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Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Wiz, my point is we should not have been in a 11 set. We should have sent in a big package instead of 1 TE 3 WR's.
With 2nd and 1, a big package makes sense to me. At that point it doesn't matter what NE does. Even if they stack the line, RW could audible to a pass play.

And I've said that literally since that night. I would have been in a power package and just ran it. I have said that over and over and over and over again. Some up here just can't comprehend that.

There is no need to make that point if I've been saying that all along.

I mean I really don't know how I can be more clear than I have been.

You asked a question and I just said what they are talking about. Yes, if they had been in a power set there wouldn't have been a goal line pass.
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Well-Known Member
May 19, 2013
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And I've said that literally since that night. I would have been in a power package and just ran it. I have said that over and over and over and over again. Some up here just can't comprehend that.

There is no need to make that point if I've been saying that all along.

I mean I really don't know how I can be more clear than I have been. The hatred up here is so blinding it's really making people just be flat out stupid.

To be honest Wizard if this was the Vikings we were talking about I wouldn't think twice because that's our luck but if I were a Seahawks fan I would go through all the stages in this, denial, anger, depression and finally acceptance. It's still fresh so of course people are gonna be expressing anger. It was a horrible call period but hey you guys won last year and have a great shot again next year.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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It's a football game. You can both love your team and still not over react when they lose. As you said, they really almost didn't belong there as it was. After that late comeback vs GB we were sort of playing with house money.

Right, but if your in the position to win, don't call a stupid fucking play like that. That was an abomination of coaching.

It's not a matter of letting it go, it's putting it in proper perspective and putting the blame were it really belongs. It will never feel good when thinking about or talking about that play. Not 10 years from now. But blind hatred over a preexisting agenda doesn't help. You are looking for reasons to justify your existing hate of Carroll. Stu and others are doing the same for their hate of Bevell. It's not helping you. That extra blind hatred is making it worse and clouding all of your judgments IMO.

As you said, I have been putting the blame where it belongs and that's with Bevell and Pete Carroll. There is nobody else to blame for that wretched call. Also, I'm not looking for reasons to justify how I feel about Pete Carroll, that's never going to change, but the asinine play call he and Bevell opted to run is a shining example of why I feel the way I do towards them. As I said before, they will be forever defined by that call.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Stop saying that stupid shit. You know damn well that's not what any of us have said.

I have literally said at least 50 times I would have ran the ball. Haven't I? No, that's a serious question because I'm sick and tired of a couple of you continuing to say shit you have to know by now just isn't what we are saying. NOT ONCE have I said I supported that call. So either PROVE ME WRONG or shut the fuck up with this stupidity. It's really getting old.

Here's another head scratcher, where did I say WizardHawk even once in my post?

Geez, maybe its you that should take a week or two off.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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Here's another head scratcher, where did I say WizardHawk even once in my post?

Geez, maybe its you that should take a week or two off.

Wow, so you have been arguing with me for several pages, and now say that wasn't aimed at me? You just got through asking me things about how can we already be over it questioning our passion for our team and other such BS and then said that right after. Nope, can't figure out how anyone would figure out it was them you were talking about. :L

There wasn't anyone but Harold and I you have been at odds with, and then talk about 99% and a 'couple' of people not going with it.

Exactly who did you mean then?


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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And I've said that literally since that night. I would have been in a power package and just ran it. I have said that over and over and over and over again. Some up here just can't comprehend that.

There is no need to make that point if I've been saying that all along.

I mean I really don't know how I can be more clear than I have been.

You asked a question and I just said what they are talking about. Yes, if they had been in a power set there wouldn't have been a goal line pass.

Sorry man, but I had to stay away from the boards for a couple of days. Too much negativity for me so I had no idea what you or anyone wrote.
In my 1st question you gave me the answer Pete would have said. That's why i said you missed my point.
No big. Move on.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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Sorry man, but I had to stay away from the boards for a couple of days. Too much negativity for me so I had no idea what you or anyone wrote.
In my 1st question you gave me the answer Pete would have said. That's why i said you missed my point.
No big. Move on.

It's ok split. Not directing that at you. It's been a crazy week up here. I've been attacked over and over and accused of saying things I haven't once said.

I expect things will smooth out around here soon enough. We don't always agree on aspects of the team, but all Seahawk fans are our brothers and sisters and we will come together before next season and get this bus rolling again toward another major run.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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There wasn't anyone but Harold and I you have been at odds with, and then talk about 99% and a 'couple' of people not going with it.

Exactly who did you mean then?

Are you part of the 1% or couple people that agree with the call?


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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Are you part of the 1% or couple people that agree with the call?

I'll ask it again.

but there's the few fans on this board that just don't see it.

Who are those few fans ON THIS BOARD that you were talking about? This is YOUR quote. Who did you mean?


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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No point in even reading the rest because that was exactly the point. He said it was a pass into heavy congestion and I pointed out it wasn't. Didn't say that made it right. I have just been correcting the really asinine shit people keep saying that simply isn't true.

