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Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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He needs to pick Butler, and to do that he needs to break press with Browner and beat Butler to the area on a bang/bang play. Terrible, terrible position to put him in.

I agree. Not the best position for Kearse to be in but it's a match up that he has a chance to win. Or at least of all the receivers we have Kearse has the best chance to make the pick.

Mostly agree with this, but why are you asking him to make this throw out with the angle out of the shotgun? Bad geometry. (And I'm still not convinced that Lockette makes it in with a perfect throw. The catch would still have been short of the EZ)

This is the part I am probably most critical of. It's known by most people that the slant route is the one Russell struggles with most. Hugh Millen has broken this down many times during the season. I have no clue why they continue to run the slant route out of shot gun. Doing it from under center makes it a lot easier for the quarterback. The timing is always off when you're trying to do a slant from shot gun.

Also Russell's height plays a big role in this as well. The trajectory in which he is able to throw it is different than a QB that is 6'5. A Peyton Manning would have been able to throw the ball down. Russell because of his height limitations has to throw it from a certain angle through a certain window and the ball is likely going to be high.

Probably all true. Actually, almost certainly all true. And we all know he isn't a very good WR...so why call a play for him here?

Well the Seahawks are pretty limited in terms of match ups. Baldwin vs Revis? Advantage Revis. Kearse vs Browner? Advantage Browner. Lockette's match up was the only one that made sense. Maybe Luke Willson down the middle would be better? He's a bigger body so he would have been able to shield the defender and fight for the ball better. But for some reason they didn't look at the tight end at all the entire game. Not sure if the scheme from New England prevented it or our tight ends just never got open.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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If you'll notice, the only posts I've ever gotten even remotely snotty in are the ones directed at you. And even then, only in threads where you seem to feel like you need to be an ass. Everyone else on this forum is pretty cool and seems to treat one another with respect. Except, for some reason...you. And if my disagreeing with you and actually attempting to debate the point is "throwing negativity", how in the hell have you ever lasted on a message forum?

If you don't get that I was pointing out the hypocrisy then how have you lasted this long?


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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You choose the manner in which you reply to people. It's not anyone else's fault when I'm pissing on people, and it's not my fault YOU choose to reply in kind. If you are going to point out people being negative, it's generally not a good idea to be doing so yourself back. Rise to a level above it. Much better vantage to throw stones from.

Now, do you care to stay on topic? Or another 10 posts about nothing important?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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I agree. Not the best position for Kearse to be in but it's a match up that he has a chance to win. Or at least of all the receivers we have Kearse has the best chance to make the pick.

This is the part I am probably most critical of. It's known by most people that the slant route is the one Russell struggles with most. Hugh Millen has broken this down many times during the season. I have no clue why they continue to run the slant route out of shot gun. Doing it from under center makes it a lot easier for the quarterback. The timing is always off when you're trying to do a slant from shot gun.

Also Russell's height plays a big role in this as well. The trajectory in which he is able to throw it is different than a QB that is 6'5. A Peyton Manning would have been able to throw the ball down. Russell because of his height limitations has to throw it from a certain angle through a certain window and the ball is likely going to be high.

Well the Seahawks are pretty limited in terms of match ups. Baldwin vs Revis? Advantage Revis. Kearse vs Browner? Advantage Browner. Lockette's match up was the only one that made sense. Maybe Luke Willson down the middle would be better? He's a bigger body so he would have been able to shield the defender and fight for the ball better. But for some reason they didn't look at the tight end at all the entire game. Not sure if the scheme from New England prevented it or our tight ends just never got open.

And that's just it, Bevell called a play where all the matchups were clearly pretty terrible...so why not do something to create better matchups, like a PA play, or a boot? Plays that favor our personnel the majority of the time.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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Where the hell did I say that. I'm saying that your harsh rhetoric is going to get a rise out of people. Look, I don't like Bevell and I think that was the dumbest call I've seen in my entire life. You don't. Let's just move on. Season's over.

