Well-Known Member
Dean Ambrose is probably one of the 5 biggest stars in WWE at this moment. Losing to him, even clean, isn't a terrible thing. Owens isn't out there losing to Zack Ryder or Kalisto. Owens has been very very good in WWE and has won the vast majority of his matches. He is the Intercontinental champ, beat John Cena clean (even tho he lost the next 2), is fantastic in the ring and the crowd loves him. He is the exact perfect type of person to get this push right now. He can be on Raw every week, he can use this to boost his brand, saying he pushed the beast to the edge in a fight, hell he can use it as an in to being a Paul Heyman guy and it would be amazing. There are a TON of stuff they can do with this if they just open their minds and push a guy.The ratings suck and they need to build new stars. That's obvious. The disagreement here is how Lesnar and part timers fit into it. A match with Lesnar shouldn't be the start of someone's push with 3 months of booking behind it.It should be the culmination of a year or more of strong booking to have someone ready to be a maineventer for the next 10 years when it's over. It should be a huge deal when it happens. It's not going to mean anything if a midcarder who losses clean at every other PPV takes him to the limit.
In the mid 90s when the the WWF was getting killed in the ratings it didn't change over night. Nobody was hotshoted into being the next Hogan.. they singled out their best talent, built the show around them.. it was a process. Steve Austin wasn't the ring master one day and the champion a month later. That wouldn't have made sense