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A National Championship with no one to root for?


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Many times. Last year was awful given that it was Denver (goes without saying) and Seattle (old AFCW rival) besides the snorefest on the field. Stopped watching after halftime and caught up on some drinking.



12 > 49
May 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,184.88
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Division rival, Team that tries to play the underdog card, team called out QB for not being black enough, fanbase that thinks its better than any other fanbase out there with pretentious 12th man celebration.
Don't the Rams celebrate the 12 people who attend their games too?



May 15, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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one extra pound per square inch more from the Pack...and the SB world might have made more sense.

We'll all just have to settle in for the enviable "three-peat dynasty that Carroll built" talk for the next two years


12 > 49
May 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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What's funny about this board, there is plenty of hate about Seattle, but people bitch when Seattle fans defend their team. It's like they want Seattle fans to just be quiet and take the heat.
This. Anytime someone else starts a thread bashing The Seahawks or the fans, we're crucified for never shutting up about our team.

Oh well. Haters gonna hate.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2012
Hoopla Cash
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Many times. Last year was awful given that it was Denver (goes without saying) and Seattle (old AFCW rival) besides the snorefest on the field.
Didn't the Chiefs beat up on the Seahawks pretty badly in the Derrick Thomas/Neil Smith days?


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Ya' know, I've been to Seattle, and I kinda like it. I never knew how gorgeous and interesting the area was until I spent a week there last May. In another life, I could see a younger, single version of myself living there.

The Seahawks aim to play playoff caliber football all year round. Good defense. Move the ball on the ground. Take care of the football. The QB makes plays as needed. Very easy team for me to like. Much more substance than flash, despite some outspoken players.

I even like some of the long-time Seattle fans. Guys that were rooting for the team when Holmgren looked like he was never ever going to leave Green Bay. Fans that know who Jacob Green and Kenny Easly are without the need to use Google. Fans that were cheering their heads off for Mark's younger brother to succeed at QB. Fans that thought Chris warren was underrated. Fans that thought that Mirer kid might have something after his rookie season. Fans that were dying to see what a healthy Galloway could do if he played an extended period of time with a top notch QB.

Now this new group online... that's what makes it easy to dislike the Seahawks. It's not really the team as much as it is this influx of fans that all claim to be Seahawk fans for the last 35 years or more. They make me feel bad for those in the group that actually are long-time, passionate Seahawks fans. I gotta believe some of the real fans look at these other guys, and just think, "what the fuck? Who the fuck is this dipshit?"

Despite the new bandwagon, I will root against the biggest bandwagon we have seen over the past 15 years. I unfortunately know multiple fans IRL that have bailed on their teams to root for the Pats, and as a sports fan, it's disgusting. While I have a ton of respect for what Brady and Belichik have done, and I have respect for life long Pats fans too, but this shit has got to have more dirt thrown on it. While losing to the retarded younger brother of the best fantasy QB ever has surely burned them, losing to a partially black QB just might chase some of those bandwagon fans back to the Steelers, Packers, and Cowboys, where they belong.

So even though the obviously biased black journalists and guilty whites of the nation will jizz out of control over it, even though the bandwagon will increase even more, even though unbearable fans will become even more unbearable... good luck Seattle.


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,000.00
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Why are people so incredible sensitive to hate for an NFL team? All other teams are fair game but we're not allowed to hate the Seahawks. It's really puzzling.

No one said you can't hate them. The question was why?


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Why are people so incredible sensitive to hate for an NFL team? All other teams are fair game but we're not allowed to hate the Seahawks. It's really puzzling.
Having never been in the NFL winner's circle before, at 1st I didn't get all the hatred towards us??? Many of you who know the taste of the ultimate NFL victory informed me that the hate was truly a backwards way of giving respect, saying we are relevant and we have finally arrived.

Also, I get it that most of us Seahawk fans were told to shut up and get beck to them when we finally win a SB. We took that to heart as evidenced with the best thread ever created once the internet came about. MidnightAngel's thread with 5 minutes remaining in yesterday's game says so much about how we are viewed by the those that love to hate.

That is why now I often say bring on the hate towards us as I view it as a river of melted candy mixed with gallons tears. It's stream is almost overflowing to above capacity with each victory.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Division rival, Team that tries to play the underdog card, team called out QB for not being black enough, fanbase that thinks its better than any other fanbase out there with pretentious 12th man celebration.

