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bob stoops: SEC is not overwhelming


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May 4, 2013
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originally posted by Jonvi:

I will admit...the SEC has a lot of good teams....many should ranked be in the T25....but none belong in the T10. The cycle is swinging back to other conferences

I could almost have bought into your post until ^^^^!!! Seriously no SEC team belongs in the top 10? That might be the most anti-SEC hate post of the year! :L Bye bye all credibility for Jonvi!


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Jul 18, 2013
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My team is 11-2 and can probably beat all but three or four teams on a neutral field, maybe all but FSU if the game is in Columbia.

Who would like to argue that?

I am curious on which teams are the three and four. I think the South Carolina has a very well balanced offense and the defense can be great at times but Clowney takes away too many plays off. If he can focus and that defense can focus, they could probably do great things. For that reason I think Clowney was over rated. He had a great year last year. This year was lack luster. Hopefully South Carolina can pull a rabbit out of their hat because losing Shaw and Clowney is a lot of talent leaving the field.


La Familia Ohana
Apr 17, 2013
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I could almost have bought into your post until ^^^^!!! Seriously no SEC team belongs in the top 10? That might be the most anti-SEC hate post of the year! :L Bye bye all credibility for Jonvi!

Love the SEC hype machine. You can't lose the number of players to the NFL that the SEC has and expect incoming freshmen to pick up the torch. The only reason the sec is ranked so high is it's the chic thing for the median to do these days. The media has hyped the SEC to a point of being over the top. Auburn, Bama and Mizz....none of them should be in a BCS game this year.

Mizz took it in the shorts from SU the last game of last year. They were not even freaking bowl eligible yet the next year they almost win the SEC??? The OU win was not a fluke. Everything bama did, OU one-upped em. And if anyone believes Auburn is in the NC other then in name only is really blind.

You can say bye bye to my credibility or you can drag your head up out of the sand and go God Damn....the SEC just isn't that great this year. You can hope next year will be better. But it's far from a gimmie.


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That's gonna suck, big time, when Auburn wins Monday night; Jonvi.


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Orignally posted by Jonvi:

All those lesser bowls the SEC team was so heavily favored they had to win for fear looking as suspect as Bama did the other night.

For the record teams have bad games or off nights. I don't think anyone would disagree that OU played great (assuming their best game of the year?). Most people will agree that Bama was a little off. I also think it was obvious they were focused and wanted to be there (unlike Utah)! With all that said, OU leading by 7 and on it's own 12 facing about a 3rd and 8 threw a screen pass, made a great run and got the first down by about half a yard. That was with 4 minutes to go. If they don't get than Alabama is going to get good field position with plenty of time and chance to tie. In that same drive, again with enough time to drive the ball, Alabama got a PI called against them on 3rd down. This drive pretty much sealed it for OU. Until then it was still undecided. That's with a punt return TD called back for block in back. 3 turnovers leading to 21 OU points. A missed chip shot field goal. All those penalties were legit and Bama did not execute when they needed to. My point was this was one game with it's own identity and don't think the very next game Bama couldn't be sharp and, if so, I wonder how that game would play out? There are no do overs in football but don't think it's the end all /tell all and all of a sudden Alabama sucks. No top 10 teams and Auburn is playing for the NC on Monday? :L South Carolina won, LSU won, Texas A&M won. Those are all lesser bowl teams you're speaking of?


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May 4, 2013
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Love the SEC hype machine. They've done it almost every year! You can't lose the number of players to the NFL that the SEC has and expect incoming freshmen to pick up the torch. The only reason the sec is ranked so high is it's the chic thing for the median to do these days. The media has hyped the SEC to a point of being over the top. Auburn, Bama and Mizz....none of them should be in a BCS game this year.

Mizz took it in the shorts from SU the last game of last year :laugh3:. They were not even freaking bowl eligible yet the next year they almost win the SEC??? The OU win was not a fluke. Everything bama did, OU one-upped em. And if anyone believes Auburn is in the NC other then in name only is really blind. The game the other night was no fluke. True. OU deserved to win! However, I would take Bama 7 or 8 out of 10!

