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Bennett and Kam out...


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Apr 21, 2013
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Not a total surprise that Kam won't be coming back yet and I think McCray has done a good job of filling in, so it's not crucial that Chancellor gets back as soon as possible; but Bennett is going to miss this game and by Monday we might find out that we're going to be without him for even longer. I have full confidence in Frank Clark, but the defensive line depth would take a big hit if Bennett needs surgery and has to be out for a while.

Michael Bennett will get his knee checked out on Monday, Pete Carroll said. There is a cartilage issue, and it could require surgery.

Bennett, Chancellor ruled out for Seahawks

Between not having these guys this week, having an overall defense that had to stay on the field for far too long last week and having to face a good offense in New Orleans, it's more important than ever that the Seahawks offense takes control of this game early and plays keepaway from the Saints offense and scores points whenever they have the opportunity.


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Well that sucks.


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Let's hope it's not too serious. Damn injury bug is like the plague with this team.


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Wow losing these two sucks. Think we could get by without Kam, but Bennett would be hard to do without for any length of time.


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More so with bennett, it strange that he would get hurt 2 weeks ago, play the following week however be a no go this week? Well it is what it is its not like this is a divisional game and none of the teams in our division are doing well. It would be good to see what Marsh and Clark can do at the DE position


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More so with bennett, it strange that he would get hurt 2 weeks ago, play the following week however be a no go this week? Well it is what it is its not like this is a divisional game and none of the teams in our division are doing well. It would be good to see what Marsh and Clark can do at the DE position

Well I don't think he counted on having to be on the field for most of the game last week. I think he ended up aggravating the injury as a result. He wasn't on the field as much as guys like Sherman, Thomas, Wagner, Wright and especially McCray, but even Sherman needed an IV after the game and he was certainly healthier than Bennett was going into it.


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Not to Worried about Bennett being out. Avril is our best DE and more playing time for Clark and Marsh is a good thing as both them are showing this season they are better pass rushers than Bennett from the outside. He will be missed inside yes but Clark has like only 50% of the snaps as Bennett and has more sacks.

Bennett is on pace for 8 sacks this year. Clark is on pace for 11 in HALF the playing time.

Kam i AM worried about. in the games he has missed there has been a lot of dump offs to RB. Kam would blow these guys up when he is on the field and lets not forget the mistakes that happen that caused long plays. The back end of this defense needs Kam as Earl Thomas has even said he is who gets them lined up correctly more often than not. Not to mention his enforcer role also. Kam IS the BOOM in LoB.


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Just looking at sacks, really doesn't tell the story of Bennett value. Teams plan with how to deal with Bennett, he draws double teams, QB pressure and hits, great in the run game, etc. He's a big lose, hopefully next man up makes up for it some.

Anointed One

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Big loss for sure... Especially with us going against a QB this weekend that is on pace to have his best season of his career in terms of stats... Our offense is going to have to establish the running game to keep that offense off the field... We're going to have to be efficient while chewing chunks of time off the clock... Our defense, special teams will need a few big plays to help us in this one because our offense won't be able to go mono e mono w/ the Saints Offense imo...


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yes Harold you are right but ignoring sacks is also stupid and ignoring what Marsh and Clark have done in their limited time on the field is foolish. Getting those younger guys who seem to be producing at the same level as Bennett in LESSER playing time on the field will all but remove or negate the loss. Clark plays from the inside also like Bennett. Clark beats double teams more OFTEN than Bennett has this season also so again the loss of Bennett is not as big as the loss of Kam. McCray has played well but he is no Kam who can level a 330 pound lineman.

I have said OVER and OVER that Avril is our best DE and Bennett has benefited from playing with him. Now Clark and Marsh are getting that benefit but UNLIKE Bennett they do not leave their assignments for sacks. Bennett sells out for sacks and has hurt this team more times than i like to admit because of it.

I said before this season started that this very well could be Bennett's last season here. Marsh and Clark are making it even more likely with their play on the field. Bennett's a stud but Clark is also and MUCH younger. Will be glad to see him getting 100% of Bennett's snaps from the inside. If Clark got 100% of Bennett's playing time he would produce 100% of the same results. Kid is a gamer.
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Anointed One

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Bennett puts so much pressure on the OL and the opposing QB... Bennett IS the reason we don't have to blitz much... He takes on double teams allowing guys like Clark, Marsh, Avril to have success at getting to the QB... W/out him, it's much tougher to get pressure on the QB w/out blitzing...

It's nice to have Kam on the field but his position isn't as important as Bennett's... Bennett is easily the one that is most missed imo... It's won in the trenches and Kam doesn't play there...


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
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Bennett's a top 5 4-3 DE in the game. His sack #s really don't show it, but neither did guys like Cortez Kennedy who drew double teams, caused HUGE disruption in the run game, and caused a TON of QB hurries, hits, pressures.

This is a HUGE loss for us. Hopefully he gets back soon or Clark just becomes the next Bennett out of nowhere. He's been great, but stepping in for Bennett is a WHOLE different animal.


