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Adrian Peterson reportedly indicted for child abuse

Macho Grande

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Aug 20, 2014
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Look at what has happened to this world with a generation of kids who were never spanked. I never spanked BECAUSE my parents did it. Hangars, straps, something that can swing longer than their arm that was in reach was used. A switch, most probably cause much less damage than Adrians hand would have done.

Its a parents right, no its a parents responsibility to discipline. There are kids driving around texting and facebooking with no worry about what will happen to them. They will kill more than a switch will kill.

I cant believe a man is being arrested for disciplining his child. What are they gonna start doing, storing these players in glass houses during the weeks of the season?

Whipping with switch to the point of lacerations and bleeding goes far beyond anything needed for a little 4 year old.


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Look at what has happened to this world with a generation of kids who were never spanked. I never spanked BECAUSE my parents did it. Hangars, straps, something that can swing longer than their arm that was in reach was used. A switch, most probably cause much less damage than Adrians hand would have done.

Its a parents right, no its a parents responsibility to discipline
. There are kids driving around texting and facebooking with no worry about what will happen to them. They will kill more than a switch will kill.

I cant believe a man is being arrested for disciplining his child. What are they gonna start doing, storing these players in glass houses during the weeks of the season?

Absolutely. But there's no rule that say that beating a kid is the only way to do it. Anything but. If AP couldn't figure out a better way to settle an argument over a video game then he's a completely crappy parent. And the way he was taught to discipline is just as crappy.

No kid was ever dangerously abused and died because of a time out. To say whipping a kid never hurt anyone ignores the many times it obviously has.

It's time to move on.


High Plains Drifter...
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Spanking leaves bruises. It is a normal human body reaction to a spanking. Spanking with a switch will leave marks. Again, a normal human body reaction.

For me to come close to convicting him of anything "abuse" related - they would have to show me a whole lot more. Open wounds; bleeding; leaving scars; etc...

My wife and I decided a while back that we would not physically discipline our kids. That was a personal choice - but that is not the world that I grew up in.

When I was growing up (in Texas) I got the pleasure of choosing my switch off a tree when I acted up. I had a very good loving family, and not once did it ever cross my mind that I was being abused. In school we would get the paddle. We even knew which teacher had which paddle. One of our coaches had a paddle with holes in it - and we knew not to act up in his class.

If all this is, is a normal spanking with a switch, on the buttocks, which left a few temporary marks - then I am ashamed of the society we live in now. If this is more than that - then I feel truly sorry for the kid, and AP deserves what is coming his way.

we had a couple of teachers who had the paddles with the holes in them. them suckers would damn sure get your attention...


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Listen folks...My parents whooped my ass when I needed it. When it was deserved. Whipping a fucking 4 year old to the point of lacerations is overboard...sorry. 4 years old!?!

My ass whooping were reserved for an age, a little higher than 4.

Leroy Brown

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Ok, no more bullshittin'. Time for the Big Dogs to get serious about the debate.

I'm not opposed to corporal punishment, however we collectively have to draw the line somewhere concerning where discipline ends and abuse begins. I think concerning a 4 year old there is overwhelming agreement if you hit them and cause injury it is excessive and abusive.

This statement, right here, is what we all need to focus on and remember. I don't think anyone here saying it's ok to spank children is saying it's ok to go all AD on your children.

If they are, then I don't stand with that person and therefore, I don't want my arguments blended in with that person in an attempt to set up a straw man, which is what I've been seeing a lot of here.

A kiss on the forehead, and a trophy of some sort?

That seems to be the way things are going...they have 5th grade graduation now.

I don't have all the answers, but I do have a lot of questions. How many of you have had a 13 year old flip you off or watched them hanging around in malls on Monday nights when they should be at home and wondered where their parents were.

I don't advocate child abuse but as a society we have generally swung too far the other way. If you want your kids to turn out right, you need to spend appropriate time with them, and yes, they are going to need discipline from time to time and that may come in the form of a swat on the butt every now and again.

My parents were old school and cuffed me in the head when I needed it, but they worked hard and put me through college and never stopped loving me. I am a firm hater of the media now for the circus they tend to turn things in to. I would love to see the spotlight turned to writers every now and again. Bet their lives aren't so noble.

Just sayin'

Apparently, there's something wrong with you even though you don't know it according to ncmalko1. Matter of fact, you might be on death row soon...all that repressed anger from your childhood beatings are sure to rise to the surface sooner or later. Some Doctoral Candidate Douchebag told me so, so it's FACT. :nod:

I cant stand people who think the parents that dont believe in beating their children are pussies. Yeah, youre a real tough guy cause you beat 4 year old babies.

