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Any chance Pete will replace Bevell and/or Cable?


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May 25, 2013
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We need to get the OL fixed in the worst way possible. It's beyond frustrating at this point and it'd be nice to believe that Pete will be proactive in fixing this area, even if it means replacing Cable.

In sports, you're never staying the same.. you're either getting worse or getting better. So you can't just sit on your hands and use a Super Bowl win as an excuse to not make any changes. The best organizations are always ahead of the curve and I'd like to think we're in that class now.

The idea of having to spend our first 2 picks on the OL is beyond frustrating. Doing that sends the message to current personnel that it's not a coaching issue.. and I just don't believe that to be entirely true. It's been a personnel turnstyle on the OL for years and we just haven't been able to develop long-term linemen. It's illogical to think that we're drafting effectively everywhere else but on the OL.
People keep saying we should use our first two picks on Oline, but what about free agents? Are there any good or cheap that are open next off-season? Someone we can target?


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We need to get the OL fixed in the worst way possible. It's beyond frustrating at this point and it'd be nice to believe that Pete will be proactive in fixing this area, even if it means replacing Cable.

In sports, you're never staying the same.. you're either getting worse or getting better. So you can't just sit on your hands and use a Super Bowl win as an excuse to not make any changes. The best organizations are always ahead of the curve and I'd like to think we're in that class now.

The idea of having to spend our first 2 picks on the OL is beyond frustrating. Doing that sends the message to current personnel that it's not a coaching issue.. and I just don't believe that to be entirely true. It's been a personnel turnstyle on the OL for years and we just haven't been able to develop long-term linemen. It's illogical to think that we're drafting effectively everywhere else but on the OL.

We need help at WR and along the DL, when will be able to draft and/or spend in FA at those positions?

Mmm I find myself agreeing with you on this subject. I think the right solution would be to quit getting Cable input when drafting OL. He always goes for the same type of OL, road graders who can't pass block to save their life.


What Me Worry?
Jun 25, 2014
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For those that have not been a Seahawk fan for decades, please note that in the first 26 years of this franchise, we went to the playoffs 5 times. We did not have 1 playoff game from 1989-1998.
Relish in these moments because once it's gone it can seem like forever until it comes back.
We Dallas fans know this feeling very well.


Human NFL Almanac and College Football Insider
Nov 24, 2014
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Mmm I find myself agreeing with you on this subject. I think the right solution would be to quit getting Cable input when drafting OL. He always goes for the same type of OL, road graders who can't pass block to save their life.

Yeah, true. But I also want to be sure that it's not just a personnel problem before drafting a couple more guys. The one thing I've noticed about the OL is that they don't seem to play with a lot of emotion. Their body language is generally pretty defensive, always seem to be on their heels like they're intimidated. I want to see them be aggressive and play a lot more physical.

While the DL has been playing better recently, we're overall pretty weak in the trenches on both sides and that's a fine line you don't want to skate long term. Our different schemes can only cover this up to an extent, at some point we need to build from the inside.


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
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I think our O-Line has done pretty good considering the injury bugs, that our wide receivers are pedestrian (outside of Doug) AND you're playing with a mobile QB. Yah some games have been UGLY by the O-line but that's typically when Unger has been out and losing your starting center... well just look what happened to Green Bay against Seattle.

Seattle's line also does pretty good in non-divisional games. 9ers/Rams/Cards are all top 10 defenses (even if the stats don't show it, although I believe they do, maybe spare the Rams whose offense can't get out of their own way).

I'm a LITTLE tired of Bevell but losing your O coordinator can REALLY set a team back. When we lost Bradley I was like, "Whatever." Our D requires such little coordination that it really didn't bother me, and there have been new defensive coordinators that come into teams all the time and put together a good D their first year.

Offense is different. It's so based on timing, players being in sync, and making sure plays are executed correctly against certain looks.... losing an O coordinator hurts IMO. Bevell isn't shattering any records, but given what he has to work with and majority of injuries on this team coming on offense, I think he's doing good.

Look what happened when our D-Line got injured and Wagner/Chancellor got hurt. EVERYONE was saying Seattle's D was not the same. Now with everyone (spare Mebane) healthy, Seattle is "Back to the Seattle that everyone knows." What?

lol, I'm fine keeping Bevell/Cable. Let's draft D-Line 1st round, O-Line/TE 2nd round, and hopefully snag a decent WR in the 3rd (with hopefully two picks, Tate should lock us up one compensatory 3rd) or in free agency.


