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AL Central Smack Talk


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May 6, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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That wasnt my intention...my intention is to let you know that as a Mod Im aware every time you whine - & why. Grow up...or at least grow a set & learn how to take it as well as give

Capto... If you enjoy seeing bums come here and talk about my wife, what I do for a living, and how fast I ran the 800m enjoy.. I am probably leaving this site if you are an admin... its not worth my time posting here.. you are the biggest baby of them all.. jumping bandwagons... crying about being called out for stuff you said... LOL.. seriously.. who makes people admins around here.. would love to show them some of your posts.


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You are not the main admin... you were made an admin days ago... you do not run this site.

No I dont run SportsHoopla - but I am the Mod for this board. Hammer is the site admin - you know, the guy youve been whining to about Bums


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That wasnt my intention...my intention is to let you know that as a Mod Im aware every time you whine - & why. Grow up...or at least grow a set & learn how to take it as well as give

I would also like to point out that in no post here have I ever made any reference to anyone's wife.. if mods want to allow that kind of stuff around here... that shows the quality this site is striving for.


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Capto... If you enjoy seeing bums come here and talk about my wife, what I do for a living, and how fast I ran the 800m enjoy.. I am probably leaving this site if you are an admin... its not worth my time posting here.. you are the biggest baby of them all.. jumping bandwagons... crying about being called out for stuff you said... LOL.. seriously.. who makes people admins around here.. would love to show them some of your posts.

About as funny you think everything youve said about everybody else is

Hammer is probably reading this thread right now...& getting a laughs himself


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Hoopla Cash
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No I dont run SportsHoopla - but I am the Mod for this board. Hammer is the site admin - you know, the guy youve been whining to about Bums

Yeah.. I did talk to Hammerdown about him capto... i did... the first time last night.. because I am sick of him coming on here and posting pages at a time about me and not about sports... like me or not.. if you can find one post where I make reference to one's wife or income, or such here.. on this site.. I will gladly "stop whining" but your job as an admin is supposed to be to keep the forum in line... and if you think the others here enjoy da55bums presence... you are wrong.. like me or not... I talk sports here... and for some reason he keeps straying away from that to talk about my life. Enjoy bro... I will stay on the tigers forum where you are not the admin.


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I would also like to point out that in no post here have I ever made any reference to anyone's wife.. if mods want to allow that kind of stuff around here... that shows the quality this site is striving for.

Boo hoo. If I was as anal as you I could produce volumes of the vile attacks youve made on me & others. But Im not


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Capto... If you enjoy seeing bums come here and talk about my wife, what I do for a living, and how fast I ran the 800m enjoy.. I am probably leaving this site if you are an admin... its not worth my time posting here.. you are the biggest baby of them all.. jumping bandwagons... crying about being called out for stuff you said... LOL.. seriously.. who makes people admins around here.. would love to show them some of your posts.

Oh, I'm sure you will.


Well Liked Member
May 6, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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About as funny you think everything youve said about everybody else is

Hammer is probably reading this thread right now...& getting a laughs himself

Nothing I have posted on this thread had any reference to any other person's personal life, wife, or wealth.. Like I said... if this is your thread that you admin for.. I won't post here anymore.. between you and da55bums.. it has nothing of value for me.. and I am sure the guy that actually started this thread will agree.


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Boo hoo. If I was as anal as you I could produce volumes of the vile attacks youve made on me & others. But Im not

On this site? Show me


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Yeah.. I did talk to Hammerdown about him capto... i did... the first time last night.. because I am sick of him coming on here and posting pages at a time about me and not about sports... like me or not.. if you can find one post where I make reference to one's wife or income, or such here.. on this site.. I will gladly "stop whining" but your job as an admin is supposed to be to keep the forum in line... and if you think the others here enjoy da55bums presence... you are wrong.. like me or not... I talk sports here... and for some reason he keeps straying away from that to talk about my life. Enjoy bro... I will stay on the tigers forum where you are not the admin.

Nobody would post anything about your wife, business or income if you hadnt been so busy bragging & putting that info out there. Once in public domain its public property


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May 6, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Nobody would post anything about your wife, business or income if you hadnt been so busy bragging & putting that info out there. Once in public domain its public property

LOL... never once have I "bragged" about my income.. nobody here has any idea of how much money I have... I could be some regular guy.. I could have millions... I have never posted that info anywhere.. not here.. nor on cbs... trust me I know that for a fact. I believe I discussed a bar I own one time on cbs years ago.. but since some trolls saw that post.. they carried on with that until this day...

Once again Capto.. you may get mad about what I said back on page 87... but I saw your post on cbs.. and trust me.. what you posted there.. you would never actually say to a Hispanic person in person... another thing I stand by... Maybe you regret what you said.. but trust me.. you said some messed up shit there... and it was done to take a jab at me most likely.. and it went to far.. but it was said.

You may not like me.. but you can not say I have done anything on THIS SITE... that would be considered wrong. Enjoy your new job as admin of this thread bro...

You know the funny thing capto.. up until a few months ago... I actually enjoyed chatting with you... and outside of a few arguments... We got along fine.. It wasn't until you decided to get in the middle of the battle I have on cbs with royals fans that you decided to ruin that. I never once did anything to you before you injected yourself into that... and you used to joke with me by starting our conversations by saying " how goes the war?" You remember that??? I rarely post on Indians related gamecenters or threads.. anywhere... You know that to.. Out of a season.. I may appear on 10 indians gamecenters that are not tigers games... and I doubt you will find my name on any indians related threads...

