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Any chance Pete will replace Bevell and/or Cable?


Human NFL Almanac and College Football Insider
Nov 24, 2014
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I've been hoping that someone would offer Bevell a HC job, but am getting less confident about that happening. It's too bad Wisconsin wasn't interested in him, that would've made for an easy exit.

How likely will Pete replace Bevell and/or Cable?


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There is interest in both by some teams for coaching jobs,i know that Cable is being looked at by a few.


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I believe the Hawks would do better with a new Oline coach. The talent level and the play level doesn't fit if you ask me. I think some new blood coaching the Oline could help more than it would hurt. As far as Bevell goes, meh not to worried. With better line play i have no doubts that the offensive play would improve drastically. These two go hand in hand and i believe you all know this all ready. With a under performing oline you won't have a very good offense.

We have seen glimpses where this team is unstoppable on offense when the line is playing good.
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There's been plenty of interest, but our coaches have been a little busy the last couple of years in January and February and teams have been unwilling to wait it out to hire our guys. I'm curious to see what this offense would look like with a new coordinator and offensive line coach. We'd still have a run-based offense and the blocking scheme would probably stay the same, but other things like playcalling, would change. On the defensive side, Quinn has been drawing interest and continues to draw interest based on what I've been reading, so a change in coordinators on both sides is coming at some point soon.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Come on guys. The Grass isn't always greener. We are in the midst of the best football of this franchises history. Quit your bitching about bevell and cable.

Also please please please realize the personnel these guys have. Also Please please please realize that PC tells Bevell and Wilson EVERY WEEK Do not turn the ball over. Do not, be conservative, when in doubt a punt is not bad. Because OUR D will take you to the promised land. Dont F up the works offense..........


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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Come on guys. The Grass isn't always greener. We are in the midst of the best football of this franchises history. Quit your bitching about bevell and cable.

Also please please please realize the personnel these guys have. Also Please please please realize that PC tells Bevell and Wilson EVERY WEEK Do not turn the ball over. Do not, be conservative, when in doubt a punt is not bad. Because OUR D will take you to the promised land. Dont F up the works offense..........



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Come on guys. The Grass isn't always greener. We are in the midst of the best football of this franchises history. Quit your bitching about bevell and cable.

Also please please please realize the personnel these guys have. Also Please please please realize that PC tells Bevell and Wilson EVERY WEEK Do not turn the ball over. Do not, be conservative, when in doubt a punt is not bad. Because OUR D will take you to the promised land. Dont F up the works offense..........

I'm sorry I can't read your post right now, having to back up five yards as James Carpenter just false started. (can't hold his water to save his life). (walks five yards away). K lets see something about PC..... wait yellow on the field. DAMN it Okung. false start:bawling::bawling::L


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Come on guys. The Grass isn't always greener. We are in the midst of the best football of this franchises history. Quit your bitching about bevell and cable.

Also please please please realize the personnel these guys have. Also Please please please realize that PC tells Bevell and Wilson EVERY WEEK Do not turn the ball over. Do not, be conservative, when in doubt a punt is not bad. Because OUR D will take you to the promised land. Dont F up the works offense..........

Stop defending bevell with this BS. Conservative? Like throwing with 4 minutes left and giving up Twp sacks and having to punt from your own 5 instead of your own 40?

That is the idiotic crap that bevell pulls that NOBODY else would ever call. You never throw when you are trying to burn clock, never.


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Stop defending bevell with this BS. Conservative? Like throwing with 4 minutes left and giving up Twp sacks and having to punt from your own 5 instead of your own 40?

That is the idiotic crap that bevell pulls that NOBODY else would ever call. You never throw when you are trying to burn clock, never.

Ahh such a fan move, point to one bone head move... Hey ill play too, We should of kicked the field goal with 8 seconds left in the first half v sf.... Also the penalty situation ultimately falls on the head coach. should we fire PC too?

Why dont you give him credit too, we lead the league in rushing, we have a middle of the road offense in total even though the Head coach wants you to be uber conservative, even though your top 3 receiving targets are Doug B UDFA, Kearse UDFA, Moeaki picked up off the streets a month ago.

Grass isn't always greener. Ask the bears how they like their offensive coordinator or the niners etc. etc. etc.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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Don't fix it if it ain't broke.

Why on earth would PC/JS want to get rid of Bevell or Cable off a team that has played this well over the last 3 seasons? Even if they miss the playoffs this year the story wouldn't be bad play calling costing them the season. It would be about the deep injuries over the middle of the season and lack of depth losing them one too many key games at that time.

Fans get too wrapped up into putting the blame for every bad play on the OC/Play caller. HC's have a lot more information. In our case PC is likely telling them exactly what he wants and has been getting exactly what he asked for.

There is zero chance either are forced out. Zero.


