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Better Call Saul

Tai Chi≈Surfing

Jul 2, 2013
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The Mesa Verde case was Kim's from the get go anyhow.

Hopefully it all doesn't come back to bite her in the ass down the road for being complicit, and guilty by association.

The saboteur got sabotaged.

Chuck's motives are misguided and based in jealousy for Jimmy.....and because he was in such a frenzy to prove Jimmy did it, he totally underestimated the EMF exposure he was about to get as soon as he went inside the copy shop that he let his guard down and erroneously tossed the $5 dollar space blanket aside before entering....which ironically would've in all likelihood prevented him from passing out and cracking his head on the counter had he been wearing it.

Too bad that slime ball Howard wasn't the one it happened to instead.

So funny how the alleged good guys are anything but....and the "bad guys" are the more likeable characters.


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Maybe I missed something but are they dropping the Sandpiper storyline now that Jimmy is gone from Davis & Main? I don't remember anything about it being resolved one way or another.


Day Butt Ass the sadgaydayboy
May 6, 2013
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Maybe I missed something but are they dropping the Sandpiper storyline now that Jimmy is gone from Davis & Main? I don't remember anything about it being resolved one way or another.
Yeah, I think it's pretty irrelevant at this point.

Tai Chi≈Surfing

Jul 2, 2013
San Francisco -- The edge of the western world.
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Maybe I missed something but are they dropping the Sandpiper storyline now that Jimmy is gone from Davis & Main? I don't remember anything about it being resolved one way or another.

I recall a few episodes back Jimmy watching late night TV when a commercial suddenly came on advertising for the 2 law firms (HHM and D&M) doing a joint operation together to represent Sandpiper residents.

But it wasn't nearly as effective or catchy as the one Jimmy made with that elderly woman in the wheelchair.


Sarcastic F-wad
Aug 11, 2010
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He left D&M, and D&M were the attorneys of record. I think that arc is over. He got a nice payday, though (his bonus from D&M).


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He left D&M, and D&M were the attorneys of record. I think that arc is over. He got a nice payday, though (his bonus from D&M).

That's what I was thinking with him leaving them and going in on an office together with Kim. Figure Howard might mention it in passing at some point either next week or next season perhaps.


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Chuck's motives are misguided and based in jealousy for Jimmy.

Which is sad because you can tell all Jimmy has wanted was Chuck's approval and for Chuck to be proud of him. He's looked up to him and has put up with a lot of his shit for a long time. When Chuck started sabotaging things for him last year, you could tell it looked like Jimmy felt that he was getting stabbed in the back. Which is why I have no remorse for Chuck and think whatever happens to him, he deserves.


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Apr 28, 2013
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The Mesa Verde case was Kim's from the get go anyhow.

Hopefully it all doesn't come back to bite her in the ass down the road for being complicit, and guilty by association.

The saboteur got sabotaged.

Chuck's motives are misguided and based in jealousy for Jimmy.....and because he was in such a frenzy to prove Jimmy did it, he totally underestimated the EMF exposure he was about to get as soon as he went inside the copy shop that he let his guard down and erroneously tossed the $5 dollar space blanket aside before entering....which ironically would've in all likelihood prevented him from passing out and cracking his head on the counter had he been wearing it.

Too bad that slime ball Howard wasn't the one it happened to instead.

So funny how the alleged good guys are anything but....and the "bad guys" are the more likeable characters.

Howard is a douche but he's not really that bad of a guy. Once they made it clear that chuck was pulling his strings.

He was a douchebag to Kim though really using her as the one to punish

But if Chuck wasn't around with his Jimmy vendetta I think Howard would be a fairly decent boss

Tai Chi≈Surfing

Jul 2, 2013
San Francisco -- The edge of the western world.
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Howard is a douche but he's not really that bad of a guy. Once they made it clear that chuck was pulling his strings.

He was a douchebag to Kim though really using her as the one to punish

But if Chuck wasn't around with his Jimmy vendetta I think Howard would be a fairly decent boss

Not sure about that, bro...he's as evil, sanctimonious...and probably as corrupt as they come.
He exudes the very definition of a corporate shyster.


