UK Cowboy
Happy Father's Day T-Roy
If you wanna talk football lets talk football if you wanna make it personal just stay on the Vikings board. If you can honestly say you truly believe the opinion about Smith not being Elite I will move on and respectfully disagree.
Hey, he might be right. Emmitt wasn't elite. Neither was Playmaker. Aikman was overrated. Moose and Jay were blown up by TV heads. OL was so so. Defense wasn't that good. Jimmy never did anything once he left Dallas. IT'S A MIRACLE THEY WON 3 SUPER BOWLS IN 4 YEARS AND DIDN'T WIN 4 STRAIGHT ONLY BECAUSE THEY POOPED THE NFC CHAMPIONSHIP AWAY TO ANOTHER ALL TIME GREAT TEAM. Meanwhile, the Viking and Lions....have....still....and always will.... SUCK