You can say bye bye to my credibility or you can drag your head up out of the sand and go God Damn....the SEC just isn't that great this year. If bad is 6-2 at this time in bowls and has a team playing for the NC Monday then I guess not great is still better then the rest huh? You can hope next year will be better. But it's far from a gimmie.

Alabama beat Missouri 42-10 last year. What the hell does that have to do with this year?

:noidea: :L :suds:


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Apr 8, 2011
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LAZY journalism.

EASY to just carry along the steady narrative put forth by the mommyship.

Until there are mandated, scheduled inter-conference OOC games, I don't see where ANY conference can claim they are better than any other conference REGARDLESS of who has won NC's. Teams YES, conferences NO.

The innumerable variables careening to and fro during the entire season should be reason enough that polling shouldn't take place until at least half of the season has taken place.

I suggest a TIER system. Instead of numerical values, we can have sets of teams. GREAT, GOOD, SUCKY etc. Those resulting sets would dictate bowl/playoff matchups, with statistical data being used as a test to weed out the weaklings.

QUALITY OF WIN NEEDS TO BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT. Let's encourage teams to do their best every week. Regardless of the perceived "beatdown", the teams that perform the best defensively and offensively should be recognized as being the most skilled/able to compete.

This shit ain't hard...and proclaiming one conference as better than another is lazy. The truth is bigger than that.


La Familia Ohana
Apr 17, 2013
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For the record teams have bad games or off nights. I don't think anyone would disagree that OU played great (assuming their best game of the year?). Most people will agree that Bama was a little off. I also think it was obvious they were focused and wanted to be there (unlike Utah)! With all that said, OU leading by 7 and on it's own 12 facing about a 3rd and 8 threw a screen pass, made a great run and got the first down by about half a yard. That was with 4 minutes to go. If they don't get than Alabama is going to get good field position with plenty of time and chance to tie. In that same drive, again with enough time to drive the ball, Alabama got a PI called against them on 3rd down. This drive pretty much sealed it for OU. Until then it was still undecided. That's with a punt return TD called back for block in back. 3 turnovers leading to 21 OU points. A missed chip shot field goal. All those penalties were legit and Bama did not execute when they needed to. My point was this was one game with it's own identity and don't think the very next game Bama couldn't be sharp and, if so, I wonder how that game would play out? There are no do overs in football but don't think it's the end all /tell all and all of a sudden Alabama sucks. No top 10 teams and Auburn is playing for the NC on Monday? :L South Carolina won, LSU won, Texas A&M won. Those are all lesser bowl teams you're speaking of?

Now quit bamatee....didn't anyone say bama sucked. Or that SC, LSU and TAM sucked. What I will say and I'll repeat it...the SEC is overrated, over ranked and over hyped. They have many teams that belong in the T25, bama being one. Coming from a guy that's a fan of a team commonly ranked in the 60's to 80's....a top 25 team is pretty damn good.

But there is no way in hell that because a preseason top 10 florida team loses, it's automatically replaced by a different SEC team. That's the over ranked, rated and hyped I'm speaking towards. Esp when these top tier SEC teams OOC includes teams with names something like Pan-American community college. That's the hype I'm writing too.


La Familia Ohana
Apr 17, 2013
Northern NY
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That's gonna suck, big time, when Auburn wins Monday night; Jonvi.

yeah, yeah, yeah...when we talked about this on the cruise you told me I could make a lot of money. Now I think it's you that could make a lot of money. :suds:


La Familia Ohana
Apr 17, 2013
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Alabama beat Missouri 42-10 last year. What the hell does that have to do with this year?

:noidea: :L :suds:

What does last year have to do with this year? You really asked that? Well then why the hell is the SEC preseason ranked so damn high if last year has nothing to do with the next?