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Generally speaking I get a kick out of fans who are just so certain they would do a better job play calling than any professional OC.

Every team develops a game plan during the week. Maybe the OC follows it, maybe he doesn't but how would any fan know?

You seem to be criticizing Bevell for ever throwing the ball in high leverage situations. We already run the ball more than any other team. How would running it MORE make the team better?

Watch almost any other teams playcalling, nobody does the ridiculous crap that bevell does.

The only time I ever see other teams go empty set is on 3rd and long. You simply give away too much by telling the defense you are throwing on 1st down, leaving zero doubt. Its straight up stupid, doesn't belong in the NFL.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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The Hawks run the ball 20% more than any other team on 1st down, and they should be more predictable?. Lynch is a very good receiver and you still have the run threat from Wilson, so splitting Lynch out and getting him in to space against defenses preparing for the run works to the Hawks favor. Also, remember that the Hawks don't have their full time fullback, so a lot of the I stuff just isn't going to be called, so again it's all about personnel. Which brings me to the o-line, when your o-line is weak, it's not a great idea to run non-play action pass plays because the pocket is tighter and the QB will be under more pressure quickly than putting him in shotgun, especially when he can see the field and buy time.

And then there's this:
Team Scoring Drive Efficiency Statistics: 2014 NFL Season


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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I meant to say, "non-play action pass plays under center".


What Me Worry?
Jun 25, 2014
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Bevell has done a great job when you consider there are only two great players on offense ( Wilson & Lynch ).


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Great find Sonny. We were 5th in 2012 and 2013 and 4th this year.
Add our D to the equation and it's a SB team.
Think how good we would be if we had a real OC.


Radical Moderate
Apr 19, 2013
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Depends on how the Seahawks finish the season.

Broadcasters seemed to love to talk about Bevell and his future as a head coach last year, I don't hear that as frequently despite his play calling being just as mediocre. If the Seahawks finish the season with another Superbowl run, you can expect that he may have head coaching gigs knocking at his door.

Tom Cable on the other hand I'm not sure. I don't think he gets replaced, the poor play during Carroll's regime by the offensive line is not completely on him. From day 1, Cable has had garbage talent to work with on the offensive line. I know that there are a significant amount of Seahawk fans who like James Carpenter (which I cannot even fathom), but he is trash and has shown up to camp at least 2 years 20+lbs overweight. I think he showed up in relatively decent shape this offseason (it's his contract year, big surprise), but he is mediocre at best.

Aside from Unger and Okung, Cable has had absolutely zero talent to work with. The only thing I'd penalize him for are the penalties. But that has been characteristic of Pete Carroll teams.


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The Hawks run the ball 20% more than any other team on 1st down, and they should be more predictable?. Lynch is a very good receiver and you still have the run threat from Wilson, so splitting Lynch out and getting him in to space against defenses preparing for the run works to the Hawks favor. Also, remember that the Hawks don't have their full time fullback, so a lot of the I stuff just isn't going to be called, so again it's all about personnel. Which brings me to the o-line, when your o-line is weak, it's not a great idea to run non-play action pass plays because the pocket is tighter and the QB will be under more pressure quickly than putting him in shotgun, especially when he can see the field and buy time.

And then there's this:
Team Scoring Drive Efficiency Statistics: 2014 NFL Season

That stat included FGs, what is our TD %? Not good I'd bet. Bevel gets bailed out because of Wilson and our pretty freaking good kicker.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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That stat included FGs, what is our TD %? Not good I'd bet. Bevel gets bailed out because of Wilson and our pretty freaking good kicker.

Not bad. They're 11th in scoring, 15th in TDs. And their red zone "deficiencies" can largely be attributed to lack of sized in the passing game.

IMO, what that link that I posted earlier really proves is that Seattle is very effecient when they have the ball, when you have a defense like this, scoring on that many possessions (regardless of how), you can win a lot of games, and they do. Being 3rd in the league in TOP also proves this. Yeah, they settle for a lot of FGs... But with a team like Seattle, eating up 6-7 minutes, giving your defense a breather, and kicking a FG is a big win.
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I for one would blame redzone deficiencies on terrible play calling. Too many times bevell gets cute at the goal line and we end up kicking FGs because we refuses to be persistent with the run game.

