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Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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Sure zorn, use rumors to make yourself feel better.


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
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I would defer to stoker or one of the other draft junkies around here on how much of the lack of talent on offense is really due to Bevell or how bad their draft picks on that side of the ball have been. I'd be open to giving him whatever criticism he is due in that area.

I'll give it a go. Specialists drafted since Bevell got here:

1st round:

2nd round:
Christine Michael - I was never a fan of this pick, but I'll at least admit my own bias toward Turbin has an effect to it. Michael hasn't emerged as the #2 back that most hoped he would be, but it isn't due to lack of talent, just an inability to pick up the other duties of a NFL running back. It is difficult to say they should have seen that coming, since they had to guess at whether he's be able to do things he's never been asked to do.

Paul Richardson - Another pick that I wasn't too happy about, but more because of my own ideas that we needed a bigger receiver than anything I found lacking in Richardson. He took a bit to adjust to the NFL, but he was coming on before his injury took him out. Hopefully, he recovers from this and he continues to get better.

3rd round:
Russell Wilson - I partied all night long when this pick was made, and we all know how this has turned out so far.

4th round:
Kris Durham - I didn't mind this pick, he just wasn't able to crack into the Seahawks line up - though he showed flashes of being a capable WR with Detroit. He's too streaky to be a consistent threat, but he was the big bodied receiver that fans wanted drafted.

Robert Turbin - I loved (and still do) this pick. Turbin has been a really good #2 HB and 3rd down back. I know people look at his ypc last year and think he had a bad year, but in his limited carries he had over 10 10+ yard carries called back, which would have significantly improved his ypc. He's the guy who does whatever he's asked and his our best back in pass protection and has the best hands (even if Lynch get more catches). Despite people's reticence, I think he'd be a solid feature back if Lynch were no longer here - especially how this offense is constructed.

Chris Harper - Didn't care for this pick, but Seattle needed WRs, so wasn't overly upset. He's never been able to stick with anyone (been on at least 4 teams since he was drafted last year).

Kevin Norwood - I liked this pick, and though he wasn't able to break through the rotation much this season, I think his future is bright, maybe even brighter than Richardson. The issue with evaluating rookie WRs is that the learning curve is so great.

5th round:
Luke Willson - I think Willson has been a good pick. He's got his issues when it comes to adjusting to passes that aren't perfect, but he's got loads of talent and if he continues to improve I think Seattle will be very happy with him.

6th round:
Spencer Ware - He was drafted to be a FB, but he never really adjusted to it, and then couldn't cut it as a HB either. Coleman beat him out, and he's currently on the Chiefs roster on a futures contract.

7th round:
Kiero Small - I didn't understand this pick, with Ware and Coleman fighting for the 1 FB spot, adding a third to the competition was a little much to be (and I really liked Coleman). When Coleman went down, though, I really wished he wasn't already on Cleveland's roster, and he's currently on Baltimore's practice squad.

In the end, they have made some really good picks, a couple that are still on the fence and whiffed on a few. Seems par for the course. They have picked more WRs than anything (4 in the first 4 rounds), but it hasn't really helped, yet (2 whiffs and 2 wait and sees). The way they draft shows where the team's priorities lie, only 10 out of 39 picks have been offensive skill positions (8 if you don't count FBs as skill positions).


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Ok, so how would you rate Bevell overall in terms of his OC duties in player acquisitions then? Should he be fired for incompetency on that front? Is the almost complete lack of quality at the skill positions outside of Wilson, Lynch, and maybe Turbin all on him?


Human NFL Almanac and College Football Insider
Nov 24, 2014
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There's a rumor going around that Lynch's agent told the team Marshawn wouldn't be signing any extension, nor will he play another down for this team (retire), if Bevell is still here. Most rumors are junk, but if that one was true I'd obviously be in favor of getting rid of Bevell. Team isn't going to easily replace Lynch whenever he finally does retire/move on.

I said a few days ago that could become the most underrated factor in all of this. Lynch has hated Bevell for a long time, no secret.

And when you combine that with Bevell throwing Lockette under the bus, instead of owning up to his own horrific play call, it won't help Bevell's case in the locker room.