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For the record teams have bad games or off nights. I don't think anyone would disagree that OU played great (assuming their best game of the year?). Most people will agree that Bama was a little off. I also think it was obvious they were focused and wanted to be there (unlike Utah)! With all that said, OU leading by 7 and on it's own 12 facing about a 3rd and 8 threw a screen pass, made a great run and got the first down by about half a yard. That was with 4 minutes to go. If they don't get than Alabama is going to get good field position with plenty of time and chance to tie. In that same drive, again with enough time to drive the ball, Alabama got a PI called against them on 3rd down. This drive pretty much sealed it for OU. Until then it was still undecided. That's with a punt return TD called back for block in back. 3 turnovers leading to 21 OU points. A missed chip shot field goal. All those penalties were legit and Bama did not execute when they needed to. My point was this was one game with it's own identity and don't think the very next game Bama couldn't be sharp and, if so, I wonder how that game would play out? There are no do overs in football but don't think it's the end all /tell all and all of a sudden Alabama sucks. No top 10 teams and Auburn is playing for the NC on Monday? :L South Carolina won, LSU won, Texas A&M won. Those are all lesser bowl teams you're speaking of?

OU converted on 3rd down all night, don't use one as the reason you lost.


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What does last year have to do with this year? You really asked that? Well then why the hell is the SEC preseason ranked so damn high if last year has nothing to do with the next?

Is that what you think? Lets take Alabama for example 3 straight #1 recruiting classes, lost only 4 starters, yes recent history of winning NC is a variable. Where the hell do you think they should start? How are you figuring your top 10 to begin with?

Lets look at this year. You think 11-2 South Carolina shouldn't be in top 10? Think 11-1 Auburn shouldn't be? Think 11-2 Alabama shouldn't? Think 12-2 Missouri shouldn't be? That's almost half the top 10 with LSU probably close. Then you have Georgia's and Florida's jump in there many years too. I say deservingly so. You say no.

But more importantly before you automatically say no tell me who should be ahead of them? I need a good laugh! :laugh3:


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OU converted on 3rd down all night, don't use one as the reason you lost.

You don't think that 3rd down conversion I'm talking about was huge? The others had already happened. We are talking about THAT one. What do the others have to do with minimizing or maximizing that particular conversion? :noidea:


We Are The Boys
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great win by Oklahoma; no doubt about that. Who would think the SEC just lost 2 games to this point and the teams that lost are Alabama(shocker) and Georgia(no QB and a whole bunch of others). What that means is the lower teams of the SEC are doing OK, so the conference is rather strong. IMO, the number of players that were drafted tells the story about the depth.

I see a lot of Oklahoma fans are now chirping; something we didn't see 3 days ago. Seems to me that A&M and Tenn. did OK against Oklahoma, so take a great win and accept it for what it is.

Alabama shit the bed, but it doesnt change the fact that the Sec is still the best conference. What is the bowl record this year? Like 5-2. The Sec has has the most bowl wins for years now, on top of that 7nc's in a row. What can you really argue? Ok fans are out of their minds, they have been getting their ass kicked up until a couple nights ago by the SEC. :lol:


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Alabama shit the bed, but it doesnt change the fact that the Sec is still the best conference. What is the bowl record this year? Like 6-2. The Sec has has the most bowl wins for years now, on top of that 7nc's in a row. What can you really argue? Ok fans are out of their minds, they have been getting their ass kicked up until a couple nights ago by the SEC. :lol:



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For the record teams have bad games or off nights. I don't think anyone would disagree that OU played great (assuming their best game of the year?). Most people will agree that Bama was a little off. I also think it was obvious they were focused and wanted to be there (unlike Utah)! With all that said, OU leading by 7 and on it's own 12 facing about a 3rd and 8 threw a screen pass, made a great run and got the first down by about half a yard. That was with 4 minutes to go. If they don't get than Alabama is going to get good field position with plenty of time and chance to tie. In that same drive, again with enough time to drive the ball, Alabama got a PI called against them on 3rd down. This drive pretty much sealed it for OU. Until then it was still undecided. That's with a punt return TD called back for block in back. 3 turnovers leading to 21 OU points. A missed chip shot field goal. All those penalties were legit and Bama did not execute when they needed to. My point was this was one game with it's own identity and don't think the very next game Bama couldn't be sharp and, if so, I wonder how that game would play out? There are no do overs in football but don't think it's the end all /tell all and all of a sudden Alabama sucks. No top 10 teams and Auburn is playing for the NC on Monday? :L South Carolina won, LSU won, Texas A&M won. Those are all lesser bowl teams you're speaking of?

Anyone who thinks Alabama suddenly sucks, or isn't a top ten team either didn't watch the game, or doesn't know football.