The throw to baldwin against the chiefs where they missed the PI was also a terrible call. Baldwin doesn't have tge size for that route and he was never going to catch it PI or not. He continually calls the wrong plays for the wrong players.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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I for one would blame redzone deficiencies on terrible play calling. Too many times bevell gets cute at the goal line and we end up kicking FGs because we refuses to be persistent with the run game.

The throw to baldwin against the chiefs where they missed the PI was also a terrible call. Baldwin doesn't have tge size for that route and he was never going to catch it PI or not. He continually calls the wrong plays for the wrong players.

I think Baldwin could make that play. The Chiefs and Smith were thinking run, so everyone was up on the line, and Smith was pressing. He is a good press guy, but he doesn't snap around quickly so a receiver can get behind him, and Baldwin did. It wasn't a jump ball fade, it was a timing route, and Baldwin timed it right and beat Smith. Remember too that the Chiefs hadn't allowed a rushing TD to that point in the year, and they really sold out for a run because Seattle was bunched up on that play. The Hawks were probably not going to score on the ground on that play, and that pass had a very low chance of being a turnover as long as Wilson got the ball out quickly. It should have led to a new set of downs from the 1/2 yd line, but whatever.

Again, this is big picture vs nit-picking. They don't have the pieces to be dynamic in every situation. They have to work with what they have. Sometimes that means asking guys to do things they're not necessarily suited for just to keep the defense on their heels.


Human NFL Almanac and College Football Insider
Nov 24, 2014
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Depends on how the Seahawks finish the season.

Broadcasters seemed to love to talk about Bevell and his future as a head coach last year, I don't hear that as frequently despite his play calling being just as mediocre. If the Seahawks finish the season with another Superbowl run, you can expect that he may have head coaching gigs knocking at his door.

Tom Cable on the other hand I'm not sure. I don't think he gets replaced, the poor play during Carroll's regime by the offensive line is not completely on him. From day 1, Cable has had garbage talent to work with on the offensive line. I know that there are a significant amount of Seahawk fans who like James Carpenter (which I cannot even fathom), but he is trash and has shown up to camp at least 2 years 20+lbs overweight. I think he showed up in relatively decent shape this offseason (it's his contract year, big surprise), but he is mediocre at best.

Aside from Unger and Okung, Cable has had absolutely zero talent to work with. The only thing I'd penalize him for are the penalties. But that has been characteristic of Pete Carroll teams.

Are you ok with spending our first 2 picks on OL then?


LOL at 42-13, 29-3, 19-3
Nov 20, 2012
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We win the Super Bowl last year, and going to the playoffs again this year.

We've got one of the best coach crews in the league. It's easy to get spoiled with the success we have, but comeon....

Keep this going as long as possible. The window for the Seahawks to win another SB is open for years to come.


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Apr 22, 2013
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We win the Super Bowl last year, and going to the playoffs again this year.

We've got one of the best coach crews in the league. It's easy to get spoiled with the success we have, but comeon....

Keep this going as long as possible. The window for the Seahawks to win another SB is open for years to come.

The problem is the LACK of success on the oline though. I mean can you truthfully say the Oline has had success pass blocking under Cable? and be truthful to yourself. No you can't, they never have under Cable. As far as run blocking goes they are a average run blocking team that has an elite bust through contact type RB, it's more on Lynch than it is on the line. Think of all the times Lynch is getting hit behind the LoS just to finish with a 5 to 8 yard gain. that's because of Lynch's talent and happens like 2 to 3 times a game.


Human NFL Almanac and College Football Insider
Nov 24, 2014
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The problem is the LACK of success on the oline though. I mean can you truthfully say the Oline has had success pass blocking under Cable? and be truthful to yourself. No you can't, they never have under Cable. As far as run blocking goes they are a average run blocking team that has an elite bust through contact type RB, it's more on Lynch than it is on the line. Think of all the times Lynch is getting hit behind the LoS just to finish with a 5 to 8 yard gain. that's because of Lynch's talent and happens like 2 to 3 times a game.

Yep, great point.