That's just it. I don't think it was a good call either. Seems no one can understand the difference between saying it wasn't what I would have called and it's the worst call ever. I've said I would have gone with a power set and ran it. Fuck what they line up with. That's my opinion. Just because I say it wasn't nearly as bad as people say doesn't mean I support it. I put a lot of the blame for the failure on Carroll, Kearse, Lockette, and Wilson. Doesn't mean Bevell doesn't have some of that blame pie as well, but as I've already mentioned, it's because he makes the playbook from which there was no alternative better than that play to begin with. Still, execute it and no one is saying a word about Bevell today.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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You choose the manner in which you reply to people. It's not anyone else's fault when I'm pissing on people, and it's not my fault YOU choose to reply in kind. If you are going to point out people being negative, it's generally not a good idea to be doing so yourself back. Rise to a level above it. Much better vantage to throw stones from.

Now, do you care to stay on topic? Or another 10 posts about nothing important?

*shrug* Whatever blows your skirt up, dude. It's just pretty funny when you someone comes in acting like a dick, admits to acting like a dick, but gets huffy when someone points out his behavior and returns the favor. Carry one.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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*shrug* Whatever blows your skirt up, dude. It's just pretty funny when you someone comes in acting like a dick, admits to acting like a dick, but gets huffy when someone points out his behavior and returns the favor. Carry one.

I'm not the one creating post after post bitching about someone else. Haven't complained once. Just pointed out you shouldn't cast stones from a glass house.

Care to move on from it and actually talk football? Or you want to keep on going on and on and on and...


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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I don't know. I don't know how much input he really has in the evaluation of talent and/or who gets chosen. For that matter, we don't know for sure how much influence Tom Cable has on who's chosen for the OLine - the only real quotes we have about Cable being involved was for a low risk 7th rounder. Overall, we've seen this offense go from near the bottom to top 10 - and it has everything to do with personnel and scheme. Bevell is just fine where he is, and requiring him to be fired because we don't always like his strategy sometimes is putting the cart before the horse. Honestly, who's gonna come in and do better doing what he has done with what Pete wants.

We do know that PC and JS have the biggest impact, so if there is a lack of talent being drafted (at any position) then it's on them. They have been getting all the praise for how much this roster has been turned around, can't just lay it on the underlings when something is perceived off.

So it's on PC/JS for the fact they haven't been able to find quality receivers then? Given that PC is a defensive minded coach I'm sure he has to be giving some latitude for his offensive staff to evaluate potential talent. You are basically saying it is unknown how much that latitude is.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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I'm not the one creating post after post bitching about someone else. Haven't complained once. Just pointed out you shouldn't cast stones from a glass house.

Care to move on from it and actually talk football? Or you want to keep on going on and on and on and...

LOL. I'm sorry you got your feelings hurt, Sunshine. As I said, carry on. This is over as far as I'm concerned.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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So it's on PC/JS for the fact they haven't been able to find quality receivers then? Given that PC is a defensive minded coach I'm sure he has to be giving some latitude for his offensive staff to evaluate potential talent. You are basically saying it is unknown how much that latitude is.

To a certain extent, it is. It has to be. With a couple caveats. Richardson was starting to look like a gamer, and Harvin was certainly talented and made plays for us...but we all know how that ended. Who knows what our offense would have looked like on Sunday with either of those two in the game. But it's been a lot of whiffs outside of that.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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LOL. I'm sorry you got your feelings hurt, Sunshine. As I said, carry on. This is over as far as I'm concerned.

lol, you keep trying to troll this into me complaining, while you are complaining. Not going to work. You can be as big of a dick as you like. Again, who are you? :noidea: Pull some big boy panties up and join some football talk at some point. This jr high stuff gets kind of old.



Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 9,816.00
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So it's on PC/JS for the fact they haven't been able to find quality receivers then? Given that PC is a defensive minded coach I'm sure he has to be giving some latitude for his offensive staff to evaluate potential talent. You are basically saying it is unknown how much that latitude is.