If you guys want to be haters and put blame on people, at least get the facts of what you are using to support your hate right. That's pretty much all I've done.

There's absolutely nothing to say about that play call besides it was a complete steaming pile. I've read some of your posts going into the minutia of the play about what went wrong which doesn't matter. Carroll probably told Bevell "pass", Bevell delivered that steaming pile with an unacceptable downside, and we lost the game. The guy's a fucking idiot. It was his call and he dialed up a high risk timing play. I don't care about what went wrong. He literally gave away a Super Bowl with his stupidity. And what has he done that's worked well? One of the worst passing games yardage-wise in the NFL? Inflated rushing numbers because Wilson has wheels and is able to put up big rushing numbers by improvising? How does Bevell get any credit for that? That's all on Wilson.

Get a guy in there that knows Wilson's type of game to work with him and help him grow. PC and Schneider had no idea that they'd be working with a QB as unconventional as Wilson when they hired the bum and he's obviously a bad fit. He holds Wilson back.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Who are those few fans ON THIS BOARD that you were talking about? This is YOUR quote. Who did you mean?

There's 22 pages here on this thread alone, plus many other threads, I'm not going through all of them for you. There was the guy that seemed to have no allegiance to any team that kept throwing his spam sheet around and cried because Mike and Mike failed to recognize his greatness. That's one right off the top of my head. You can go through the rest and find the answers your looking for if need be.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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Fav. Team #3
Just as I thought.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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What did you think?


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I do have a question.
Pete said that the D was in an advantageous position because they had a goal line D in when we had a 3 WR set I believe.
My question is on 2nd and 1, shouldn't we have been in a goal line formation as well? From that, even with a dbl TE set, we can still run a play action fade to a TE or just run it.
In other words, our formation was a mistake whether or not we run.

To answer your question, yes we should have been in a goal line formation on that 2nd and 1. Even with the wrong package on the field being in the 3 wr set, I still believe hand the ball off to Lynch and see if he can slam his way threw the NE line for the TD. If the play failed, call the TO and get the correct formation ready for 3rd down.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Like I said before , I'm going on a island and saying that a slant play is a tough play to defend and I would bet the percent of passes that actually get intercepted on a play like this is small, very small. A roll out would of chewed up the clock and has at least the same chance of a interception.

Time shouldn't have been a consideration. Even if the play took eleven seconds to run and ended with Wilson throwing the ball out of the back of the EZ, we would have fourteen seconds from the snap of the next play until we had to call a TO.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The hardest part is not the losing part... it's the way we lost ... We gave it away... Taking nothing from the Pats who did claw back into the game down 10 ... But I feel the coaching staff let the team and fans down with that stupid call.. It was just to big of a moment to get risky, it wasn't necessary ... It's gonna haunt us all for a long while.... Lynch was gonna score, I know it, you know it , every Pats fan knows it... Bevell is and arrogant guy to even consider what he did... I was screaming DON"T YOU THROW IT BEVELL before the play... Go LYNCH!! Don't even think about anything else!!!! When we ran a slant route I was in disbelief.. It was the worst call we could a made for that situation.... #@^#$ off Bevell.... just #@$^ off ... I hope Seattle dumps you ... The sooner the better...


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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To answer your question, yes we should have been in a goal line formation on that 2nd and 1. Even with the wrong package on the field being in the 3 wr set, I still believe hand the ball off to Lynch and see if he can slam his way threw the NE line for the TD. If the play failed, call the TO and get the correct formation ready for 3rd down.

Thank you. Yes, the call was terrible but so was the alignment we put on the field at 2nd and goal.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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Stu, we do not know if Lynch would have scored. It was anything but a given. Of course we liked our chances more and the threat of interception was likely higher than a fumble, but there is no way anyone can state that game would have for sure ended in our victory with a run. If for no other reason than there was still time enough on the clock with 2 TO's for NE to come down and get at least a FG. And our defense was NOT going to stop them as banged up as they were.

Stop killing yourself with these thoughts. They aren't helping you.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Whiners never do, and doers never whine.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Stu, we do not know if Lynch would have scored. It was anything but a given. Of course we liked our chances more and the threat of interception was likely higher than a fumble, but there is no way anyone can state that game would have for sure ended in our victory with a run. If for no other reason than there was still time enough on the clock with 2 TO's for NE to come down and get at least a FG. And our defense was NOT going to stop them as banged up as they were.

Stop killing yourself with these thoughts. They aren't helping you.

NO it's gonna kill me for a long while.... We should a used Lynch... and if we were gonna throw we should a went out of the play action and given Wilson the option to roll out and hit someone in the back corner of the end-zone, that would a also giving Wilson the option to run it or throw it away... It was a ridiculous call.. Slant route there was the absolute last thing they should a done... Even if the play was successful I wouldn't have liked the risk... I"m ticked and will be for a while.. WE handed that shit away... Like I said before we could a ran Lynch 3 times and the odds were heavily in our favor... We gotta live with that....