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Any chance Pete will replace Bevell and/or Cable?


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Why all the hate directed towards Bevell?

Because were not leading the league in offense............ honestly some people just can't be happy. Dont judge the fan base by those types.


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I was a Bevell hater once but then i had my eyes opened from one season of having the coaches film package. Now i can see how good he is even if the offense is bottom half of the league. Hard to maintain drives when your Oline is piss poor at pass blocking and having pre snap flags every other first down putting your run first offense in 1st and 15-20 holes.

I hope Cable gets a HC offer though lol. Time for some new blood in that Oline room.


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This is how it always will be with a PC led team. He values defense, run game and ball control over everything. Run blocking O-line is cheaper than pass blocking o-line in the draft. Money will be spent on D, RB, and QB. O-line will always be last priority. It is possible we hit on a gem somewhere that helps the O-line out, but I won't count on it.


Human NFL Almanac and College Football Insider
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Good posts on both sides. I'm not necessarily a Bevell hater, but am curious what the offense could look like under different leadership.

That said, it's very true that the offense is only as good as its OL, so I really want to see a change there. It's likely a combination of personnel and poor coaching, but something just isn't right. And now we're talking about spending our top 2 picks on the OL? When do we stop and reassess the implemented blocking schemes while putting more emphasis on pass protection?


Livin' la vida loca
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blstoker, thanks for the post.
Damn, 24 false starts. 6 by our extremely high priced and oft injured LT. It's one thing if the T's get more penalties due to being the farthest from Center, but Britt, our rookie RT has 1/2 of Okungs flags for FS.

Didn't Walter Jones go three or four years or something ridiculous like that, without a penalty and without giving up a sack? Man that guy was awesome.


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This is a very special time and if you waste your time being negative you will miss it.

For those that have not been a Seahawk fan for decades, please note that in the first 26 years of this franchise, we went to the playoffs 5 times. We did not have 1 playoff game from 1989-1998.
Relish in these moments because once it's gone it can seem like forever until it comes back.


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Apr 25, 2013
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Bevell is guilty of running a high school level offense at the nfl level. I blame the Dallas loss on him and his refusal to call real plays and not bubble screens. I also find his clock management to be horrendous, constantly calling pass when we need to burn clock.


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Bevell is guilty of running a high school level offense at the nfl level. I blame the Dallas loss on him and his refusal to call real plays and not bubble screens. I also find his clock management to be horrendous, constantly calling pass when we need to burn clock.
You sir, are entitled to your opinion.
I say it is too easy to blame the OC. I would guess most fans blame the OC for all sorts of reasons related to play calling.


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It could be argued that we are one of the favorites to reach the Super Bowl again. Every coach stays, if they choose to, whenever we make it to the Super Bowl. Pretty simply logic here.


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Nobody is going to get fired. Only changes that will happen is if they ( Bevell and Cable) get a better job. Seahawks have been to successful for heads to roll. I do get why folks get upset with the offense and I think the Seahawks coaching staff is working on improving the offense. I'm hoping to see some improvement....starting this weekend. However the injury bug hitting the OL may make that hard.


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brutal. if you can't be happy with this team this year im glad I didn't knwo you at the end of the big show era adn the mora year...... now that was bad football.

Just stop you look foolish. This is a very special time and if you waste your time being negative you will miss it.

Bevell licks balls!


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You sir, are entitled to your opinion.
I say it is too easy to blame the OC. I would guess most fans blame the OC for all sorts of reasons related to play calling.

He's the one that convinced Pete to get Harvin, and then in the end couldn't real him in and we had to give up on him. The offensive play calling is questionable at times, and unless it's unstoppable then next man up.


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You sir, are entitled to your opinion.
I say it is too easy to blame the OC. I would guess most fans blame the OC for all sorts of reasons related to play calling.

Its too easy because bevell makes it easy. Nobody in their right mind goes empty set on 1st down. Its elementary. You also dont call bubble screens more than once or twice a game. For a while there it was once or twice a series.

The other part that i hate about him is his constant failures in the redzone, especially inside the 5. I cant count how many times he has called pass on the 1 and almost never gets in with it.

The guy is a joke of an OC, he only looks successful because wilson and a historically good defense.


