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New HOH and potential target if people wanna know
Cody wins HOH. Talking about a desire to potentially backdoor Xmas.
Cody wins HOH. Talking about a desire to potentially backdoor Xmas.
But in every exit video they always talk about the 6. And during every exit interview they are told about the 6.Its basically editing.
They chose to highlight the committee for some reason in the edit early on and have stuck with it. Enzo has been in good with the whole crew the whole game. That's why hes in a bunch of those sub alliances and no one gave him legit consideration with Ian.
New HOH and potential target if people wanna know
Cody wins HOH. Talking about a desire to potentially backdoor Xmas.
New HOH and potential target if people wanna know
Cody wins HOH. Talking about a desire to potentially backdoor Xmas.
Eh, fuck that. Get rid of Dani. Not a smart move to get ride of unless you’re Memphis but her and Nicole are annoying as fuck. If Nicole is next, her and Da in the Jury house will be better than this season.Damn this season sucks. The commission + Enzo have been HOH every week this season.
I guess with only kevin and David left this will continue. But it would be nice to see someone making a big move. At this point the only big moves are to knock out one of Cody Enzo or Tyler.
This was apparent from day one and why it was stupid for Da and Bay to try to do a black alliance then ruin their games because he didn’t go along with it (well Da).This season sucks bawls. David sucks on all levels in this game.
Ha ha David really is a complete idiot
Adds entertainment at least
This season sucks bawls. David sucks on all levels in this game.
I have no problem with him not joining the all black alliance. Never a fan of any identity alliance for that matter...honestly, I don't understand the hate... Just because he didn't jump at the all black alliance doesn't mean he is a bad player... He always had Cody and Tyler, why does he have to go with the All black alliance?? just because he is black??
and most of the DAVID IS AN IDIOT things did not really happen... the one thing he did that was dumb was try to convince the house he did not have that power... But that is such a small thing... After all, he has made it this far... and you know Cody is going to PUSH hard to get rid of Kevin...
Does he, though? He's dry as unbuttered burnt toast. And awkward as fuck.Ha ha David really is a complete idiot
Adds entertainment at least
Put it this way, their weekly stipend is bigger if they are still in the house. That 10k could cost him more in the he a complete idiot?? I don't know... taking 10 grand was pretty smart IMO... and even smarter if he survives this week...
honestly, I don't understand the hate... Just because he didn't jump at the all black alliance doesn't mean he is a bad player... He always had Cody and Tyler, why does he have to go with the All black alliance?? just because he is black??
and most of the DAVID IS AN IDIOT things did not really happen... the one thing he did that was dumb was try to convince the house he did not have that power... But that is such a small thing... After all, he has made it this far... and you know Cody is going to PUSH hard to get rid of Kevin...
Does he, though? He's dry as unbuttered burnt toast. And awkward as fuck.
Well for one, you need to watch the feeds.
The guy is definitely a moron lol. I think there have been like 5 instances where he blatantly didn't know the rules of the game. For example...thinking that if he won Veto and he pulled someone off, he could be the replacement. That is next level dumb.
Well for one, you need to watch the feeds.
The guy is definitely a moron lol. I think there have been like 5 instances where he blatantly didn't know the rules of the game. For example...thinking that if he won Veto and he pulled someone off, he could be the replacement. That is next level dumb.
I have no problem with him not joining the all black alliance. Never a fan of any identity alliance for that matter...
But he's played a stupid game. Faking not having a power? $10,000... just dumb. People don't forget that shit. He can't get a read on anyone. There's too much to list.
Does he, though? He's dry as unbuttered burnt toast. And awkward as fuck.
Put it this way, their weekly stipend is bigger if they are still in the house. That 10k could cost him more in the end.
I understand the weekly stipend... But again, he had a 50/50 chance at the time he found the 10,000 to survive the FIRST round... as it was only him and Tyler left... If you have no clue where the right shirt is, the odds are against you at this point... Why not take the easy money...
how does the stipend work for jury house??
and his whining..... I'm like DUDE! It's not because you're black... it's because you're dumb!
and I hate the race card in this game... but I will admit to Kevin's issue with Dae and Bay last night. I never realized his race b4.... I just always viewed him as the token gay person (has there ever been more than 1 at a time?)But I can see how he's felt like an outsider.