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Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I'm on a island here, but here goes...everyone expected a running play, so a quick slant should of been a surprise that could work. Bad execution and a great read by Butler made it a poor play IMO.

Throwing a slant into that much congestion to a below average receiver with a short QB while having the best power back in football at your disposal made it the worst call in football history. Any other play then that would have been a better call. Inexcusable by Bevell and Carroll.


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Throwing a slant into that much congestion to a below average receiver with a short QB while having the best power back in football at your disposal made it the worst call in football history. Any other play then that would have been a better call. Inexcusable by Bevell and Carroll.

Meh, a slant is a hard pass to defend. If Wilson had not led the receiver,(for example) their would of been no interception and maybe a TD for the Seahawks. All this second guessing by fans is typical, if the play had worked, folks would of said it was brilliant. Also if they had run it and failed, everyone would have bitched about running a play even the fans knew was coming...go ahead and tell me I'm wrong.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Also if they had run it and failed, everyone would have bitched about running a play even the fans knew was coming...go ahead and tell me I'm wrong.

Unhappy, sure. Bitchin like we have about the slant,,,,not even close. I can only speak for myself, but I would feel a helluva lot better right now if we ran the ball twice and didn't make it instead of the ridiculous call that they offered up.


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Unhappy, sure. Bitchin like we have about the slant,,,,not even close. I can only speak for myself, but I would feel a helluva lot better right now if we ran the ball twice and didn't make it instead of the ridiculous call that they offered up.

In hind site sure, but if that pass would of just been incomplete instead of a interception, it changes every thing. No matter what, that interception was due to lack of execution, a interception should never of happened. Yeah I would of also loved seeing Lynch run the ball, looked like he was feeling it and I'm sure they would have on the next play ( except the unexpected happened). I just don't see the point in crucifying anyone for one failed play.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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Throwing a slant into that much congestion to a below average receiver with a short QB while having the best power back in football at your disposal made it the worst call in football history. Any other play then that would have been a better call. Inexcusable by Bevell and Carroll.

It wasn't congested. I'm not sure how many times you need to be corrected, but you are just wrong.

It was 2 on 2. Ignore every other defender as NONE of them were anywhere near where they could impact that play. It was 2 WR on 2 DB with no safety or LB help at all. The play called is one several former NFL players and coaches have said is a good call against that defense and has been successful for a long time.

You and stu should just take a break from it for a while. Take a week away and get past this. You aren't going to change your minds and no one else here will be changing theirs either. There is nothing to be gained from rehashing the same points over and over.


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Been saying it for years and idiots on this board still defend the guy. that one play was the epitome of everything I have criticized him for. He should be fired right on the spot for calling that play, absolutely no way possible to defend it. worst play call possibly in SUPERBOWL HISTORY.

Sorry, I didn't read the entire thread but that is probably the worst call in the history of the league not just the Super Bowl...

I'm not a Seahawks fan but that play pissed me off, how could you be that stupid!


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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It wasn't congested. I'm not sure how many times you need to be corrected, but you are just wrong.

It was 2 on 2. Ignore every other defender as NONE of them were anywhere near where they could impact that play. It was 2 WR on 2 DB with no safety or LB help at all. The play called is one several former NFL players and coaches have said is a good call against that defense and has been successful for a long time.

Throwing a slant from the 1/2 yard line into goal line defense isn't congested? Who said this, Pete Carroll?

You and stu should just take a break from it for a while. Take a week away and get past this. You aren't going to change your minds and no one else here will be changing theirs either. There is nothing to be gained from rehashing the same points over and over.

There's no getting past this. I question how people can let it go so easily. How do you guys do that? Have you no passion for this team?


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I do have a question.
Pete said that the D was in an advantageous position because they had a goal line D in when we had a 3 WR set I believe.
My question is on 2nd and 1, shouldn't we have been in a goal line formation as well? From that, even with a dbl TE set, we can still run a play action fade to a TE or just run it.
In other words, our formation was a mistake whether or not we run.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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I just don't see the point in crucifying anyone for one failed play.

If it wasn't such a dumb, inexcusable play, then I might not wish that Carroll and Bevell were forever haunted by it for the rest of their lives. I sure hope they are, because I know the majority of us fans are.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Sorry, I didn't read the entire thread but that is probably the worst call in the history of the league not just the Super Bowl...

I'm not a Seahawks fan but that play pissed me off, how could you be that stupid!

This how 99% of the world feels, but there's the few fans on this board that just don't see it. A head scratcher for sure.


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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This how 99% of the world feels, but there's the few fans on this board that just don't see it. A head scratcher for sure.

Even if the play worked and resulted in a TD to win the Super Bowl I still would have thought to myself, what a stupid play call, just so many things that can go wrong with that play. If you wanna pass roll Wilson out and hit the tight end who blocked then broke to the corner of the end zone and if not open throw it away and hand it to the RB who scored the most TD's in the league, still had a TO. :noidea:


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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It doesn't make any sense no matter how you look at it.


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Sep 1, 2011
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Hoopla Cash
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Even if the play worked and resulted in a TD to win the Super Bowl I still would have thought to myself, what a stupid play call, just so many things that can go wrong with that play. If you wanna pass roll Wilson out and hit the tight end who blocked then broke to the corner of the end zone and if not open throw it away and hand it to the RB who scored the most TD's in the league, still had a TO. :noidea:

Like I said before , I'm going on a island and saying that a slant play is a tough play to defend and I would bet the percent of passes that actually get intercepted on a play like this is small, very small. A roll out would of chewed up the clock and has at least the same chance of a interception.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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Throwing a slant from the 1/2 yard line into goal line defense isn't congested? Who said this, Pete Carroll?
Said what? GO LOOK AT THE FUCKING TAPE! If you aren't blind you will see 4 guys line up wide. Wide of everyone else on the field. The ball is thrown into an area that literally had 4 people in it and two were tied up past the play. Butler was the only person that could have had a hand on the ball or do anything to stop that play. Browner and Kearse were already past it. It was 1 on 1. This bullshit that it was a heavily congested area just says you have preconceived notions to meet your existing agenda. I'd rather LOOK AT IT and see for myself.

