himself and he did not at all aim for his face. This was not an unprovoked move as Briere clearly stated (and I agree with him) and his stick hit the guy in the helmet, which is nothing more than high sticking. There was no injury on the play. Briere was shocked that he got three games and I am shocked as well.

There are illegal plays made in the Nhl that have resulted in serious injury that did not require even a suspension, let alone one of this many games. If it's just a matter of the Nhl not being consistent with these calls, then that is still unacceptable. They stretched this to three games solely because the third game is a rematch against the Isles, which is ridiculous. The Islanders were the team that was down by five goals, completely frustrated and looking to start shit, not our guys.

It's not about whether it causes an injury. It's about risk, and whether or not it's a justifiable one. If a guy comes across the blue line with the puck and Briere hits the guy cleanly and the guy falls weird and never plays in the NHL again, Briere shouldn't get anything. If Briere pulls out a gun and shoots at the guy, it's not okay if he only "hits the guy in the helmet." Hyperbole yes, but you understand the idea I'm getting at. These guys risk their bodies enough out there without subjecting them to more potential injuries.

And I agree with you, it wasn't unprovoked. My response is: so what? You don't like what the guy is saying, just tell him to talk to the scoreboard. Like Danny's never heard mean things about his mother on the ice before? He should be able to control himself better than that. And as for protecting himself, I call BS. I'm on Youtube replaying this over and over. Nielsen doesn't make any move for Briere off the faceoff; he follows the puck. Briere watches the puck for a split second and then without looking up checks Nielsen across the face. So I agree he didn't aim for the face, at least, but that's not exactly a safe or smart hockey play.

Finally, I certainly agree that the NHL's disciplinary system is beyond atrocious and back again. Personally, I think they just review every play of every game and throw darts to decide what gets what suspension.