It's always on the HC and GM when it comes to personnel matters, so to an extent, yes, it is on PC and JS for not having brought in more WR help, or at least better help. I don't think anyone knows how much input Bevell has - and I'm not saying he has none, just that I don't know - and unless someone were in the war room/meetings there really isn't any way to find out. PC/JS have been given all the credit for their hits, they have to shoulder the blame for their misses.

Honestly, how much does the input of our scouting department go into who we decide to go for at any given position? Was Richardson rated over Matthews, or did they get too cute on the trade down with Detroit and lost him when Philly traded up?

In the end, Bevell has no personnel powers. If Pete and John just want him to use the players they bring in, that's their choice. I don't think it likely he has no input, but unless he's the one who's telling them who to draft (which I highly doubt) or sign, then it's really not his burden to bear.
Feb 2, 2015
Hoopla Cash
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Not to defend the call, but if Kearse does his job on the play at worse its an incomplete.

So you're gonna blame one of the worst players on the team for not making a play instead of the coach that needlessly put him in the position? lol
Feb 2, 2015
Hoopla Cash
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By the way Kearse had 0, I repeat 0% chance of contributing on that play. Are you seriously suggesting he, a midget receiver at the goal line with no room to maneuver, gets past one of the best press corners in the game? You could repeat that play infinite times, Kearse can even try something different each time including kicking Browner in the nuts or trying to run through his legs and he gets jammed every time.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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By the way Kearse had 0, I repeat 0% chance of contributing on that play. Are you seriously suggesting he, a midget receiver at the goal line with no room to maneuver, gets past one of the best press corners in the game? You could repeat that play infinite times, Kearse can even try something different each time including kicking Browner in the nuts or trying to run through his legs and he gets jammed every time.

Love your Avatar.... I seriously hope he get's replaced...


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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If you listened to Carroll's interview on the Today show yesterday he was clear in saying they did exactly what they prepared for and ran the plays they had practiced for their plans.

This makes 'The Call' all that much worse in my opinion. That's the play they had planned on calling in that situation? :doh: That makes Carroll and Bevell look even worse in my opinion.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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With all that said the play call, while questionable, is not a terrible one and is far from being "the worst call in sports history."

That's not how its going to be remembered.

Pete said it right...it was the worst outcome from a call in sports history...not the worst call

Whatever makes you feel better Pete.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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This makes 'The Call' all that much worse in my opinion. That's the play they had planned on calling in that situation? :doh: That makes Carroll and Bevell look even worse in my opinion.

As I said, they had under 10 seconds to get a play. They don't take time to think, they respond based on their preparation. Their charts said inside whatever yardage, when you see that defense and are in that offense you run that play.

Was it a bad play to run? Sure it was. Browner is a beast, Lockette makes minimum wage for a reason, and you have lynch. They over thought the need to run down the clock and tried to get cute on the play and in the end got out coached by Belichick because he pushed them into doing exactly what he wanted them to do and made them pay for it.
Feb 2, 2015
Hoopla Cash
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As I said, they had under 10 seconds to get a play. They don't take time to think, they respond based on their preparation. Their charts said inside whatever yardage, when you see that defense and are in that offense you run that play.

Was it a bad play to run? Sure it was. Browner is a beast, Lockette makes minimum wage for a reason, and you have lynch. They over thought the need to run down the clock and tried to get cute on the play and in the end got out coached by Belichick because he pushed them into doing exactly what he wanted them to do and made them pay for it.

All I ask is that they admit they were outcoached and learn from this. But based on what we've heard, they aren't even acknowledging they did anything wrong, even though every man woman and child could see what they did wrong. That's what's infuriating. And if they are stupid enough to call this play, they are stupid enough to call other stupid plays in the future. I wanna keep Carroll around so this means Bevell needs to go to knock some sense into the offensive playcalling.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The call is on Bevell and putting it on anybody else is ridiculous. The only thing that PC would tell Bevell is dial me up a passing play and that's what Bevell delivered. The play is all on him. Dude has no concept of game situations and just calls up the same plays if it's the 2nd quarter of a preseason game or the critical play in the Super Bowl. He sucks.