Smart!Rich!Good Looking!
Can I ask an honest question without being yelled at?
Let's assume the Yankees play October baseball, much of the season made up of AAA lineup
Let's assume the Jays, Dodgers and Angels all crash and burn
Does that affect how the Yankees approach the Cano deal?
Does it affect how other teams now approach future long term, big money deals?
DIRT! it' like we share a brain - I got the good half though

I just had this discussion with my friends the other day - at what point do you think they owners realize building fantasy teams don't work. Pitching Pitching Pitching!!
I mean this line up of AAAA players may win the game today because of good pitchign keeping them in the game. Middle releif may be the most underrated part of the game of baseball. Games are won and lost in the 6 7 8 inning every day