Sake Bomb Sam
Youre right, Pedroia is a better comp
Fuck Sake!
Don't think for a second I won't kick both your fucking asses
Youre right, Pedroia is a better comp
Fuck Sake!
I like Snoogs, he adds flavor to this place, but when he claims his son Brady is not named after Tom Brady... NEIKRO PLEASE, we're not complete idiots.
Don't think for a second I won't kick both your fucking asses
I'm a joint guy. Buy Zig Zags, won't you?
For the most part I have always thought the "Bradybatuers" were narrowed down to Snoogins and Down. Every once in a while you can see someone like Rock or another fan get into worship mode, but nothing like those two and their constant need to see who can give Tom's balls the better tongue bath.
Did you go to Stans Wednesday?
Why would I go if you aren't there baby?
Took the nephews on the monument park tour again instead
Yeah, well said....Especially with Rock, definitely a notch below...Than theres Zig, whose just your typical "Brady Fan" where he does it in a comical way, and isnt soooo far over the top, but it does anger his fists when I talk Brady
Must be an east coast thing? My buddies who smoke all pull off the pipe.
I like Snoogs, he adds flavor to this place, but when he claims his son Brady is not named after Tom Brady... NEIKRO PLEASE, we're not complete idiots.
\Why would I go if you aren't there baby?
Took the nephews on the monument park tour again instead
You also like syphilis. It gives your scrotum flavor.
Actually you crack me up with your Brady bashing. So irrational it's comical
But I know Snoogs makes you have to go there.
That's why I said what I said earlier today about the Boston fan base.
No problem at all with any of them...sans 2.
Those 2 tend to drag all of you into the shitter.
I'm guessing you could do without Snoogs or Down, huh?
That's why I said what I said earlier today about the Boston fan base.
No problem at all with any of them...sans 2.
Those 2 tend to drag all of you into the shitter.
K, just checking......Thats cool, hows the new monument park? Believe it or not, never went to the one in the new Stadium...Pops used to take me a lot in the old ballpark
I wish the board had a cool Reds fan that we could blame your shit on too fucker
I had never been to the old I can't tell you.