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Advice for Tebow: Retire now, by Gregg Doyle

Dec 23, 2009
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
"Tim Tebow has been a great story, but I'm concerned about how this story ends. It's not the Florida fan in me, or the Tim Tebow fan in me, because neither fan exists. But the writer in me? The writer in me exists, and the writer in me is concerned. Writers love a good story, and we especially love a good ending. "

Advice for Tebow: Retire now - NCAA Football - CBSSports.com

What a jerk.
Dec 23, 2009
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
This was one of the comments after the article. What a f'n burn!

"This is why no one knows who Doyel is...
...because he never has a story when he writes. He tries to tell us that Tebow should retire while he is on top? Doyel, you should never try and pursue a real news outlet because this is the best you can do. Dont ever take a better job at a real newspaper because you will fail. Where were you when Vince Young was highly touted? What about Akili Smith? These guys were suppose to be great and werent, but yet you say Tebow cant play at the next level? The guy is a winner, the NFL is so bad right now im sure he could go and start for 10-15 teams next year. Why does the racist media have to consistently steroetype players based on what color he is?"


I AM the liquor
Dec 19, 2009
recovered swampland
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
while i think his main point is rediculous (dont even try) a lot of what he says is accurate.
Dec 23, 2009
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
This guy really makes the reporter look like a dumbass.

"OH man, Reasoning of mediocre human...
...I find it very interesting that anyone would encourage someone not to pursue their dream because they lack an undeniable route of success. That individuals who agree with your ranting usually attach negative adjectives such as teblow and use descriptive terms of hate and bigotry. You attack the political and religous beliefs of an individual and when someone of like mind agrees in kind, you describe them as blind and ignorant. Proving in the same paragraph that you are blind, ignorant and incensitive to the beliefs of the christian population. (also as a scientist it irritates me when some individuals use irrelevant numbers; 4.5 billion non christians, to support a statement of hypothesis (opinion). We as humans should support all individuals regardless of race, age, sex and political affiliation who strive to make our world a better place. We all take avenues to our ventures in life and failures are often a builder of character. Many times over history great individuals failed in attempts to succeed and also did not go out on top, but drastically altered our way of life. Of one note is the History of Abraham Lincoln. All who read this should google his life history. Without his walk through life we would be living in an entirely different country."
Dec 23, 2009
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
while i think his main point is rediculous (dont even try) a lot of what he says is accurate.

Since when is rippen out a bunch of facts considered accurate? How could one not be accurate?

What the guy is saying, and what I love about that second comment that I posted, is that this guy is saying that Tebow should not even try. WTF? REally? Don't try at the next level because you probably would fail? This guy should get a slap across across the face by everyone who is a winner because you don't win without taking the chance.

What a dipshit. The comments at the bottom of his piece are hysterical.