Its disgusting how macho people think they are. Im not an expert but I do know if you read any dissertation by a Doctoral candidate they will ALL tell you hitting your child does NOTHING to change their behavior. A 4 year old brain isnt developed enough to understand the situation. Evidently all they learn is if you do something someone bigger then you doesnt like then they get to physically and emotionally hurt you.

I couldnt even fathom ever hitting my kid. I love her more then life itself. There is nothing she could do at four where I'd leave bruises all over her body and inflict wounds that are still bleeding days later.

Youre really a bad ass for kicking the shit out of your kid Lakers+USC

Disciplining your child has nothing to do with beating your kids. Parents do it when theyre frustrated and angry. Its been proven that the childs brain doesnt comprehend beatings with getting their act together. I read a study a few years ago that every single person on death row in this country was beat as a kid. Does that mean if you were beat youre going to murder people later in life? No. But when you beat your children they are only learning one thing. Violence. Talk to any child psychiatrist who has studied this as a living. They are all out there begging us not to hit our kids. People get defensive because they were hit or hit their kids but even simple spankings do absolutely nothing positive even though weve tricked ourselves into thinking that. I will never hit either of my kids. I spend as much time as I can supporting, loving, teaching, holding, and caring for my kids and theyve NEVER given me trouble (major, that is). People just cant face the fact that all spankings do is to teach your kids violence. I couldnt imagine hurting the kids who I love more then myself. I watch my beautiful daughter sleep and know that I will never use physical force.

Before you spout off, please back your claims. Where is this study you found saying every person on death row was beaten as a child? Such a bold claim requires proof, which it appears you lack in most of your sweeping generalizations.

Again, if all spanking does is teach children violence, why come my ten year old, who can actually cripple, maim, and murder a child of similar age and stature that is untrained in a viable martial art (give or take two years and twenty or thirty pounds in most instances), hasn't had ANY reports of misbehavior or violence toward other students at school? She was spanked as a kid, so shouldn't she have at least armbar'ed a kid in school by now for cutting in front of her in the lunch line or picking on her because they mistaken her undershorts for panties while she was doing cartwheels at PE?

Every teacher so far has said nothing short of my daughter was an absolute pleasure to have in class, and they are shocked when they learn of her martial arts background. How can you explain that? According to you, she should be on juvenile death row by now.

As far as your other absolute bullshit of ALL child psychiatrists are begging for us not to spank, I'll get to that later...but for now, I'll point out that most psychiatrists have a vested interest in you not spanking your children, and in most cases, it's called Ritalin. Now, psychologists on the other hand....we'll come back to that.

BIGGEST FALACY IN THE WORLD. "Beating kids teach them discipline".

Its been proven over and over and over by experts in the field that is doesnt but it touches nerves of people that were beat or beat their children.

Hold your horses, Mary Poppins, like I said, we're coming back to that.

I never realized how many of you sick fuckers think what Peterson has possibly done is ok. Its pretty easy to tell why its a violent world when you have parents hitting there kids in this manner. Just sick. Just saying.

"How many?" Tell me, how many people have said what he's done is ok? Let's not attempt to set up the strawman that everyone who said they are ok with spanking a child is in agreement with what Peterson did.

You obviously haven't figured out that violence isn't the answer. Perhaps if you weren't beaten as a child, you'd know that.


More self righteous, circular bullshit. No one said spanking is the only way, people here who advocate spanking are only saying it is a part of the disciplinary package used by themselves/their parents.

Because you dont know it worked for you. Maybe you'd be a completely different person if your parents loved you and taught you instead of thinking that hurting you is the answer. Maybe you'd have less insecurities or less fear.

They can prove that by doing studies. THere is a correlation between the violence in our country and people beating little little kids. As I said, one study showed that every single person on death row admitted to being beat as a child. Spankings teach children self doubt, anger, insecurity, violence. Like in your case you were saying a page or 2 ago that parents that dont beat their kids are pussies. Maybe your brain wouldnt associate support, non violence and love as someone being a pussy.

