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Bottom Line.. who would you take?


Unofficial board GM
May 9, 2013
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100% agree... I value EVERYONES opinion here, whether they fall in line with me or not. That is why I am hoping a bunch of us in St Louis can get together for the first round of the draft... I can only imagine the "discussions" that would happen..

:suds: :minion:


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Well, excuuuuuuse me if my more imaginative language is not to your mundane politically correct liking Vita.
:lol:This made me think of the Steve Martin bit.
I have said nothing that anybody else hasn't said at one time or another. I've just said it in more colorful terms.
Right, I was using hyperbole with the whole slanderous bit however stand by the overly harsh comment. It is merely my opinion of your takes on Sam.
As far as all the things I've said being slanderous....what world do you live in pray tell? If you don't understand metaphors, sarcasm and cynicism....well Vita thats a you problem, not my problem. Seems nobody else seems to have a problem understanding my style.
OK, let me rephrase my criticism of Bradford for you point for point, removing the color;
Bradford is indecisive on the field...displaying a lack for any real leadership abilities. (Scared field mouse)
Bradford has a lack of field vision and tends to rely on his primary receiver more than he should. (Locks onto receivers)
Bradford has appeared to lose his composure at times when the game is not going the way he would like it to. (Bed wetter)
Bradford has not performed up to the standards that a #1 draft pick with his credentials and salary is expected to. (He stinks!)
There is some concern that Bradford will never realize his full potential and become a prominent NFL QB. (He's a bust, and not the Canton, Ohio type)
OK, is that sanitized enough for you Vita?
Everything I've said is completely accurate about Bradford. If I'm incorrect, then refute what I have claimed about him. I've taken my comments from the body of work that he has produced since he's been in the league. Never even a sniff of a Pro Bowl, and some years the league was scrapping the bottom of the barrel....just not that far down to scrape up Bradford.
Let me ask you something Vita. Do you remember a QB by the name of Archie Manning? He seemed to constantly be surrounded with some of the worst teams in the NFL, yet was still recognized as one of the better QBs in the league. Hmm, wonder why that isn't the case for wennie boy if he's all that you think he is.
And the consensus is not necessarily the fans that I'm talking about. Read some comments from anonymous sources around the league. The only one willing to put his name to those comments is Jaworski because it's his job. Nonetheless that doesn't mean they aren't valid. And you already know nobody else will risk their position and put their name to these comments so don't even go there)
And as far as opinions are concerned, you're right Fisher's and Snead's take priority over mine.....oh, and yours as well.
If you don't like my comments Vita, here's a suggestion.....simply don't read them. Or you can always put me on ignore....problem solved.
Look, this is way out of hand IMO.

When you questioned my obscure comment, which I made in rebuttal to the polish comment, I thought it was kind of cute because your comments are of an abrasive or rough nature. It has nothing to do with my understanding of metaphors, sarcasm or cynicism I was just explaining the comment and jimmies were rustled.

I do get tired of the constant barrage with these type of sentiments though! :gaah:It's just another form of beating that dead horse Oh, and you're right, it's not just from you it comes from others too. I have no need to put you on ignore or anyone else for that matter but like you, I will stand up for my opinions too.

The bottom line, we are both huge Rams fans who care a lot about our team. Simple fact is, we both want what's best and that's that!

So with that said....

Go Rams! . :suds:


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2013
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Zeke. I am going out on a limb here. And BOSS can correct me if I am wrong. But I'm pretty sure he (BOSS) is not kidding. In my experience BOSS says what he means and means what he says. Although some things maybe thrown in for effect. As I say I maybe all wet on this one and am not trying to put words in anyones mouth.

Oh...I don't deny Boss's seriousness! I just love the tidbits he uses to get his point across:clap:.
I've had to clean my keyboard off a couple of times now. Lesson learned here. Never drink coffee while reading BOSS's posts. :gaah:


Animale rurale
Apr 18, 2013
The Ozarks
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Oh...I don't deny Boss's seriousness! I just love the tidbits he uses to get his point across:clap:.
I've had to clean my keyboard off a couple of times now. Lesson learned here. Never drink coffee while reading BOSS's posts. :gaah:
I have always found BOSSes posts to be if nothing else entertaining. He has a style all his own as do several of the posters here. And while his style can and does put some off. Normally even if I disagree I can have respect for his point of view. Over the years many times I have found the over the top,in your face,don't pull any punches type of poster is in reality an internet bully or keyboard warrior. Often masking themselves with the I just tell it like it is type of catch phrases. I have never felt that way about BOSS. Me I have never felt there is any weakness in trying to find a middle ground but thats just me. BOSS I believe will keep you entertained for a long time to come.


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Dec 8, 2013
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Mack & Dennard visiting the Rams this week. :clap:


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I have always found BOSSes posts to be if nothing else entertaining. He has a style all his own as do several of the posters here. And while his style can and does put some off. Normally even if I disagree I can have respect for his point of view. Over the years many times I have found the over the top,in your face,don't pull any punches type of poster is in reality an internet bully or keyboard warrior. Often masking themselves with the I just tell it like it is type of catch phrases. I have never felt that way about BOSS. Me I have never felt there is any weakness in trying to find a middle ground but thats just me. BOSS I believe will keep you entertained for a long time to come.




Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
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Mack & Dennard visiting the Rams this week. :clap:

That would be an interesting 2/13 combo (although I personally like Verrett). Dennard would conceivably push Jenkins inside I guess, where Verrett would leave Jenkins outside?


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Dec 8, 2013
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That would be an interesting 2/13 combo (although I personally like Verrett). Dennard would conceivably push Jenkins inside I guess, where Verrett would leave Jenkins outside?

I would assume it would be Jenkins and Dennard starting with Johnson coming in nickle. When Finnigan was playing good the first year that's what they did. 3 solid corners.


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Apr 18, 2013
Lake Havasu City, Arizona
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I love the Rams, have since the they moved from Cleveland with the horns.:drool: Nothing Boss says, Vita says, Ozark says, retro says and everyone else says upsets me because you guys are just like me, Rams fans until the end.:suds: I love the entertainment, conversation, carcasm, and even the dribble down someones leg with the love for any certain guy. My thoughts haven't changed since we drafted Bradford, I am waiting for him to get us to the playoffs.:L I am still waiting, maybe this year maybe not but I will tell you, I grow increasing weary of the Rams not scoring and that goes back to the QB in general.:doh: We talk OC, O-line, WRs but the scheme goes through the QB to make it happen and if he can't, cut bait and find someone who can.:nod:


the SoCo kid
Apr 29, 2013
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Per Jim Thomas's twitter account: "At the QB position, Rams have also shown significant interest in South Carolina's Connor Shaw, and some interest in SMU's Garrett Gilbert."


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2013
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Per Jim Thomas's twitter account: "At the QB position, Rams have also shown significant interest in South Carolina's Connor Shaw, and some interest in SMU's Garrett Gilbert."

Ive always liked Shaw. he just seems to have that win at any cost mentality. To go undefeated at home in his career says a lot. Thats impressive in the SEC. 26-5 overall. Jim Thomas is also is saying the Rams are strongly considering Mack with the 2nd pick.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2013
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:10: although some are saying Dennard is slipping out of the first round do to his aggressive style :noidea:

no way that happens. That should be something the coaches can work on.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
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Per Jim Thomas's twitter account: "At the QB position, Rams have also shown significant interest in South Carolina's Connor Shaw, and some interest in SMU's Garrett Gilbert."

6' with an injury history, wouldn't be my pick. Don't know much about Gilbert, but he's projected as a UDFA by most.