There's no getting past this. I question how people can let it go so easily. How do you guys do that? Have you no passion for this team?
It's a football game. You can both love your team and still not over react when they lose. As you said, they really almost didn't belong there as it was. After that late comeback vs GB we were sort of playing with house money.

It's not a matter of letting it go, it's putting it in proper perspective and putting the blame were it really belongs. It will never feel good when thinking about or talking about that play. Not 10 years from now. But blind hatred over a preexisting agenda doesn't help. You are looking for reasons to justify your existing hate of Carroll. Stu and others are doing the same for their hate of Bevell. It's not helping you. That extra blind hatred is making it worse and clouding all of your judgments IMO.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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Fav. Team #3
I do have a question.
Pete said that the D was in an advantageous position because they had a goal line D in when we had a 3 WR set I believe.
My question is on 2nd and 1, shouldn't we have been in a goal line formation as well? From that, even with a dbl TE set, we can still run a play action fade to a TE or just run it.
In other words, our formation was a mistake whether or not we run.

Seattle sent in 11 personnel first (1rb, 1te, 3wr). NE then sent out goal line with 3 DB. It's a combo/hybrid defense to cover either option. Carroll said he saw that and called for a pass play. Bevell took the play that was designed for this look and called it in.

So their story really is that Belichick out coached them by getting them to throw when their strength is running by the formation he put out there for that now ill fated play.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Said what? GO LOOK AT THE FUCKING TAPE! If you aren't blind you will see 4 guys line up wide. Wide of everyone else on the field. The ball is thrown into an area that literally had 4 people in it and two were tied up past the play. Butler was the only person that could have had a hand on the ball or do anything to stop that play. Browner and Kearse were already past it. It was 1 on 1. This bullshit that it was a heavily congested area just says you have preconceived notions to meet your existing agenda. I'd rather LOOK AT IT and see for myself.

It's a football game. You can both love your team and still not over react when they lose. As you said, they really almost didn't belong there as it was. After that late comeback vs GB we were sort of playing with house money.

It's not a matter of letting it go, it's putting it in proper perspective and putting the blame were it really belongs. It will never feel good when thinking about or talking about that play. Not 10 years from now. But blind hatred over a preexisting agenda doesn't help. You are looking for reasons to justify your existing hate of Carroll. Stu and others are doing the same for their hate of Bevell. It's not helping you. That extra blind hatred is making it worse and clouding all of your judgments IMO.

That's not the point. There was absolutely no reason to put the ball over the middle when they had the ball on the 1 yard line out of the shotgun. If they were going to do that then line Wilson behind center so they have to worry about the QB sneak. The guy's built like a RB and that would have pulled everybody up.

They called a play where if things went wrong what actually happened could have happened. That's inexcusable. I don't care about players that screwed up to make it happen. That's the point of playing the game. Some players will make huge plays, some players will miss plays. That's what makes it interesting. But when the coaching staff calls in a steaming pile of shit to the QB and it costs the team the game then there's issues.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
This how 99% of the world feels, but there's the few fans on this board that just don't see it. A head scratcher for sure.

Stop saying that stupid shit. You know damn well that's not what any of us have said.

I have literally said at least 50 times I would have ran the ball. Haven't I? No, that's a serious question because I'm sick and tired of a couple of you continuing to say shit you have to know by now just isn't what we are saying. NOT ONCE have I said I supported that call. So either PROVE ME WRONG or shut the fuck up with this stupidity. It's really getting old.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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That's not the point....

No point in even reading the rest because that was exactly the point. He said it was a pass into heavy congestion and I pointed out it wasn't. Didn't say that made it right. I have just been correcting the really asinine shit people keep saying that simply isn't true.

If you guys want to be haters and put blame on people, at least get the facts of what you are using to support your hate right. That's pretty much all I've done.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Seattle sent in 11 personnel first (1rb, 1te, 3wr). NE then sent out goal line with 3 DB. It's a combo/hybrid defense to cover either option. Carroll said he saw that and called for a pass play. Bevell took the play that was designed for this look and called it in.

So their story really is that Belichick out coached them by getting them to throw when their strength is running by the formation he put out there for that now ill fated play.
Wiz, my point is we should not have been in a 11 set. We should have sent in a big package instead of 1 TE 3 WR's.
With 2nd and 1, a big package makes sense to me. At that point it doesn't matter what NE does. Even if they stack the line, RW could audible to a pass play.


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Like I said before , I'm going on a island and saying that a slant play is a tough play to defend and I would bet the percent of passes that actually get intercepted on a play like this is small, very small. A roll out would of chewed up the clock and has at least the same chance of a interception.

Tough play to defend is not really the point. It's also a play that can result in a tipped pass knocking the ball into the air for an interception or just throwing a less than precision pass resulting in an INT. Chewed up clock? There was plenty of time and you still had a time out. Chance of an INT is not even close to as high on a roll out if you have the understanding if the play isn't there throw into in to the 5th row and live to play again with maybe the best short yardage back in the league this season...