Politically Incorrect
Given the chance boss would assassinate Bradford
Well maybe assassinate would be a little harsh. I do think he'd make a great spokesman for Depends undergarments though.
Given the chance boss would assassinate Bradford
Forgive me Zeke, I am not seeking fault in your posts. I think you are actually a very good read and your rhetoric is very persuasive. However there are unrealistic expectations that get put into place and revisionist history which gets set in motion that I feel should be addressed. You know, like running the ball 65 percent of the time to be successful or that it's been 5 years of failure. I've heard the 5 years thing from others before.V-Mike
You seem to always try to find fault in my posts rather than understand what my post is really all about. You missed my point on what I beleive would HELP Sam. Does this make me a hater?? Whether you realize it or not, I am a RAM FAN and I really do want to see him succeed. Otherwise why would I suggest this?
So you were correct about the 65% running the ball, and yes I did forget about Sams rookie of the year success (that was a long time ago)
Please let me rephrase
I would absolutely love to see Sam Bradford lead this team.:rollseyes: I would absolutely love to see Sam to be able to control the tempo of the game by running the ball more.:rollseyes: Run the ball 40 times and only pass 20 times (there, hows that). Bang the rock on 1st down. Wear the defense down! The ONLY way to be able to do this is to win the battle up front.:rollseyes: It seems like all I've watch us do, is get behind by 14 pts early in the game we go into desparartion mode and PASS,PASS,PASS. This will get Sam KILLED is this what you want??????(aka Sam Watkins) We need to win the time of possesion battle. We need to win the battles of front. If we dont, you might as well Stick a Fork in Sam and hope and pray there's a good qb in next years draft.
That is what I would like to happen ZEKE :rollseyes:
That doesn't surprise me a bit Boss because conversely with enough abrasion you can obscure just about anything and with Sam that has been your modus operandi.Couldn't agree more Zeke. I don't really hate Bradford.....personally. I'm sure he's a nice guy. Never hear him getting into trouble or anything like that. But again in context, he just stinks on the field. I like Ozark's quote about Sam's performance. "I guess you can put polish on anything"
I was on the fence with Bradford for 4 years. I was rooting for him to succeed as much as the next guy because first and foremost I am a Rams fan. But don't you eventually have to wake up and smell the coffee?
Now looking at it from a purely OBJECTIVE viewpoint, and taking off the rose colored lenses, The only thing Bradford has lived up to is supplying his sympathizers material for a 3 set volume of "Excuses for Every Occasion. Probably a best seller on this board.
Is it possible that Bradford turns it around this season and has a breakout year? Certainly. But is it probable? Judging from his past performances, probably not. And that is just the objective, realistic outlook. If I was betting my house on it, I wouldn't bet with my heart, which is rooting for Bradford to succeed, but I'd bet with my head, which says that he's destined to be an eventual bust after everybody gets to the end of volume 3 of the excuse encyclopedia.
That doesn't surprise me a bit Boss because conversely with enough abrasion you can obscure just about anything and with Sam that has been your modus operandi.
Oh and your purely 'OBJECTIVE' viewpoint made me![]()
Sure, obscure. Your constant demeaning and undignified remarks conceal actual bench mark attributes going into this year.Obscure? Exactly what am I trying to obscure Vita? On the contrary, Sam's performance speaks for itself over his career. If anything, you are one of the sympathizers trying to obscure things by constantly making excuses for him. I'm afraid the majority of the fans are in agreement with me. The only difference is that I'm the most vocal about it. And I don't try to be diplomatic about it either or worry if I'm politically correct. Putting lipstick on a pig doesn't change the fact that a pig is still a pig.
So I guess you're suggesting that I have a personal vendetta against Bradford? Get real would you.
Technically there has been no slanderous comment on here because slander is spoken and libel is written or printed. I figured since we're poking bears and beating dead horses I'd throw is something negligible but new.
Isn't this what a message board is all about. Sometimes I believe this board is wound up tighter than dicks hatband. Its about discussion,debate,and arguments. Without differing opinions whats the point? Does it matter how many times Sam is discussed? Is it any different than the endless droning on about the multiple draft options? I personally enjoy the give and take it allows me to see different angles and points of views. Everything doesn't have to be a fight. But there is nothing wrong with standing up for your opinion.![]()
Sure, obscure. Your constant demeaning and undignified remarks conceal actual bench mark attributes going into this year.
I'm mean it is what it is....
So here's what's real, just in the last week you said Sam is a
All of those things you've posted are not real and are merely slanderous or subjective at best which obscure an overall impression of the man. There are many more that you've spewed over the off season and it's been overly harsh to say the least.
- Scared field mouse
- Locks onto receivers
- Would make a great spokesman for Depends
- Stinks on the field
- Will be an eventual bust.
You know we actually see eye to eye on a lot of things Boss however not this one.
I've said before I'm not a huge advocate for Sam just an advocate of truth, so go ahead, tell me the 'excuses' I've made for Sam. In my opinion, I only address the slander to allow for true objectivity. Like you, I want him to either excel or fail so we can have clear direction in 2015. I've have suggested QB's to draft next year even started a thread about it so I too need the excuses to stop and the QB questions settled once and for all. Unlike you, I believe Sam does have the ability to be a league leader however many before him in similar situations have failed and teams just move on. If this is the case, then so be it. We could just come up and find gold in the draft next year and our cap will be all the better for it but until then I will support our QB instead of tear him down at every turn.
Last, who cares what the 'majority' of fans think and I'm not convinced it's even true. Nobody is booing Sam when he goes into games, usually a display of discontent by the majority. The bottom line, Jeff Fisher supports Sam, Les Snead supports Sam and those two are the only two opinions that matter.