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Apr 17, 2013
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I'm sorry I can't read your post right now, having to back up five yards as James Carpenter just false started. (can't hold his water to save his life). (walks five yards away). K lets see something about PC..... wait yellow on the field. DAMN it Okung. false start:bawling::bawling::L

At least we don't have Brandon Browner anymore. Poor guy has played in only 7 games and he's the most penalized player in the NFL (13) and is averaging just shy of 1 PI a game (5). He's the reason people thought Seattle mugged players (and the rules changed) and he's showing NE what it's like. Don't get me wrong, I love Browner, but he's so big for his position, he gets flagged for the same thing other guys do, he's just so big it looks worse when he does it.

Everyone points at Carpenter as if he's been heavily penalized, but that isn't the case. He's been flagged only 7 times in 14 games, and only 2 of those were pre-snap. I can handle 2 false starts every 14 games.

Here's the penalties by the offense (parenthesis are for total accepted):

Russell Okung (9) 6 - False Starts 3 - Holding
Carpenter (7) 3 - Holding 2 - False Starts 1 - Illegal Use of the Hands 1 - Unnecessary Roughness
Britt (7) 3 - False Starts 2 - Clipping 2 - Holding
Wilson (7) 5 - Delay of Game 2 - Intentional Grounding 1 - Illegal Forward Pass
Sweezy (5) 4 - False Starts 1 - Holding
Lockette (4) 1 - Illegal Motion 1 - Illegal Block Above the Waist 1 - Offensive Pass Interference 1 - Unnecessary Roughness
Bailey (4) 2 - False Starts 1 - Ineligible Down Field 1 - Holding
Gilliam (3) 1 - Ineligible Down Field 1 - Illegal Motion 1 - Illegal Formation
Miller (3) 1 - Personal Foul 1 - Holding 1 - Offensive Pass Interference 1 - False Start
Turbin (2) 1 - Illegal Block Above the Waist 1 - Offensive Pass Interference
Unger (2) 2 - False Starts
Lynch (2) 1 - Taunting 1 - False Start
Jeanpierre (1) 1 - False Start
Baldwin (1) 1 - Neutral Zone Infraction
Schilling (1) 1 - False Start
Richardson (1) 1 - Holding
Harvin (1) 1 - False Start
Lewis (1) 1 - Ineligible Down Field
Kearse (1) 1 - Holding
Willson (1) 1 - Holding

Totals (63) 24 - False Starts; 14 - Holding; 5 - Delay of Games; 3 - Offensive Pass Interference; 3 - Ineligible Down Field; 2 - Intentional Grounding; 2 - Unnecessary Roughness; 2 -Clipping; 2 - Illegal Block Above the Waist; 2 - Illegal Motion; 1 - Illegal Use of Hands; 1 - Illegal Forward Pass; 1 - Illegal Formation; 1 - Personal Foul; 1 - Taunting; 1 - Neutral Zone Infraction
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Apr 23, 2013
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Look at the results we have had with both Bevell and Cable (who is also assistant HC).
2012:11-5, lost in Divisional round by less than a FG.
2013:13-3, Super Bowl Winner.
2014:10-4 and the season isn't finished.
It would be foolish to mess with this leadership.


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At least we don't have Brandon Browner anymore. Poor guy has played in only 7 games and he's the most penalized player in the NFL (13) and is averaging just shy of 1 PI a game (5). He's the reason people thought Seattle mugged players (and the rules changed) and he's showing NE what it's like. Don't get me wrong, I love Browner, but he's so big for his position, he gets flagged for the same thing other guys do, he's just so big it looks worse when he does it.

Everyone points at Carpenter as if he's been heavily penalized, but that isn't the case. He's been flagged only 7 times in 14 games, and only 2 of those were pre-snap. I can handle 2 false starts every 14 games.

Here's the penalties by the offense (parenthesis are for total accepted):

Russell Okung (9) 6 - False Starts 3 - Holding
Carpenter (7) 3 - Holding 2 - False Starts 1 - Illegal Use of the Hands 1 - Unnecessary Roughness
Britt (7) 3 - False Starts 2 - Clipping 2 - Holding
Wilson (7) 5 - Delay of Game 2 - Intentional Grounding 1 - Illegal Forward Pass
Sweezy (5) 4 - False Starts 1 - Holding
Lockette (4) 1 - Illegal Motion 1 - Illegal Block Above the Waist 1 - Offensive Pass Interference 1 - Unnecessary Roughness
Bailey (4) 2 - False Starts 1 - Ineligible Down Field 1 - Holding
Gilliam (3) 1 - Ineligible Down Field 1 - Illegal Motion 1 - Illegal Formation
Miller (3) 1 - Personal Foul 1 - Holding 1 - Offensive Pass Interference 1 - False Start
Turbin (2) 1 - Illegal Block Above the Waist 1 - Offensive Pass Interference
Unger (2) 2 - False Starts
Lynch (2) 1 - Taunting 1 - False Start
Jeanpierre (1) 1 - False Start
Baldwin (1) 1 - Neutral Zone Infraction
Schilling (1) 1 - False Start
Richardson (1) 1 - Holding
Harvin (1) 1 - False Start
Lewis (1) 1 - Ineligible Down Field
Kearse (1) 1 - Holding
Willson (1) 1 - Holding

Totals (63) 24 - False Starts; 14 - Holding; 5 - Delay of Games; 3 - Offensive Pass Interference; 3 - Ineligible Down Field; 2 - Intentional Grounding; 2 - Unnecessary Roughness; 2 -Clipping; 2 - Illegal Block Above the Waist; 2 - Illegal Motion; 1 - Illegal Use of Hands; 1 - Illegal Forward Pass; 1 - Illegal Formation; 1 - Personal Foul; 1 - Taunting; 1 - Neutral Zone Infraction

blstoker, thanks for the post.
Damn, 24 false starts. 6 by our extremely high priced and oft injured LT. It's one thing if the T's get more penalties due to being the farthest from Center, but Britt, our rookie RT has 1/2 of Okungs flags for FS.