There's no way for you to 'prove' what he would have been had he not been spanked, no more than anyone can prove you could have been greater had you been spanked. Life isn't that simple, and there are no studies that prove what someone would have been in every individual case. So, you're telling me that Oprah would've been greater had she not had the childhood she had? I'm not saying that was the reason for her greatness, but you're saying that no spanking obviously would take away insecurities and fear, so how much higher would she have ascended to without the spankings, according to your 100% reliable data? A mix of Cleopatra, Joan of Arc, and Mary from the Bible? Female God, maybe? I mean, she was abused a lot as a child, so the bar has to be set pretty high seeing what she did accomplish.

So go ahead, prove a negative...PROVE to me how great my child would be without spankings, same for the other posters here who spank or have been spanked. Let me know what her actual ceiling is.

What the research shows is their seems to be no net positive upside to spanking over the long term compared to other types of punishment. Developmentally it is a short term solution.

Essentially, what you say and how you behave around your kids impacts them more positively over the long term than the momentary implementation of pain.

And yeah, that's science.

Hold on, got something for you and ole' ncmalko here...just be patient. I promise it'll be good.

Have you taken a pause and realized you're defending child abuse yet?



To be continued...

Leroy Brown

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Because people react to things differently. YOu might drink a beer and quit. I might drink a beer and become an alcoholic. Some people adapt better then others. But in absolutely no way does hitting your child teach them discipline. That has been proven. Its a quick cure that does nothing to change behavior in the long run. I was floored when I read that study of people on death row. Not one of them came from a family that is anti beating their kids. Not one.


Here's a study for you....in fact, that's a study where Dr. Diana Baumrind of the University of California, Berkeley and her teams of professional researchers over a decade conducted what is considered the most extensive and methodologically thorough child development study yet done. They examined 164 families, tracking their children from age four to 14.

Now, since I'm sure you won't actually read the study because it doesn't support your blanket, baseless findings, I'll go ahead and give you a synopsis with the key takeaways in large text:

By Patricia McBroom, Media Relations

Berkeley - Occasional spanking does not damage a child's social or emotional development, according to a study of long-term consequences in the lives of more than 100 families, reported today (Friday, Aug. 24) by a University of California, Berkeley, psychologist.
The research presented by Diana Baumrind, who co-authored the study with Elizabeth Owens, both research psychologists at UC Berkeley's Institute of Human Development, calls into question a current claim that any physical punishment is harmful to a child.

The study separates out parents who use spanking frequently and severely - resulting in evidence of harm - and focuses on those families who occasionally spank their children, a practice that Baumrind calls normal for the population sampled.

By "spanking," Baumrind refers to striking the child on the buttocks, hands or legs with an open hand without inflicting physical injury and with the intention of modifying the child's behavior.

Baumrind's study also compares spanking with another kind of discipline, namely verbal punishment.

"We found no evidence for unique detrimental effects of normative physical punishment," Baumrind said in an invited address to the American Psychological Association annual meeting today in San Francisco.

"I am not an advocate of spanking," said Baumrind, "but a blanket injunction against its use is not warranted by the evidence. It is reliance on physical punishment, not whether or not it is used at all, that is associated with harm to the child."

She said that, in the absence of compelling evidence of harm, parental autonomy and family privacy should be protected.

Her study of spanking in middle-class, white families was undertaken in response to anti-spanking advocates who have claimed that physical punishment, by itself, has harmful psychological effects on children and hurts society as a whole.

These claims, Baumrind said, have not distinguished the effects of occasional mild-to-moderate spanking from more severe punishment, or taken into account such confounding factors as earlier child misbehavior and the effects of total child rearing patterns - from rejection, on one hand, to warmth and explanation, on the other.

The UC Berkeley study, however, was able to account for all of these factors and others, due to its unique data base. The data were drawn from longitudinal records of child rearing and child outcome in California East Bay families collected at the Institute of Human Development. Families in the Family Socialization and Developmental Competence Project (FSP) were first studied in 1968 when their children were preschoolers, and then in 1972-73 and 1978-80, when the children were early primary schoolers and early adolescents.

In addition to the rich archival material on parental styles and discipline, combined with independent observations and interviews with the children, Baumrind's team created a new instrument for the spanking study. Called the Parent Disciplinary Rating Scale, this instrument rated parents on their strategies for using discipline.

Few of the families, only 4 percent, never used physical punishment when their children were preschoolers, but there was a wide range in the frequency and severity of spanking throughout the whole sample, said Baumrind.

A small minority of parents, from 4 to 7 percent depending on the time period, used physical punishment often and with some intensity. Although these parents were not legally abusive, they were overly severe and used spanking impulsively. Hitting occurred frequently, but it was the intensity that really identified this group, said Baumrind.

