Well-Known Member
Do crazy people know they are crazy? Look again sunshine, someone's getting their string pulled and it ain't me.
You're a starving dog....and I'm Dr. Ivan Pavlov.
Set it up tough guy.
Will do.
The sadness your family must have felt when you broke the news to them that the only job you could land was being a phys ed teacher. It even breaks my heart when i think about it.
They were very disappointed after I was done playing college football, coaching football, buying my first house, getting married and raising a family.
I can barely show my face at reunions.
Hicks's future wasn't known before my post.
It wasn't known what team he would play for. It was known that team wouldn't be the Bears. Even the average twitter casual fan knew it. Everyone in the world...except for you, apparently.
The backpedaler strikes again. Listen, I know it's embarrassing. But i'm a generous guy. Just say the word, and i'll never bring it up you being a phys ed teacher again. BUT you have to ask nicely.
You can call me a phys ed teacher in every single post you type. It has literally zero impact on my life. Saying it also doesn't make it true.
I kindly ask you to continue saying things that aren't true.
70 is a joke in my world grey pubes.
Sure it is. I believe you. No sarcasm.
That's the problem with your entire family. The bar is average or slightly above average. That's why you are all failures. Sorry, just calling it like i see it.
My daughter is a lawyer, one of my sons owns his own business, and the other is a restaurant developer and investor.
It's very embarrassing.
Translation: RUN FOREST RUN!
Where exactly am I running to? I've responded to every single one of your post and extremely lame attempts at insults. I'm still here. Unlike you I haven't deflected once or tried to change the subject. You tried so smoothly to run away from you Khalil Mack mistake while digging your hole with Hicks even deeper.
Just say you were wrong....take your lumps...and move on. Because I can do this all day long. Making fun of you is easy and watching your half witted attempts at insults fall completely flat is actually quite entertaining.
I know you will do anything to avoid talking about anything football related because, as the evidence shows, you are laughably wrong every damn time you say something. From check downs to pro bowls and everything outside and in have managed to be wrong damn near 100% of the time. And on a board full of retards, fanboys, meatballs, drunken angry madmen, and idiots....that's fucking saying something.