Exactly. As a division rival you should either root for one of your division foes to win it all or root for whoever your division foe is playing.
So, you do have a dog in this fight. I don't GAF who you root for.
Any chance you can explain how the teami s playing the undercard, who on the team called out RW, and specifically how does the fanbase relay that they feel they are the best fanbase with our celebrations?


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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What's funny about this board, there is plenty of hate about Seattle, but people bitch when Seattle fans defend their team. It's like they want Seattle fans to just be quiet and take the heat.
Superb observation. Yes, we will defend our position when we feel it is warranted.
We will also bash any of our players when we feel the need to.
Examples: WT3 suspension, BB suspension, BI suspension. We can also forgive as with Bruce Irvin who has been clean as can be since he learned from his mistake.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Didn't the Chiefs beat up on the Seahawks pretty badly in the Derrick Thomas/Neil Smith days?
Without mercy.
So did lots of other teams.
Now that the tide has turned, we are assholes.

Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Ya' know, I've been to Seattle, and I kinda like it. I never knew how gorgeous and interesting the area was until I spent a week there last May. In another life, I could see a younger, single version of myself living there.

The Seahawks aim to play playoff caliber football all year round. Good defense. Move the ball on the ground. Take care of the football. The QB makes plays as needed. Very easy team for me to like. Much more substance than flash, despite some outspoken players.

I even like some of the long-time Seattle fans. Guys that were rooting for the team when Holmgren looked like he was never ever going to leave Green Bay. Fans that know who Jacob Green and Kenny Easly are without the need to use Google. Fans that were cheering their heads off for Mark's younger brother to succeed at QB. Fans that thought Chris warren was underrated. Fans that thought that Mirer kid might have something after his rookie season. Fans that were dying to see what a healthy Galloway could do if he played an extended period of time with a top notch QB.

Now this new group online... that's what makes it easy to dislike the Seahawks. It's not really the team as much as it is this influx of fans that all claim to be Seahawk fans for the last 35 years or more. They make me feel bad for those in the group that actually are long-time, passionate Seahawks fans. I gotta believe some of the real fans look at these other guys, and just think, "what the fuck? Who the fuck is this dipshit?"

Despite the new bandwagon, I will root against the biggest bandwagon we have seen over the past 15 years. I unfortunately know multiple fans IRL that have bailed on their teams to root for the Pats, and as a sports fan, it's disgusting. While I have a ton of respect for what Brady and Belichik have done, and I have respect for life long Pats fans too, but this shit has got to have more dirt thrown on it. While losing to the retarded younger brother of the best fantasy QB ever has surely burned them, losing to a partially black QB just might chase some of those bandwagon fans back to the Steelers, Packers, and Cowboys, where they belong.

So even though the obviously biased black journalists and guilty whites of the nation will jizz out of control over it, even though the bandwagon will increase even more, even though unbearable fans will become even more unbearable... good luck Seattle.

Your post indicates that you know something about the history of our team by not just mentioning names but providing what many opinions were of the players we had. Well done sir.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Lol, well at least you admit it.
Great point and yes, that is how many of us are labeled. More hate and more respect. Again I thank you.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 9,000.35
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I'm leaning towards the patriots.....don't think i can tolerate another Baldwin rant

Oh there's a shocker. :lol:

As for the topic, I've watched several SB's where I didn't give a rats ass who won. I just watch it to watch it and don't pull for either. I'm not sure where it's written that you must go one way or the other. It's the biggest sporting event in the US and one of the biggest in the world. Always worth watching for me, but I understand it may not be for everyone else.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Why are people so incredible sensitive to hate for an NFL team? All other teams are fair game but we're not allowed to hate the Seahawks. It's really puzzling.

No Hammer.... Just flat out no..... Only the Patriots can be hated... No other team ever can


Livin' la vida loca
Apr 21, 2013
Alberta, Canada
Hoopla Cash
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Normally Sonny, that's how I would roll. But I find it extremely difficult to root for the Patriots as long as they have Hoodie-magic and Giselle.

I'll watch the first few minutes and then my rooting interest will fall one way or another. It may be based on which team does the biggest dick-ass move during pre-game or the first couple possessions.

That is great. It's exactly how I've viewed many a sporting competition when my team wasn't in it. I'll start watching, and then at some point for some reason I will start routing for one team. No rhyme or reason to it. My stupid brain just decides I should like one team more than the other.