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Any chance Pete will replace Bevell and/or Cable?


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Sep 1, 2011
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Depends on how the Seahawks finish the season.

Broadcasters seemed to love to talk about Bevell and his future as a head coach last year, I don't hear that as frequently despite his play calling being just as mediocre. If the Seahawks finish the season with another Superbowl run, you can expect that he may have head coaching gigs knocking at his door.

Tom Cable on the other hand I'm not sure. I don't think he gets replaced, the poor play during Carroll's regime by the offensive line is not completely on him. From day 1, Cable has had garbage talent to work with on the offensive line. I know that there are a significant amount of Seahawk fans who like James Carpenter (which I cannot even fathom), but he is trash and has shown up to camp at least 2 years 20+lbs overweight. I think he showed up in relatively decent shape this offseason (it's his contract year, big surprise), but he is mediocre at best.

Aside from Unger and Okung, Cable has had absolutely zero talent to work with. The only thing I'd penalize him for are the penalties. But that has been characteristic of Pete Carroll teams.

The reason he has zero talent to work with is because Cable hand selected the players on the OL, except for Okung and Unger. Which tells me he should not be part of evaluating Ol for the draft. The man is his own worse enemy, he keeps drafting maulers who can't pass block.


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Apr 21, 2013
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The reason he has zero talent to work with is because Cable hand selected the players on the OL, except for Okung and Unger. Which tells me he should not be part of evaluating Ol for the draft. The man is his own worse enemy, he keeps drafting maulers who can't pass block.

That's a very underrated point. If Cable is working with little talent outside of Okung and Unger, it's mostly his fault. Granted, injuries have prevented the starters he had a hand in picking from playing many games together, but given his title (assistant head coach/OL coach) and the amount of input he has on offense, he doesn't get as much blame when things go wrong as he should. Bevell seems to get most of it and as the offensive coordinator, that's to be expected, but Cable deserves his share of it too.

That said, what got into those guys up front tonight? They weren't perfect, but they were far better than anyone had any right to think they'd be in this game with two Pro Bowl starters missing and pretty much everybody expecting to see Wilson on his butt all night.


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Apr 25, 2013
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Im starting to believe that okung is expendable and definitely not worth. $10m


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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If Seattle finishes up the season with a win next week there is zero chance any coach gets the ax. Even a loss probably still leaves that off the table.

The team clearly doesn't see things the same way some of our more vocal fans up here do. It's one of the very best teams in all of the NFL.

Don't fix it if it isn't broke.


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
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Offensive ranks under Cable's line:

2010 (year before Cable) Total: 28 (297.8) Pass: 19 (208.8) Run: 31 (89.0)
2011 Total: 28 (303.8) Pass: 22 (194.1) Run: 21 (109.8)
2012 Total: 17 (350.6) Pass: 27 (189.4) Run: 3 (161.2)
2013 Total: 17 (339.0) Pass: 26 (202.3) Run: 4 (136.8)
2014 Total: 11 (353.6) Pass: 29 (201.9) Run: 1 (175.3)

Offensive Ranks under Bevell:

2010 (year before Bevell) Scoring: 23 (19.4) Total: 28 (297.8) Pass: 19 (208.8) Run: 31 (89.0)
2011 Scoring: 23 (20.1) Total: 28 (303.8) Pass: 22 (194.1) Run: 21 (109.8)
2012 Scoring: 9 (25.8) Total: 17 (350.6) Pass: 27 (189.4) Run: 3 (161.2)
2013 Scoring: 8 (26.1) Total: 17 (339.0) Pass: 26 (202.3) Run: 4 (136.8)
2014 Scoring: 11 (24.9) Total: 11 (353.6) Pass: 29 (201.9) Run: 1 (175.3)

The offense has been steadily exactly what it is, and has been getting better. It shows how dangerous this offense is that Russell Wilson could struggle passing the ball for several games and we are still having the best offensive season since Carroll arrived here. This offense is much better than we sometimes give it credit for, and unless someone is hired as a HC, I really don't see the coaches changing that much.


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Apr 21, 2013
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With another decent scoring day against the Rams next week, we're gonna have another year with the top defense in the league and a top 10 scoring offense to go with it. As much as we complain about Bevell and the offensive line having issues, this is still an offense that is putting up 25 points a game. I don't know if it's because the defense has been so good that the missed opportunities on offense have made it an easy target for ridicule, but all things considered, this offense is better than it gets credit for.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
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Im starting to believe that okung is expendable and definitely not worth. $10m
I have been beating that drum for a year.
He was drafted in the era that rookies were paid a ton before they ever played a down. That is not Okung's fault but holding out on us for the big $ was his fault and we have never gotten fair value for that investment.
Either trade him in the off season, demand a pay cut, or launch him.


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Apr 23, 2013
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We have a great opportunity to be the 1st team to win back to back Super Bowls in the last decade when the league is built to eliminate that possibility.
So, we should fire the OL and Assistant HC and the OC? Anyone else we need to get rid of?
I will remind that Pete built this team to run. Are they doing ok with that requirement?
Pete built this team to have a great D. Are they realizing that?
Pete built this team to take care of the ball. Are they taking care of the ball?

I have not heard Pete say he wants to have a prolific offense. He has said over and over he wants a killer run game. A high test D. No turnovers.
His team is outstanding on the things that Pete says is vital to his program.


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Jul 16, 2013
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I don't know what to make of the situation anymore. The play calling was absolutely horrid before Harvin left, while now it's rock solid. My only gripe with it has always been the lack of aggressive vertical routes , and that was clearly not the case last night. We were killing the Cards in the seam and forced them to back off. Just give Wilson the keys to the car and he'll get the job done.