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So I read on my twitter that it is possible that bennett might need surgery. His evaluation will be on Monday. We will see how it will go but this is a huge opportunity for Frank Clark and Marsh


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Bennett's a top 5 4-3 DE in the game. His sack #s really don't show it, but neither did guys like Cortez Kennedy who drew double teams, caused HUGE disruption in the run game, and caused a TON of QB hurries, hits, pressures.

This is a HUGE loss for us. Hopefully he gets back soon or Clark just becomes the next Bennett out of nowhere. He's been great, but stepping in for Bennett is a WHOLE different animal.

Bennett isn't even the top DE on THIS team lmao.

Bennett is a special player because of what he brings when he slides INSIDE and that he is able to do so, not what he brings from the DE position lol.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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Bennett isn't even the top DE on THIS team lmao.

Bennett is a special player because of what he brings when he slides INSIDE and that he is able to do so, not what he brings from the DE position lol.

Adding a condescending lol after your statement doesn't make it true. He's a great one on one run defender on early downs. And when teams pass on early downs against the Hawks (which is rare) he gets pressure from the edge. I understand that the guys who come in on third down have more sacks, but they have the luxury of coming in fresh only for that 3rd down. Bennett is relentless every single snap, and if the coaches chose not to move him inside for a critical passing down, bet your ass Bennett would get the nod as he edge rusher over Clark and Marsh.
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Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
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Bennett isn't even the top DE on THIS team lmao.

Bennett is a special player because of what he brings when he slides INSIDE and that he is able to do so, not what he brings from the DE position lol.

Hmm PFF and likely most fans on this board would completely disagree with you. Major majority of his snaps are at DE FYI.


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i don't want to go back over this again, i showed a shit ton of stats just this past off season showing that he was rated as the 17th best DE in the NFL going off of pressures hits tfl and sacks, Avril was #3 and this was from PFF.

Bennett has benefited so very much from playing beside Avril which BTW he gets most of his pressures and half his sacks when he lines up beside Avril not as a DE but BESIDE Avril.

I also brought up his decline in production which is still showing up this season and i don't want to here about injury, Avril played half of 2015 on a bad leg. His best years are behind him and he said he was going to be the best Defensive player in the league. He wants to be paid like one but he is not one. He is a unique player with an unusual skill set but he is also not a top 10 or even close to top 10 DE. He is a better DT than a DE because of his ability to get past the slower Guards and Centers and the ability to out muscle the quicker Guards and Centers.

The Numbers are out there for EVERYONE to see but if you just want to believe what the talking heads are saying then by all means believe them. they were the ones that also said Percy Harvin was the best player in the NFL at one time LMAO!

I make up my mind by doing my own research, i would advise everyone to do the same and maybe some of you would stop hating on Bevell . Just my two cents :) lol
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Adding a condescending lol after your statement doesn't make it true. He's a great one on one run defender on early downs. And when teams pass on early downs against the Hawks (which is rare) he gets pressure from the edge. I understand that the guys who come in on third down have more sacks, but they have the luxury of coming in fresh only for that 3rd down. Bennett is relentless every single snap, and if the coaches chose not to move him inside for a critical passing down, bet your ass Bennett would get the nod as he edge rusher over Clark and Marsh.
Excellent points CID. This is a perfect example of why stats are good for shit talking, FFL and cyber metric geeks.


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Adding a condescending lol after your statement doesn't make it true

You are right and i do not add lol to state a truth i use my own research of the over abundance of info given to me online and through people a lot closer to the game than me to make my final decision. Unlike 80% of the people here that all they do is look at one sight that might support them in their argument and then stop right there. I have over a couple dozen different sights i dig through not to mention the all 22 coaches tapes, I have even talked in person with Brock Huard and a few other former players about many things.

I have never said Bennett was a bad player or that he sucks what i have said is he is a special player that does some special and unique things but he is no top 10 DE. based off of his play ONLY at the DE spot he is about 15th to 17th but Avril is like 3rd to 8th.

i counted 4 sacks from last season that Bennett got because Avril kept the double team off Bennett or his pressure made the QB run right INTO Bennett. Bennett does not return that favor for Avril but i do believe that is by design ( Avril is the quicker and faster outside rusher and his outside pressure makes QB's panic )

Bennett is allowed to ad-lib more than any Dlineman on this team and because of it we have seen the Hawks D get GOUGED in the running game for the chance of a boom play which have become fewer and fewer from Bennett. Go back and watch the last 20 long runs against this team ( 20+ yards ) and about 50% were from the spot Bennett vacated.

It's really sad that so many people here do not do their own research and just believe what the lemmings tell them.

But you know what, i was once one of those people that disliked Bevell myself and thought Bennett was some god till i actually started really paying attention and doing the research needed.

People don't like my Opinion then fine that's your right but these opinions are based off of a lot of information and FACTS that i spent the time to find. take it or leave it but your lemming talks wont change my factual based opinion lol <--- not a condescending lol

Once you all spend 20+ hours a week digging through information/stats/facts then i believe many more eyes will be opened. Don't have the time or desire to be that involved then don't be, but i love being in the know and basing my opinions off of the truth and many hours of hard research. :)