That said, Bevell, Wilson, and Pete are equally to blame for the final play.

But the offense was poor for most of the season and only played well about 25% of each playoff game. I can't stand how Bevell and Pete always rely on the defense and seemingly don't care how often we go 3 & out. The effects of which are now showing with all the injuries we're racking up on D.

For me, I definitely want to see Cable fired. And ideally Bevell. Of course if Lynch draws the line, then Bevell certainly would have to go. Thing is, such a position by Lynch would put Pete in a very tough spot because Pete has already stated in various ways that Bevell is a huge part of the future.


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Ok, so how would you rate Bevell overall in terms of his OC duties in player acquisitions then? Should he be fired for incompetency on that front? Is the almost complete lack of quality at the skill positions outside of Wilson, Lynch, and maybe Turbin all on him?

I don't know. I don't know how much input he really has in the evaluation of talent and/or who gets chosen. For that matter, we don't know for sure how much influence Tom Cable has on who's chosen for the OLine - the only real quotes we have about Cable being involved was for a low risk 7th rounder. Overall, we've seen this offense go from near the bottom to top 10 - and it has everything to do with personnel and scheme. Bevell is just fine where he is, and requiring him to be fired because we don't always like his strategy sometimes is putting the cart before the horse. Honestly, who's gonna come in and do better doing what he has done with what Pete wants.

We do know that PC and JS have the biggest impact, so if there is a lack of talent being drafted (at any position) then it's on them. They have been getting all the praise for how much this roster has been turned around, can't just lay it on the underlings when something is perceived off.


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
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I agree that Cable is a joke. A former HC, demoted to a specialist coach and still does a lousy job is quite laughable.

You do realize that being a head coach does not mean anything when it comes to coordinators. One thing people forget about Cable is other than the stint as the HC in Oakland (which was a huge surprise) he's always been an OLine coach. So him being "demoted" to Oline coach is not entirely relevant, since it's what he's always done.

He's the Oline coach here for one reason - he coaches/runs the type of blocking scheme Pete wants. So, Bevell runs the offense the way Pete wants it, and Cable coaches the line the way Pete wants it.
Feb 2, 2015
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Please, I'm sure they can find someone else who understands the zone blocking system. And a chimpanzee can run the offense better than Bevell does. He brings nothing to the table that makes him special. He often calls plays that lack even rudimentary understanding of football fundamentals. It's not like he brings insight to Carroll that sways his thinking.

And if JS and PC handle 100% of the draft decision making, and Bevell/Cable have little if no input, could it be because they don't know anything about drafting players and never make suggestions that, if they hold true, gain them credibility?

We need coaches at these positions we can lean on for advice and decision making. Not marionettes without minds of their own.

We need coaches who can draft receivers and offensive line which make up most of the personnel on offense, and we need coaches who can make players improve rather than suck or even regress from year to year like Carpenter, Sweezy, Okung, and the revolving door that is our receiving corps.


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Jul 16, 2013
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If they were going to can anyone they would have done it by now. Lynch is actually a pretty even keeled guy so if they come back with "we're going to look at what went wrong there and make sure we don't do that again" then maybe that will be enough. It's not like he hasn't gotten a lot of carries since he's been here and the run blocking has been rock solid for him the last few seasons.


Jul 3, 2013
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Please, I'm sure they can find someone else who understands the zone blocking system. And a chimpanzee can run the offense better than Bevell does. He brings nothing to the table that makes him special. He often calls plays that lack even rudimentary understanding of football fundamentals. It's not like he brings insight to Carroll that sways his thinking.

