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- #41
Mountain Goat Racer
Analysis time:
0:00: Kudos to Marvel's marketing team for not including the long-waited title of the film in the title of the YouTube video, thus saving the reveal for the end of the trailer.
0:01: Tony Stark starts out stranded in space, bringing him full circle, back to how the MCU started with Iron Man (2008), in which he was stranded in the desert.
0:20: Ship's shape indicates it is the Benatar, the ship of the Guardians of the Galaxy, named by Peter Quill after singer Pat Benatar. Note that the Benatar is in the shape of a swallow, birds that sailors have historically/traditionally associated with being close to shore, which metaphorically alludes to the next few points below.
0:25: "Being adrift in space without promise of rescue is more fun than it sounds." Tony's recording to Pepper alludes to her comics superheroine identity of Rescue.
That said, since Tony had no armor suited for interstellar travel (hence why he had to rely on Ebony Maw's big ring spaceship in Avengers 3: Infinity War), it is probably not Pepper who rescues him. I suspect his rescuer will be Captain Marvel returning from space after being contacted by Nick Fury in the post-credits scene of Avengers 3: Infinity War. Other possible candidates include Valkyrie/Korg/Miek coming to Earth for refuge, or Rocket or Kraglin looking for the Guardians.
0:32: "Food and water ran out four days ago." This is all Thor's fault: he raided the Guardians' pantry in Avengers 3: Infinity War.

0:57: Marvel Studios logo is dusted. The "IO" in the logo turning into a red "10" refers to 2018 being the 10th anniversary of the MCU, which debuted with Iron Man in 2008.
1:03: Thanos has taken up farming and uses his armor as a scarecrow, referencing scenes from the comics. The armor scarecrow actually was visible, just barely, in the bottom corner of the screen at the end of Avengers 3: Infinity War.
1:06: Thanos still wears the Infinity Gauntlet.
1:07: "Thanos did exactly what he said he was going to do. He wiped out 50% of all living creatures." So apparently the Snap included not just species with civilization, but animals as well. We still have no confirmation on if it included plants, fungi, bacteria, viruses, etc.
1:13: Steve shaved.
1:16: Reveal that Shuri was dusted/Snapped. (She's shown as missing, along with Peter Parker and Scott Lang. The Avengers mistakenly thought Scott was dusted when he was actually trapped in the Quantum Realm rather than dusted. The Avengers would have made no such mistake with Shuri, since they were in Wakanda with her during the Snap.) Does that mean M'Baku is now King of Wakanda? Also, Bruce checking the profiles of Scott and Peter is a callback to Bruce's line in Avengers 3: Infinity War: "There's an Ant-Man and a Spider-Man?"
1:26: Nebula comforting someone, probably Tony.
1:29: Captain America: "We lost family." Camera cuts to Clint, implying Clint's family was dusted, explaining why he has now changed his identity from Hawkeye to Ronin and, befitting his new name, is now in Japan (the writing on the buildings in the background is Japanese). Ronin should not be confused with Ronan the Accuser, the Kree from Guardians of the Galaxy and Captain Marvel.
1:32: Ronin is standing over a man, likely a Yakuza gangster, being played by Hiroyuki Sanada, whom you may know from such TV shows as Extant, Helix, The Last Ship, Lost, or Revenge. This is not his first time playing a Yakuza-associated villain in a Marvel movie: he previously played Lord Shingen Yashida, a businessman having dealings with the Yakuza, in Wolverine 2: The Wolverine (2013).
1:37: Fitting the dark tone of the movie, Captain America has reverted to the stealth suit he wore in Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier.
1:38: Steve remembers Peggy Carter. Will he be seeing her again if time travel rumors are true?
1:59: Title reveal as Avengers: Endgame. This is most obviously an allusion to Dr. Strange's line after defeat in the Battle of Titan in Avengers 3: Infinity War: "We're in the endgame now." However, the source is actually older than that: in Avengers 2: Age of Ultron, Tony said, "...that [extraterrestrial threats] up there, that--that's the endgame."
2:08: The upper-left corner of the video reads "STRAT_IS03: ARCHIVE," adding additional evidence, besides Steve's line, that this is a recording of Scott trying to enter the Avengers compound rather than a live feed. The van is Luis's 1972 Ford Econoline, which contains the quantum tunnel from the mid-credits scene of Ant-Man 2: Ant-Man and the Wasp.
2:09: Important if time travel rumors are true: "We met a few years ago..." confirms that, from Scott's perspective, it has been a few years since Captain America 3: Civil War.