You decided to take a side of KC fans on cbs.. got in the middle of a war that you didn't know all the truth on.. and now you dislike me... that is the facts... you know it and I know it. Maybe if you knew why I started messing with royals fans over there you would have stayed out of it.. ask tigers fans here on this site that go on cbs if royals fans trolled tigers fans... ask them if they are innocent... they are not.. and da55bums was banned from cbs because he made a threat about guns in private messages to me... ask a cbs admin.. call cbs... he is why they got rid of the message boards... as soon as he started that bs... they deemed the message boards to much of a risk and outsourced them to livefrye. I just taught you something.


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Why dont you tell me what the war was all about then? Ive been buddys with a number of the KC guys for several yrs & pretty much seen everything that went on. You forget you also spent an entire season on the Tribe glog trashing the team, the city, & a lot of the posters personally

& I cant even being to count the number of times youve bragged about your business, your high rise condo, your hot Brazilian wife... Never have seen anything about your income, but maybe its just something I missed

What I said on cBS referred to a DEMOGRAPHIC here in Cleveland. & anybody from Cleveland would say the same things about that area. Ill also bet your wife was never robbed & had her vehicle stolen by a bunch of Puerto Rican crackheads when her vehicle broke down in that area... Oh yeah...I have dozens of reason to hate those people...IN THAT AREA. Never made a universal comment. Thats something you made it into...


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Apr 19, 2013
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I will never understand the "Walmart Wolverine" comments. People pick their allegiance to a school well before they attend college. Most are brought up in households who cheer on one team or another.

If anything -- the whole "Walmart Wolverine" thing makes MSU fans look bad. Are you saying because I didn't graduate high school with a 4.0 and score a 36 on my ACT that I can't be a die hard Michigan fan, even though I grew up in a household filled with die hard Michigan fans?

I can say without hesitation I didn't get accepted into UM -- I had no chance with my grades in high school -- I was more worried about sports and girls. Does that make me a "Walmart Wolverine"?

I don't know what the enrollment restrictions are today, but MSU was basically open enrollment when I graduated high school. It was where everyone applied, because they'd be accepted. I had two buddies in high school who barely graduated, but both were accepted into MSU and got great educations (one is a lawyer now, while the other took a different route and never gave up his pill addiction, but he does have a bachelor's from MSU in accounting, I believe).

If MSU would just let it go and accept what they are as a university -- all this wouldn't be necessary. All the talk of MSU winning 4 in a row vs. UM and blah, blah, blah is silliness. MSU is a basketball school and they have a heck of a team. It'd be like Michigan talking trash to MSU because they have beaten them 3 of the last 4 in basketball. It doesn't mean UM is the better team -- it means MSU hit a soft stretch and UM had a good team for a few years.

In the end -- it doesn't matter if you went to UM or MSU -- if you weren't cheering for one school or the other before you went to college, you aren't a die hard fan anyway. You are brought up to root for Maize and Blue or Green and White. You don't pick a side once you attend college.


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You may not like me.. but you can not say I have done anything on THIS SITE... that would be considered wrong. Enjoy your new job as admin of this thread bro...

You know the funny thing capto.. up until a few months ago... I actually enjoyed chatting with you... and outside of a few arguments... We got along fine.. It wasn't until you decided to get in the middle of the battle I have on cbs with royals fans that you decided to ruin that.

Im not an Admin, Vice. Im a Mod. Totally different thing. I have no power to ban anyone, & wouldnt anyway unless they were way over the top. Just trying to inject here that when you dish it out, you got to expect to get it back (& not cry about it). Maybe you & Bums should have a little private convo & try to straighten things out


Well Liked Member
May 6, 2013
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Flat out Capto.. you know it and I know it.. we had no problems until a few months ago you decided you were going to fight battles for the kc fans...

They are not innocent... they trolled tigers glogs religiously as well. Have I pestered them non stop for 3 years now? Yup.. because they don't stop.. its on both sides... Its equal. Every time I decide I am going to leave them alone.. they come find me and troll away. Da55bums.. how did he find me here capto? Did you happen to see his first post on this thread?

Like I said.. me and you were fine.. never had an issue... For what ever reason you decided to take it to another level... that is your issue.. I came here to discuss sports.. what I do on cbs has no bearing on this site. I don't come here to talk about what goes on or went on there... You talk about not being able to take it but being able to dish it? Seriosuly.. you are just mad at me right now because I called you out on crying about the Indians after getting swept from the Tigers... You tell me to grow up? Look in the mirror... this thread went to shit... I am sticking to the Tigers forum until this can get back to sports.


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MiamiVice, why is it that when you signed up here my inbox got flooded with warnings about you and since then you've been a magnet for personal conflict?

Do you honestly think that when you reveal things about your personal life that a.) guys on a sports forum aren't allowed to bring those things up and/or that b.) when they do, it is "stalking?"

How many different people are "stalking" you? I just don't get it.


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Im not an Admin, Vice. Im a Mod. Totally different thing. I have no power to ban anyone, & wouldnt anyway unless they were way over the top. Just trying to inject here that when you dish it out, you got to expect to get it back (& not cry about it). Maybe you & Bums should have a little private convo & try to straighten things out

there is nothing I have to say to that clown... he needs to keep me out of his posts... and stop making me the focus of every thing on this thread. before he showed up.. this thread was a sports thread with a little sports trash talk... he shows up and it turns into how fast miamivice ran a race in 1997.

If you as a mod want to look at something.. why not look at how da55bums has shifted over to the Tigers forum and started trolling tigers fans on the forum just for tigers fans. If you see me posting on the royals forum or the indians forum here to troll... please.. suggest me to be banned... I would agree.

CBS is a shithole that everyone trolls on... I don't troll here. I am here to post about sports... and would love it if I didn't have creeps like da55bums taking the focus off sports to discuss my wife or what I ate last week.