This is true. Bevell was awful in Minnesota and he's no better here. He benefits from being around really good players like Wilson and Lynch. How aren't people sick of the stagnant offense yet? It seems like the majority of the scoring comes from broken, sandlot plays when everybody has to improvise. I think Bevell suffers with personnel too. When some plays are drawn up, you should realize that asking a 160 lb receiver to block a linebacker isn't going to turn out real well. Just like 'The Call', people say Bevell had the matchup he wanted with Lockette against the rookie. The big problem is he called a play for Ricardo Lockette. Seriously? A game and situation of that magnitude and your calling a play for Ricardo Freaking Lockette. How can anybody defend the guy is beyond me.
Feb 2, 2015
Hoopla Cash
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This is true. Bevell was awful in Minnesota and he's no better here. He benefits from being around really good players like Wilson and Lynch. How aren't people sick of the stagnant offense yet? It seems like the majority of the scoring comes from broken, sandlot plays when everybody has to improvise. I think Bevell suffers with personnel too. When some plays are drawn up, you should realize that asking a 160 lb receiver to block a linebacker isn't going to turn out real well. Just like 'The Call', people say Bevell had the matchup he wanted with Lockette against the rookie. The big problem is he called a play for Ricardo Lockette. Seriously? A game and situation of that magnitude and your calling a play for Ricardo Freaking Lockette. How can anybody defend the guy is beyond me.

Definitely. If you're going to call a play that changes the course of not only Seahawk history, but sports history you better use your best weapons. I'll bet there are plenty of Seahawk fans that didn't know who Lockette was before the call, and rightfully so he is garbage and belongs on the practice squad. It doesn't matter who he was going against, he's Ricardo Fucking Lockette.


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Apr 21, 2013
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Definitely. If you're going to call a play that changes the course of not only Seahawk history, but sports history you better use your best weapons. I'll bet there are plenty of Seahawk fans that didn't know who Lockette was before the call, and rightfully so he is garbage and belongs on the practice squad. It doesn't matter who he was going against, he's Ricardo Fucking Lockette.

If they've been watching the games, they know who Lockette is. He shouldn't be used much as a receiver, especially not with the Super Bowl on the line, but he shouldn't be relegated to the practice squad. He's a useful special teams player.


Human NFL Almanac and College Football Insider
Nov 24, 2014
Where Natty's are celebrated
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I'd love to see Mike Shanahan as our OC, I really think that'd be a perfect move for both sides. Apparently he was considering taking the 49ers OC job, but had reservations about coaching under Jim Tomsula.
Feb 2, 2015
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I wouldn't say he's a useful special teams player, not when he commits more penalties than special teams tackles. He's a knucklehead who thinks he's tough yet he got totally decleated by much smaller corner.


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Sep 1, 2011
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I wouldn't say he's a useful special teams player, not when he commits more penalties than special teams tackles. He's a knucklehead who thinks he's tough yet he got totally decleated by much smaller corner.

He commits more penalties then tackles? You got some data to back that up? Not sure how many tackles he has, but he gets lots of attention from the other teams special team players.
Feb 2, 2015
Hoopla Cash
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He commits more penalties then tackles? You got some data to back that up? Not sure how many tackles he has, but he gets lots of attention from the other teams special team players.

It's called sarcasm, I was pointing out he commits too many penalties than he's worth. He had 6 fucking penalties this year, 9 since he joined the team last year. And he should have been penalized for that disgusting flop against the Eagles that wouldn't fool Stevie Wonder. He is an utter moron.


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Jul 16, 2013
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I keep trying to come back to him not sucking but when I do I just get a flashback to that last play. Dumbest play call ever. What a fucking idiot. Throw a high risk timing pass over the middle at the goal line when you know the defense is going to be keying there for run support. What a fucking fool.


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
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I keep trying to come back to him not sucking but when I do I just get a flashback to that last play. Dumbest play call ever. What a fucking idiot. Throw a high risk timing pass over the middle at the goal line when you know the defense is going to be keying there for run support. What a fucking fool.

Not saying I liked the slant, but there really wasn't any defenders in that area other than the 2 covering the 2 WRs. All the guys stacked at the line charged forward, and the safety was shaded more to the other side of the center and didn't bolt over to help on the slant. There really wasn't a big mass of defenders there like some people want to claim.


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Jul 16, 2013
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Not saying I liked the slant, but there really wasn't any defenders in that area other than the 2 covering the 2 WRs. All the guys stacked at the line charged forward, and the safety was shaded more to the other side of the center and didn't bolt over to help on the slant. There really wasn't a big mass of defenders there like some people want to claim.

The point is that don't risk a throw over the middle in that situation. Just roll Wilson out or throw an out route. A slant? Really? Idiotic.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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Not to defend the call, but if Kearse does his job on the play at worse its an incomplete.