Sarcastic F-wad
Aug 11, 2010
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Which is sad because you can tell all Jimmy has wanted was Chuck's approval and for Chuck to be proud of him. He's looked up to him and has put up with a lot of his shit for a long time. When Chuck started sabotaging things for him last year, you could tell it looked like Jimmy felt that he was getting stabbed in the back. Which is why I have no remorse for Chuck and think whatever happens to him, he deserves.
Which is exactly why this show is so awesome. Jimmy is clearly the shyster lawyer, yet we have come to root for him and love the games he plays. Chuck is clearly the "Suit" and the vindictive, overbearing older brother, but Jimmy still clearly loves him and when push comes to shove, doesnt want to really hurt him.

GREAT closing scene of the last ep. Jimmy set his trap, Chuck fell in, and Jimmy was still worries that Chuck was hurt and was silently urging them to get him help. Great depth.

Omar 382

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Jul 17, 2013
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Why does everyone hate Chuck? Jimmy is an asshole. I love him, but he's an asshole


Day Butt Ass the sadgaydayboy
May 6, 2013
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Why does everyone hate Chuck? Jimmy is an asshole. I love him, but he's an asshole
Because a spiteful asshole is worse than a scheming asshole.

Omar 382

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Jul 17, 2013
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Because a spiteful asshole is worse than a scheming asshole.
They literally talked about Jimmy stealing $14,000 from his innocent father. I think the groundwork has been laid for his dislike and distrust of Jimmy


Day Butt Ass the sadgaydayboy
May 6, 2013
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They literally talked about Jimmy stealing $14,000 from his innocent father. I think the groundwork has been laid for his dislike and distrust of Jimmy
Yeah, it has... but we know that Jimmy didn't actually steal $14,000 (even though he clearly did help get to that number). We also know that Chuck's spitefulness toward Jimmy pushes him back to his asshole ways.

Jimmy isn't a great person, no thinks he is. But Chuck is a dick. He convinced Jimmy to turn his life around, but didn't really want him to succeed. He just wanted him to stop breaking the law.


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Apr 18, 2013
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They literally talked about Jimmy stealing $14,000 from his innocent father. I think the groundwork has been laid for his dislike and distrust of Jimmy

But his father was also giving money away. I think it was implied that the business probably would have went under anyway.


Sarcastic F-wad
Aug 11, 2010
San Diego
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But his father was also giving money away. I think it was implied that the business probably would have went under anyway.
That was my take. Him dad was a mark, pure and simple. Jimmy was not exactly innocent as far as taking money from the til, but he was not responsible for the biz going under. His dad was. And we still have not met young-Chuck yet.

It was established last season that Chuck was doing everything in his power to hold Jimmy down. That goes beyond anything else.


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Apr 28, 2013
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Why does everyone hate Chuck? Jimmy is an asshole. I love him, but he's an asshole

Chuck is the worst kind of person. He's the type of guy that when someone has a problem, instead of being there for them he's the person who makes the problem worse.

Jimmy is slippin Jimmy. But he has a heart. He's tried to do things the right way and chuck shits on him. He cares for Chuck but Chuck shits on him.

All Chuck cares about his careers. He doesn't want to see Jimmy succeeding at what he already does so well.


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Why does everyone hate Chuck? Jimmy is an asshole. I love him, but he's an asshole

Because Chuck has this vendetta against him from way back when they were kids/teenagers. Chuck essentially blames Jimmy for their dad's death because he thought Jimmy was taking all of the money to cause his dads business to go under when we found out that is definitely not the case. So it seems he can't let go of that. Jimmy has been trying his damndest to please Chuck and to take care of him and all Chuck has done was manipulate things to screw Jimmy over whenever he had a chance. Now Jimmy isn't a saint by any means but when Jimmy schemes, it's usually to try to help somebody else out while Chuck schemes out of spite for no other reason than to sabotage Jimmy. Just my :2cents:.


Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
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Not that hard for me to forgive Jimmys transgressions enough to root for him. As far as wolves go, he ain't so bad. He preys on heels for the most part anyway.

I wanted Walter to eat a fucking bullet for four seasons of BB.

Got no beef with Howard tbh. Kim stuck her neck out, for a known corner cutter. And still had her loans forgiven. On the Mesa Verde deal, seems rather typical to me. She brought in a client for her firm, not for her personal gain. Her risk was only her time and effort.

I'm not familiar with how it's done in the lawyerin' biz, but seems like HHM would've had her sign some sort of non competition agreement, Atleast for existing clients at the end of her run at the firm. Maybe that isn't typical in the field, idk.