She said intensity was rated high if the parent said he or she used a paddle or other instrument to strike the child, or hit on the face or torso, or lifted to throw or shake the child.

This group of parents, identified in the "red zone" for "stop" was removed from the sample at the first stage of analysis. With them went most of the correlations initially found between spanking and long-term harm to children, said Baumrind.

"When we removed this 'red zone' group of parents," said Baumrind, "we were left with very few small but significant correlations between normative physical punishment and later misbehavior among the children at age 8 to 9.

"Red zone parents are rejecting, exploitative and impulsive. They are parents who punish beyond the norm. You have very little to explain after you remove this small group."

She said the few links that remained were explained by the child's prior misbehavior. In other words, when researchers controlled for the tendency of the child to be uncooperative or defiant as preschoolers, all correlations between spanking and harmful effects were close to zero.

In addition to a "red zone," parents were classified into orange, yellow and green zones.

"There were no significant differences between children of parents who spanked seldom (green zone) and those who spanked moderately (yellow zone)," Baumrind said.

Families in the orange zone could have used spanking often, but with little or no intensity. Those in the "yellow zone" used physical punishment only occasionally, with little or no intensity, while those in the "green zone" used little or no physical punishment with no intensity.

The children of parents in the green zone who never spanked were not better adjusted than those, also in the green zone, who were spanked very seldomly, Baumrind said.

Studies of verbal punishment yielded similar results, in that researchers found correlations just as high, and sometimes higher, for total verbal punishment and harm to the child, as for total physical punishment and harm.

"What really matters," said Baumrind, "is the child rearing context. When parents are loving and firm and communicate well with the child (a pattern Baumrind calls authoritative) the children are exceptionally competent and well adjusted, whether or not their parents spanked them as preschoolers."

Baumrind emphasized that her study does not address at all the damaging effects of abusive physical punishment, of which she and other researchers have found ample evidence.

One more time for the cheap seats...

"What really matters," said Baumrind, "is the child rearing context. When parents are loving and firm and communicate well with the child (a pattern Baumrind calls authoritative) the children are exceptionally competent and well adjusted, whether or not their parents spanked them as preschoolers."

So, ncmalko1, can we take the studies done by an actual doctorate in psychology with a freakin' team of researchers (I'm sure a few of them were these mythical doctoral candidates you speak so highly of) over the course of over a decade involving over 100 families as acceptable to your obviously high standards of acceptable research? Or is she too educated for you?

Until you can provide me with a study (not some pinhead with an agenda making claims, like yourself) as or more extensive than this one, please...


Also, I'm still waiting for you to explain why my daughter hasn't gone all Beatrix Kiddo on her fifth grade class yet.

I'll wait.


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11 posts in, and he's got the multi-quote down...popular emoticons..links:think:


Mondo Jay

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My fantasy team has been sent to the Whoopin Room. This is going to hurt.


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But he's really good.

Lemon Harang Pie

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Times change. In the past what happened in the family was the family's business including the wife getting beaten. Same with beating children. Some people here are trying that a spanking or a swat on the butt has it's place but there aren't too many that want to claim that beating a child is still ok.

There's a pretty big difference between giving your child a spanking and abusing your child though.


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Is there a video? Because public as a whole is too dumb to put two and two together....but if theres a video,,,watch out


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Jul 22, 2014
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So they deactivate this guy from playing Sunday for their team. He has yet to be convicted. He's coming straight forward with the truth and how he handles his son.

Obviously management didn't like it or they would not have deactivated him. They know the details.

If you don't like it stand up and release Peterson.
trade him to the pats [tomorrow].....boy do we need a good/running back....!


Never go full Husky
Apr 26, 2013
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Releasing the guy for a misguided form of discipline for a child? Maybe a 2 game suspension but that is ridiculous to release.


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Releasing the guy for a misguided form of discipline for a child? Maybe a 2 game suspension but that is ridiculous to release.
.....but......but....there might've been a ~teddy-bear~ cam in the bedroom...?!


What Me Worry?
Jun 25, 2014
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Spare the rod and spoil the child.

Mondo Jay

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Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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Is there a video? Because public as a whole is too dumb to put two and two together....but if theres a video,,,watch out


Did you see how many jackasses were running around here before the tape came out coming up with ridiculous arguments like "she was probably attacking him relentlessly, a guy's gotta be able to defend himself", "maybe she had a knife", or my favorite "Bruce Lee wasn't much bigger than her and he could really do damage to a guy twice his size"?