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Apr 22, 2013
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Yes Uhsplit you are right but lets look at results.
2012 Wilson ( a very mobile QB ) sacked 33 times
2013 Wilson ( a very Mobile QB ) sacked 44 times
2014 Wilson ( a very mobile QB ) sacked 38 times ( 2 games remaining )
the Oline play has not improved even though we have improved player talent supposedly.

I won't bash Bevell because he can't do much when his QB is running for his life every weekend. lol

I hope Cable gets a head coaching job and the Hawks pick up someone who can breath some life into this Oline and get them more disciplined. The oline presnap penalties are killing us along with their piss poor pass blocking. That is all on Cable as Pete doesn't work with the Oline at all.
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Yes Uhsplit you are right but lets look at results.
2012 Wilson ( a very mobile QB ) sacked 33 times
2013 Wilson ( a very Mobile QB ) sacked 44 times
2014 Wilson ( a very mobile QB ) sacked 38 times ( 2 games remaining )
the Oline play has not improved even though we have improved player talent supposedly.

I won't bash Bevell because he can't do much when his QB is running for his life every weekend. lol

I hope Cable gets a head coaching job and the Hawks pick up someone who can breath some life into this Oline and get them more disciplined. The oline presnap penalties are killing us.
No argument on your post, yet we are the #1 rushing offense in the NFL.
As far as the pre-snaps, I blame the player. Even though I am not at OL practices, I am convinced work is done weekly on pre snap situations. I am sure every NFL team works continually at that. Our players suck at this. This is not X's and O's. There is no reason at all for a FS when our team is at home and the crowd is quiet.
The biggest offender is Okung. He has 50% more FS penalties than our #2 offender. Replace him. He hurts us at penalties, injuries, and cap hit (highest cap hit on the team this year). That is who is to blame.


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Yes Uhsplit you are right but lets look at results.
2012 Wilson ( a very mobile QB ) sacked 33 times
2013 Wilson ( a very Mobile QB ) sacked 44 times
2014 Wilson ( a very mobile QB ) sacked 38 times ( 2 games remaining )
the Oline play has not improved even though we have improved player talent supposedly.

I won't bash Bevell because he can't do much when his QB is running for his life every weekend. lol

I hope Cable gets a head coaching job and the Hawks pick up someone who can breath some life into this Oline and get them more disciplined. The oline presnap penalties are killing us along with their piss poor pass blocking. That is all on Cable as Pete doesn't work with the Oline at all.

brutal. if you can't be happy with this team this year im glad I didn't knwo you at the end of the big show era adn the mora year...... now that was bad football.

Just stop you look foolish. This is a very special time and if you waste your time being negative you will miss it.


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No argument on your post, yet we are the #1 rushing offense in the NFL.
As far as the pre-snaps, I blame the player. Even though I am not at OL practices, I am convinced work is done weekly on pre snap situations. I am sure every NFL team works continually at that. Our players suck at this. This is not X's and O's. There is no reason at all for a FS when our team is at home and the crowd is quiet.
The biggest offender is Okung. He has 50% more FS penalties than our #2 offender. Replace him. He hurts us at penalties, injuries, and cap hit (highest cap hit on the team this year). That is who is to blame.

Yes you are now talking about Oline discipline or the lack there of. That is all on Cable because he obviously is not getting the message across to these guys.

As far as #1 in rushing, lets be real about that. Russell Wilson and Marshawn Lynch could make the leagues worst rushing team #1 and you know it. There is a reason Marshawn normally leads the league in Yards After Contact every year.


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Bevell and Cable will not be fired from this team. The only way they'll go is if they take another job elsewhere. I'm still really hoping Bevell will keep drawing interest and get hired, I will help pack his bags.


What Me Worry?
Jun 25, 2014
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I've been hoping that someone would offer Bevell a HC job, but am getting less confident about that happening. It's too bad Wisconsin wasn't interested in him, that would've made for an easy exit.

How likely will Pete replace Bevell and/or Cable?
Bevell has done a great job teaching Wilson how to excel at QB. I don't understand why you'd want to get rid of a real team asset.


What Me Worry?
Jun 25, 2014
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Bevell and Cable will not be fired from this team. The only way they'll go is if they take another job elsewhere. I'm still really hoping Bevell will keep drawing interest and get hired, I will help pack his bags.
Why all the hate directed towards Bevell?