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Its too easy because bevell makes it easy. Nobody in their right mind goes empty set on 1st down. Its elementary. You also dont call bubble screens more than once or twice a game. For a while there it was once or twice a series.

The other part that i hate about him is his constant failures in the redzone, especially inside the 5. I cant count how many times he has called pass on the 1 and almost never gets in with it.

The guy is a joke of an OC, he only looks successful because wilson and a historically good defense.

Generally speaking I get a kick out of fans who are just so certain they would do a better job play calling than any professional OC.

Every team develops a game plan during the week. Maybe the OC follows it, maybe he doesn't but how would any fan know?

You seem to be criticizing Bevell for ever throwing the ball in high leverage situations. We already run the ball more than any other team. How would running it MORE make the team better?
Sep 19, 2014
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My take on the stats earlier isn't much related to this thread. That said, it's shocking that Wilson only has one grounding call given that he leads the league in throwing the ball away.

On topic, coaches who help teams to winning seasons, playoffs and Superbowls are rarely sent away. Any of the guys mentioned in this thread are very likely to be with the team next year if they want to be. Sometimes it really is that simple.


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Everyone needs to remember that our rush blocking is pretty good, but our pass blocking sucks. This is kind of by design as we are a run first team that has a QB that can scramble out of trouble. Also, building the OL, while always important, has never been top priority compared to shoring up other areas.

In the modern NFL you can't excel at every aspect of the game due to free agency and cap restrictions. We have chosen to go big on the D and get an offense that relies on a freak HB who runs like a bulldozer and managed to find a very smart and mobile QB to create a conservative and mistake free football. We are loaded on D. Our O is built to get by.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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Its too easy because bevell makes it easy. Nobody in their right mind goes empty set on 1st down. Its elementary. You also dont call bubble screens more than once or twice a game. For a while there it was once or twice a series.

The other part that i hate about him is his constant failures in the redzone, especially inside the 5. I cant count how many times he has called pass on the 1 and almost never gets in with it.

The guy is a joke of an OC, he only looks successful because wilson and a historically good defense.

Who cares if they run empty sets on early downs? Lynch is often on the field as a receiver in those sets, usually lining up in the backfield, then splitting out. Its just a counter to a defense sticking 8-9 in the box. Every team with a good QB does this same thing.

And the RZ stuff, we all know what Lynch is capable of, including the opposition. Unfortunately, settling for FGs will the norm until they get big receivers in there. But you have to call plays to keep the defense on their heels and allow Wilson to move around and try to manipulate them.
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Pete or John S will launch anyone that does not benefit this team. Bevell has been Pete's OC for years and Pete knows exactly what he will get out of Bevell. It is obvious that Pete is good with Bevell as his OC.
Bevell also drives me crazy at times but whoever will replace him will cause the same feelings.


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Nobody is going to get fired. Only changes that will happen is if they ( Bevell and Cable) get a better job. Seahawks have been to successful for heads to roll. I do get why folks get upset with the offense and I think the Seahawks coaching staff is working on improving the offense. I'm hoping to see some improvement....starting this weekend. However the injury bug hitting the OL may make that hard.

Yep i agree with this and it's why i said i hope Cable gets a HC offer lol

As far as the injury bug goes it's not just the oline, it's the TE's also ( McCoy, Helfet and Miller and Wilson has be hurt a lot) and now a WR


Human NFL Almanac and College Football Insider
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We need to get the OL fixed in the worst way possible. It's beyond frustrating at this point and it'd be nice to believe that Pete will be proactive in fixing this area, even if it means replacing Cable.

In sports, you're never staying the same.. you're either getting worse or getting better. So you can't just sit on your hands and use a Super Bowl win as an excuse to not make any changes. The best organizations are always ahead of the curve and I'd like to think we're in that class now.

The idea of having to spend our first 2 picks on the OL is beyond frustrating. Doing that sends the message to current personnel that it's not a coaching issue.. and I just don't believe that to be entirely true. It's been a personnel turnstyle on the OL for years and we just haven't been able to develop long-term linemen. It's illogical to think that we're drafting effectively everywhere else but on the OL.

We need help at WR and along the DL, when will be able to draft and/or spend in FA at those positions?