6 Time Poster of the Month
I see Hackett wants to bring Outten with him. Not super excited about him (on paper) he hasn't really developed any of the Packers TE's. Tonyan doesn't really count. He has been more of a TD guy. Also not going to cry about it. I know coaches do different in different situations and Hackett knows him better then I do so there is something he likes about him. I don't think he is going to hire a bunch of coaches he doesn't believe in.So I will let it develop and then go from there. Could be different as an OC then a TE developer. I will give it a chance. Hackett is really the guy on offense we need to worry about. It will all run through him. I like his energy and intelligence it will be nice for a change. Fangio was a fuddy duddy energy guy. He tried but it just wasn't him. We will become the Packers of the West but that might be ok.
Exactly. You never know what he did in GB. Maybe at one time he helped note tendencies, or group plays for a game, etc. Given how "involved" the TE position was in GB I can see that being a light duty position, so he may have done other things behind the scenes.
Maybe someone (ahem) could find out...
But agree that it's Hackett's ball game to call, and if we need someone to grow into a position it's best that he knows the terminology, scheme,s play design, etc. already.
I'm more concerned (not really) about ST and DC coaches and their subordinates.